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Page 157

2nd Day

New Words






A Universal* Danger

Man's ability to obliterate life on this planet has increased at a rapid rate. We are now faced with the deplorable prospect of new weapons that can cause destruction of life and property on a scale far beyond our imagination. No matter who takes the first step to initiate a conflict, the possibility exists that the conflagration will spread and envelop the world. Much thought has been given to ways and means of preventing this catastrophe.* Some consider it mandatory* that the nuclear powers seek agreement on methods of limiting and controlling these weapons, for in the absence of such an agreement, we may rue the day atomic energy was made practical.

Sample Sentences

Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks.

1.Who could imagine a more bizarre* story than the one having to do with a cow causing the __________ in Chicago?

2.No matter how one tries to delete material from a computer, it is almost impossible to __________ it.

3.You will __________ that display of histrionics* when I asked you to help.

4.She could not imagine how she was going to get him to __________ a conversation about marriage.

5.The hometown fans thought the umpire's decision was __________.


Let's put the new words together with their meanings.

6. obliterate

____ a. regret

7. deplorable

____ b. sad, pitiable

8. initiate

____ c. erase, wipe out

9. conflagration

____ d. start, set going

10. rue

____ e. great fire

Today's Idiom


blow hot and coldswing for and against something

I told Charlie to give up his summer job and come cross-country biking with us. He's blowing hot and cold on the deal at this point.

Answers are on Page 313






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Page 158

3rd Day







New Words







Taken for Granted

The presence of an ever-flowing supply of fresh, clean water is taken for granted. Unfortunately, this congenial condition is fast disappearing. As our population increases, as industry consumes more water each year, the level of our underground water supply sinks measurably. There is no way to hoard water; there are many ways to conserve it. During a particularly dry spell, New York City found its reservoirs going dry. Only then did the residents begin to heed the sage advice to limit the wasteful uses of water. Under the aegis of the Water Commissioner, citizens were encouraged to develop habits that would save water. The continued imprudent* waste by each of us of this most basic resource will work to the detriment of all.

Sample Sentences

Here's your opportunity to use your new words.

1.Isn't it a pity we can't __________ the ideal days of autumn?

2.A man may be a __________ everywhere, but at home he's called a "square" by his youngsters.

3.The tree in front of my house has the dubious* honor of being the spot voted the most __________ by the dogs of the neighborhood.

4.It was fortuitous* that at the last moment the mayor offered the __________ of his office in finding a solution to the problem.

5.A settlement that causes __________ to neither side is imperative.*


Remember, words may have many synonyms.

6. congenial

____ a. injury, damage, hurt

7. hoard (v.)

____ b. sympathetic, agreeable

8. sage

____ c. shield, protection, sponsorship

9. aegis

____ d. hide, store, accumulate

10. detriment

____ e. wise man, philosopher

Today's Idiom

in the doldrumsin a bored or depressed state

Mary has been in the doldrums since her best friend moved away.

Answers are on Page 313






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