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Page 253

2nd Day








New Words








um′ brij




Getting a Good Look

The television press interview is conducive* to close scrutiny* of a candidate. His public speeches may contain many cant phrases, but a sharp question by an astute* reporter can destroy a cliché* filled statement. The politician now will procrastinate* in his answer; a new facet* of his personality may be revealed by his demeanor.* Perhaps he will take umbrage at a suggestion that he favors the affluent.* His record is searched for evidence that he has been equally magnanimous to the indigent.* He accuses the reporter of attempting to vilify him. Is he being accused of turpitude* in office? It is time to discreetly* go on to another topic. The candidate wishes to extol* the virtues of his program and record. The press wants to allude* to things that keep him in the midst of controversy. They insist that he elucidate positions that the politician would rather leave in a nebulous* state.

Sample Sentences

Insert the new words in these sentences.

1.We feel so sanctimonious* when we __________ the character of a felon*.

2.The diplomat was astute* enough to see through the __________ of the Machiavellian* ambassador.

3.A somber* examination of those indigent* families, bereft* of hope, sunken in apathy,* should motivate* us to be more

__________ in our attempts to improve their lot.

4.I was flabbergasted* when he took __________ at my whimsical* remarks.

5.The judge ordered the censor to __________ his reasons for removing passages from the book in such a capricious* manner. Definitions

Match the new words with their definitions.

6. cant

____ a. insincere or almost meaningless talk

7. umbrage

____ b. to make clear

8. magnanimous

____ c. resentment, offense

9. vilify

____ d. malign,* slander

10. elucidate

____ e. generous, noble

Today's Idiom

the sum and substancethe heart or substantial part

The sum and substance of our pyrrhic victory* was that our hopes for a stable future had gone up in smoke.* Answers are on Page 318






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Page 254

3rd Day

New Words






vap′ id

Seeing Is Learning

While we are all cognizant* of the importance of words to create certain impressions, gesture is relegated* to a much lesser role. Gestures are an important concomitant* to even the most vapid speech, enhancing it and giving the hearer something to look at while he listens. The value of seeing at the same time as listening was shown when a class at a university, unwieldy because of its large size, was split up. One group was put into a room in close proximity to good loudspeakers. Every nuance* of the lecturer's voice could be heard clearly. Because they had no person on whom to place their attention, they soon took on the appearance of extreme lassitude; most students became lethargic* and rested their heads on their desks. The separation of visual and aural communication tended to vitiate the learning process. The listening group received grades lower than those received by those who could look at as well as hear the instructor.

Once more your keen eye and memory were being tested. Did you recognize lassitude as being from an earlier lesson? Sample Sentences

Insert the new words in these sentences.

1.As the scion* of an affluent* family, he was often in __________ to opulence.*

2.After playing with his progeny* in the enervating* sun, he staggered back to his room where he was overcome with __________.

3.As a concomitant* to his belligerent* and vituperative* antipathy* toward his government, he became an expatriate,* but he found it a __________ life.

4.Kyra was so disgruntled* about having to move the __________ piano, she procrastinated* for days.

5.The irrelevant* evidence seemed to __________ the prosecutor's case and precluded* a conviction.


Match the new words with their definitions.

6. vapid

____ a. bulky, difficult to handle

7. unwieldy

____ b. destroy the use or value

8. proximity

____ c. uninteresting, dull

9. lassitude

____ d. nearness

10. vitiate

____ e. weariness, weakness

Today's Idiom

on pins and needlesto be on edge, jumpy

He was on pins and needles while he cooled his heels* in the principal's office.

Answers are on Page 318






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