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Page 283

Sensible Sentences?





(From Weeks 4144)





Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below.

1.The station's switchboard was (deluged, deprecated) by phone calls when the popular soap opera was cancelled.

2.The (diminutive, frail) ballplayer proved that size doesn't matter in some sports.

3.Peter was surprised when his normally nervous boss seemed so (blasé, aloof) about the bad financial news.

4.Our mouths began to water when the (dulcet, succulent) dish was set upon the table.

5.Coming from a small city in Costa Rica, Ligia was not used to the (potent, frenetic) pace of life in Boston.

6.With (bogus, insidious) identification papers, the terrorists attempted to board the waiting airplane.

7.When the time came for Lisa to select a subject to major in, she found herself in a (quandry, potpourri).

8.The (malevolent, benevolent) dictator was generally beloved by his people even though he limited their freedoms.

9.Only a (negligible, manifest) amount of gas escaped from the laboratory during the experiment.

10.The president of the School Board intended to (excoriate, nullify) the parents at the opening meeting.

Answers are on Page 319






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Page 284

Wordsearch 44

Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week.

Reprieve for Wolves

One of the most difficult problems to resolve has to do with the conflicting interests of environmentalists and profitmaking businesses. Examples of this dilemma appear frequently. While the dispute about cutting down a forest to preserve owls has been in the news, there appeared another conflict in the state of Alaska. Hoping to increase the number of tourists who seek to hunt deer and caribou, the State of Alaska ordered the killing of some of the

__________ number of wolves who prey on those animals.

This resulted in a __________ of letters and articles condemning the __________ that would result from the anti-wolf policy. So, once again, the environmentalists, who maintain that the natural balance should not be interfered with, ran up against the Alaskan tourist industry, which wants to attract hunters who will increase the

state's revenue. After much publicity about the wolf hunt and articles that tended to __________ this policy, Alaska decided to __________ the proposed action.


4th Day

1st Day

1st Day

3rd Day

1st Day

Answers are on Page 319






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Page 285

45th Week

1st Day

New Words






In Days of Yore

Current novels are replete* with lurid* crimes, carnage* and death. Do you get wistful when you recall the romantic tales that begin with an innocent maiden travelling through the rustic* countryside? She is dressed in glittering raiment. The scene is idyllic.* Without warning, the group is set upon by a virile* brigand, who, in the most perfunctory* and callous* fashion, carries her off. Pandemonium* results! Her entourage* is in a state of bedlam.* Her corpulent escort is irate*, but unable to do anything to thwart* this debacle.* All he can do is rail against the catastrophe. What to do? What to do?

Sample Sentences

Insert the new words in these sentences.

1.The potpourri* of au courant* fashionable __________ includes the fatuous* and the discreet.*

2.While all disgruntled* men may __________ against malevolent* or Machiavellian* leaders, democracy offers a way to ameliorate* iniquities* through the ballot.

3.Is there any veracity* in the platitude* that __________ men are jocose?*

4.To be candid,* there is little to be __________ about in the ''good old days."

5.They captured the __________, and he was incarcerated* for a mandatory* period.


Match the new words with their definitions.

6. wistful

____ a. dress, clothing

7. raiment

____ b. scold, use abusive language

8. brigand

____ c. longing, pensive,* wishful

9. corpulent

____ d. robber, bandit

10. rail (v.)

____ e. fleshy, obese,* excessively fat

Today's Idiom

to flog a dead horseto continue to make an issue of something that is over

He thought he could keep the pot boiling* about his opponent's winking at* crime, but he was flogging a dead horse. Answers are on Page 320






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