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Wordsearch 15

Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week.

Questionable Advertisements

The Nostalgia Factory, a Boston art gallery, staged an exhibit of advertisements that had outraged various segments of the community. For example, one of the fast food chains ran a TV commercial that showed unattractive school cafeteria workers in hairnets, making that experience less tasty than a visit to Roy Rogers. Another ad that drew criticism from psychiatrists and groups such as the Alliance for the Mentally Ill suggested to readers that, if they had paid $100 for a dress shirt, they were fit candidates for a straitjacket. Similar sensitivity had restricted ad writers from using terms such as "nuts" or "crazy."

Why such protests and where do they come from? Who is asking companies to __________ contracts with those

agencies that are __________ in creating racist types of commercial messages? Parents who took exception to the Burger King spot that announced, "Sometimes You Gotta Break the Rules," said no to it because it gave the wrong message to their children. And when a potato chip maker's ad featured a "bandito," angry Mexican-

Americans used some choice __________ in denouncing such a stereotype.

The conclusion to be reached is that segments of the population have become increasingly vocal about "insensitive" ads, demanding that corporations __________ and never again commission advertisements that are clearly _________ , provocative, and harmful to good human relationships.


2nd Day

1st Day

4th Day

1st Day

4th Day

Answers are on Page 310






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Page 99

16th Week

1st Day

New Words






Meet the Bees

One of the most interesting inhabitants of our world is the bee, an insect that is indigenous to all parts of the globe except the polar regions. The honeybee is a gregarious insect whose habitat is a colony that he shares with as many as 80,000 bees. Although the individual bees live for only a few days, their colony can be operative for several years. A cursory study of the activities of these insects reveals an orderliness and a social structure that is truly amazing. For example, bees in a particular hive have a distinct odor; therefore, when an interloper seeks access* they can identify him quickly and repulse* his invasion.

Sample Sentences

Use the new words in the following sentences.

1.Sherlock Holmes took a __________ glance at the cryptic* message and decoded it instantly.

2.The forest was replete* with the kind of wildlife that is __________ to Africa.

3.Electric eyes, watchdogs, and other nuances* were there to keep out an __________.

4.The alcoholic was found supine* in his favorite __________Ryan's Bar.

5.At the party, the __________ hostess scurried* from group to group, making friends and influencing people. Definitions

Match the new words with their meanings.

6. indigenous

____ a. hasty, not thorough

7. gregarious

____ b. native

8. habitat

____ c. natural environment

9. cursory

____ d. sociable

10. interloper

____ e. an unauthorized person

Today's Idiom

in a bee linetaking the straightest, shortest route (that's the way a bee flies back to the hive after he has gathered food) When the couple left, the babysitter made a bee line for the refrigerator.

Answers are on Page 310






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Page 100

2nd Day

New Words






Queens, Workers, Drones

Each colony of honeybees consists of three classes: a) the queen who is a prolific layer of eggs; b) the worker who is the bulwark of the colony; and c) the sedentary drone whose only function is to mate with a young queen. The queen lays the eggs that hatch into thousands of female workers; some queens live as long as five years and lay up to one million eggs. The frugal worker builds and maintains the nest, collects and stores the honey, and is the antithesis of the lazy drone, or male honeybee, who does not work and has no sting. When the drone is no longer needed, the workers, in effect, liquidate* him by letting him starve to death. It's a cruel, cruel world!

Sample Sentences

Use the new words in the following sentences.

1.The usually __________ novelist was frustrated* by her failure to come up with a good plot.

2.Len, the gregarious* twin, was the __________ of Lon, the reticent one.

3.The typist shook off the fetters* of her __________ life and joined a mountain climbing expedition.

4.__________ shoppers occasionally badger* supermarket managers for bargains.

5.Some feel that the United States should be a __________ to the inchoate* democracies around the world. Definitions

Match the new words with their meanings.

6. prolific

____ a. producing abundantly

7. bulwark

____ b. thrifty

8. sedentary

____ c. protection

9. frugal

____ d. exact opposite

10. antithesis

____ e. largely inactive, accustomed to sitting

Today's Idiom

the world, the flesh, and the deviltemptations that cause man to sin

By entering the monastery he sought to avoid the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Answers are on Page 310






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