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II. Работа над грамматикой.

Обзор видо-временных форм глагола.

Задание 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова. Установите, какой частью речи они являются

Inflammation, facial, mandibular, cavity, periodontosis, alveolitis, treatment, marginally, pressing, affected, operative.

Задание 2. Измените залог предложения:

1. The nurse sponges the parent's skin. 2. A poisonous remedy causes death. 3. This healing ointment relieves skin irritation. 4. The child takes cod liver oil. 5. The surgeon rinses his hands. 6. The doctor administers healing ointments. 7. The patient takes sedatives. 8. The doctor prescribes sleeping-draughts. 9. He rubbed in a healing ointment to relieve pain. 10. That drug caused a skin irritation. 11. I bought a medicine dropper at the chemist's department. 12. He handed in a prescription for the cough mixture. 13. The doctor administered laxatives. 14. The therapeutist heard moist rales. 15. The X-ray examination revealed lung troubles. 16. The doctor checked up my kidneys. 17. Professor will deliver a lecture in Histology tomorrow. 18. The therapeutist will put my sister on a sick-leave tomorrow. 19. My sister applies a hot- water bottle to her feet in the evening.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения, определите грамматические и морфологические характеристики выделенных слов:

1. The patient rubbed in the healing ointment. 2. The hеaling ointment rubbed in every three hours gave relief. 3. The chemist stuck a yellow label on a box of medicine. 4. The label stuck on this bottle indicated a drug for external use. 5. You must take the prescribed drug after meals. 6. The neurologist prescribed to me sleeping draughts. 7. The untoward reaction caused by the over dosage of this drug caused a bad pain in his stomach. 8. A marked effect in the patient's condition was the result of X-ray treatment. 9. The doctor marked some changes in the patient's blood pressure. 10. The drug kept in a cool place must be shaken before using. 11. The chemist kept all strong effective drugs in a special drug cabinet.

Задание 4. Найдите в тексте все глагола с –ing окончаниями. Определите, являются ли они Причастием I, Герундием или отглагольным существительным.

III. Устная речь. Направлено на формирование компетенции ок-6.

Перескажите текст «Acute Periodontosis» по плану

  1. Various sources of the inflammatory processes in the gums.

  2. The way of penetration of the infection info a periodontal chink.

  3. The local and general symptoms of the abscess.

IV. Ознакомительное чтение. Направлено на формирование компетенции ок-5, пк-31

Ознакомьтесь с новыми словами и выражениями для понимания содержания текста:

frequent sites – распространенное местоположение/локализация

quarter – четверть

developing world – развивающиеся страны

the cervix – шейка (зд. матки)

available – доступный, имеющийся в наличии

developed countries – развитые страны

estimates – оценки (зд. статистика)

the European community – Европейское сообщество

prevalence – распространенность (частота распространения)

mortality rate – смертность

10-fold – 10-кратный

incidence – заболеваемость

ethnic minority – этническое меньшинство

ratio – соотношение

to equalize – уравнивать(-ся), выравнивать(-ся)

Oral cancer is 1 of the 10 most frequent sites of cancer internationally, with three quarters affecting people in the developing world (where overall, it is the third most common cancer after the stomach and the cervix). 378,500 new cases of intraoral cancer are diagnosed annually worldwide.

Unfortunately, the parts of the world where oral cancer is most common are also those where descriptive information is least available.

In certain countries, such as Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, oral cancer is the most common cancer. In parts of India, oral cancer can represent more than 50% of all cancers.

In developed countries, oral cancer is less common but is the eighth most common form of cancer; however, the ranking varies a great deal among countries. For example, in areas of northern France, oral cancer is the most common form of cancer in men.

Estimates show that in 1980, more than 32,000 new cases of oral cancer were diagnosed throughout the European community.

The prevalence of lip cancer appears to be decreasing, but the prevalence of intraoral cancer appears to be rising in many countries, especially in younger people. This is especially true in Central and Eastern Europe.

Mortality rates for oral cancer have increased mainly in many eastern European countries (in Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, almost a 10-fold increase in mortality from oral cancer in men aged 35-44 years occurred within one generation)

Incidence of tongue cancer consistently is found to be higher (by approximately 50%) in blacks compared to whites within the same regions of the United States. The prevalence of oral cancer is also generally higher in ethnic minorities in other developed countries.

Males are affected more frequently than females, although the ratio is equalizing.

Oral cancer predominantly is a disease found in middle-aged and older persons.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  • How many people are affected in the developing world?

  • What are the three most common cancers?

  • What does “intraoral cancer” mean?

  • In which countries is oral cancer the most common?

  • What is the situation with oral cancer in developed countries? (e.g. northern France)

  • How many cases of oral cancer were diagnosed in the European community in 1980?

  • Whose prevalence appears to be decreasing now? And whose prevalence appears to be rising in many countries now?

  • Have mortality rates for oral cancer increased or decreased lately?

  • Who is most frequently affected by oral cancer?