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англ темы03-метод для студ.doc
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III. Ознакомительное чтение

Задание 1. Проверьте знание следующих слов:

to bite (кусать, откусывать),

to chip enamel (откалываться (об эмали)),

to crack (ломаться, давать трещину),

to wear a mouthguard (носить, одевать капу),

to contribute to (способствовать чему-л./вносить вклад во что-л./содействовать),

excessive (чрезмерный),

to stain (окрашивать, оставлять пятна),

to protect (защищать),

to grind (молоть, перемалывать),

to clench (стискивать (зубы)),

to damage (повреждать, наносить вред/урон),

to wear down (стираться, изнашивать),

to prevent decay (предотвращать кариес/разрушение),

a rinse (полоскание, средство для полоскания рта),

oral cancer (рак ротовой полости),

red patches (красные пятна/участки),

persistent sores (непроходящие язвы/повреждения),

bleeding (кровотечение),

to numb (обезболивать),

to reduce (снижать, сокращать),

to avoid (избегать),

prolonged exposure (длительное влияние/нахождение),

in moderation (умеренно).

«Do’s and Don’ts»

Do see your dentist at least every six months for a general checkup and cleaning.

Don’t bite pens, chew ice or other hard items like popcorn kernels, or use your teeth as tools. These habits can chip a tooth’s enamel or crack the tooth itself. They may also damage fillings, crowns, or other restorations.

Do wear a mouthguard when you play sports. Professional athlets wear mouthguards to protect their teeth from injury, and so should you.

Don’t smoke or chew tobacco. Besides staining the teeth, tobacco contributes to gum disease and can cause oral cancer.

Do watch how much coffee or tea you drink. Excessive amounts can stain your teeth.

Don’t grind or clench your teeth. Many adults take out stress in their jaws and teeth without realizing it. This habit is called bruxism and can seriously damage and wear down your teeth. Consult your dentist if you notice any of these warning signs: pain when chewing, a tired jaw when you wake up, and unexplained headaches. He or she may suggest that you wear a custom-made mothguard at night or may prescribe other treatments.

Do get enough fluoride. Adults as well as children benefit from fluoride to help prevent decay. Ask your dentist how to get the proper amount. Common sources: fluoridated water, toothpastes and rinses (make sure they have the American Dental Association seal of acceptance); professional topical treatments; or prescription drops, gels, or tablets.

Do watch for early warning signs of oral cancer and ask your dentist how to do self-exams at home. Most oral cancers can be cured if caught early. Be on the lookout for abnormal growths; white or velvety red patches in the mouth; persistent sores or swelling; repeated bleeding; or a numb or painful area. You can also reduce your risk by avoiding tobacco and prolonged exposure to the sun; eating a balanced diet; using alcohol in moderation; and practicing good oral hygiene.

IV. Устная речь – 45 мин

Speak on:

  1. What a person must do to keep his/her mouth clean;

  2. What actions can help a person to keep his/her teeth and gums healthy;

  3. What means of caries prevention you know;

  4. What a person must never do.