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Кореектирующий курс по английскому языку.doc
970.75 Кб

10. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What is your name and surname?

  2. Where and when were you born?

  3. How old are you?

  4. Have you got a family?

  5. Where do you live?

  6. Where do your parents live?

  7. Did you study well at school?

  8. What educational establishments (учебные заведения) have you finished?

  9. What was your favourite subject?

10) What do you like to read?

11) What sport do you go in for?

12) Do you like cinema? What is your favourite film?

13) What is your hobby?

14) How do you like to spend week-ends?

15) Have you got friends?

16) What is your best feature of character (черта характера)?

17) What is your worst feature of character?

18) What subjects are you interested in?

19) What books are you interesting in?

20) What are you going to be?

21) What characteristics should have an ideal friend?

22) Have your got a dream?

23) What are you dreaming to be in 10 years?

24) What professions are in order (востребованы) today to your mind?

25) What person do you want to be alike (быть похожим)?

Members of the family and relatives – члены семьи и родственники:









great- grandchildren-правнуки





grandparents-дедушка и бабушка

great- grandfather-прадед

great- grandmother –прабабушка

cousin-двоюродный брат и сестра



second cousin-троюродный брат и сестра

elder-старший (о членах семьи)

the eldest-самый старший

Relations by marriage – родственники по браку:

husband- муж, супруг wife-жена

father-in-law- свекор, тесть

mother-in law-свекровь, теща

son- in-law-зять

daughter-in-law- невестка, сноха

brother-in-law-1. зять; 2. шурин, свояк, деверь

sister-in-law-1.невестка (жена брата) 2. золовка, свояченица

Step relations – сводные родственники:



stepchildren-неродные дети

stepbrother- сводный брат

stepsister-сводный сестра



to be single- быть неженатым

1) Supply the missing words:

Mr and Mrs. Dale live in London. They are married. Mr Dale is Mrs. Dale’s…, and Mrs. Dale is Mr Dale is….They have four children: Henry, John, Mary and Jane. Mr Dale is their… and Mrs. Dale is their….Mr and Mrs. Dale are their .... The four children are … and …; Henry and John are the two ... of Mr and Mrs. Dale; Mary and Jane are the two .... Mary is the eldest child, and Jane is the youngest.

Mr Dale's father is very old; his name is George. He lives with the family. George Dale is the ... of the four children.

Mrs. Dale has a mother; she is the … of the four children. Her name is Mrs. Field. Henry and John are the... of old Mr Dale and of old Mrs. Field; Mary and Jane are their .

Mr Dale has a brother and a sister. His brother's name is Richard Dale, and his ... name is Helen. His sister is married. She married Mr White and so she is called ... White. Richard Dale is the ... of the four children. Mrs. White is the ... of the four children. Her ... Mr White is another uncle of the four children.

Mr Richard Dale has two children: Edward and Rose. These two children are the ... of Henry, John, Mary and Jane. Edward is a… and Rose is a …