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connected with industry




the activity of building houses,




apartments, offices, factories, roads etc.




a county town, or other seat of regional




or local government




a gathering of buyers and sellers,




assembled at a particular place at a




stated or regular season, or by special




appointment, for trade




a military stronghold, especially a




strongly fortified town fit for a large








permanent community where people





5.13.Закончите предложения, используя прочитанный текст.

1.Bryansk is a city and … .

2.The first written mention of Braynsk was … .

3.Until the end of the century, the town was … .

4.During the Time of Troubles, it was … .

5.Peter the Great incorporated … .

6.In the 17th and 18th centuries the economy of Bryansk was based on … .

7.During World War II Bryansk was … .

8.In 1944 soon after its liberation Bryansk … .

9.The main industries are … .

10.Public passenger traffic is … .

5.14.Поставьте слова в правильном порядке так, чтобы получились предложения.

1.an, region, of, administrative, Bryansk, centre, the, is.

2.right, existed, Desna, a, Bryansk, of, settlement, on, fortified, the, bank, the, From, as, river, 985.

3.In, Smolensk, belonged, the, Bryansk, of, Principality, 1310, to.

4.The, Bryansk, 1503, Grand, conquered, of, Moscow, in, Duchy.

5.Governorate, Bryansk, the, Great, to, incorporated, Catherine, Oryol.

6 important, 1783, became, After, industrial, Bryansk, centre, an.

7.damaged, heavily, World, was, War, by, During, fighting, Bryansk, II.

8.army, heavy, partisans, inflicted, on, German, losses, Bryask.

9.Moscow, connection, There, a, between, railway, Bryansk, is, and.

10.of, cultural, region, is, a, the, Bryansk, centre.


5.15.Верны ли следующие высказывания?

1.Bryansk is a small town in the north of Russia.

2.Bryansk is a modern city without history.

3.The Mongols forces had never been to Bryansk.

4.The Svenskaya fair made the city an important trading centre.

5.In the 18th century Bryansk became an important industrial centre.

6.During World War II the Germans didn’t occupy Bryansk.

7.In 1944 Bryansk became the capital of the country.

8.The main industries in Bryansk are steel and machine manufacturing.

9.There are few schools and no higher education institutions in the city.

10.Bryansk has a lot of places of interest.

5.16.Выполните перевод с русского на английский язык.

1.Брянск ─ административный центр Брянской области.

2.Первое письменное упоминание о Брянске было в 1146, но археологи полагают, что город существует с 985 года.

3.Во время монгольского нашествия Брянск принадлежал Смоленскому княжеству.

4.В 17 веке Брянск был частью Литовско-Польского Содружества.

5.Екатерина Великая присоединила Брянск к Орловской губернии.

6.Благодаря Свенской ярмарке Брянск стал крупным торговым городом.

7.Во время Великой Отечественной войны Брянск был захвачен немецкими войсками и серьезно разрушен.

8.В 1944 году Брянск стал центром Брянской области.

9.Основные отрасли промышленности в Брянске это производство стали, машин, электро- и дорожного оборудования.

10.Брянск ─ культурный центр области со множеством достопримечательностей.

5.17.Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.Is Bryansk an administrative centre of the region?

2.When was Bryansk founded?

3.What happened to Bryansk during the Mongol invasion?

4.What country did Bryansk belong to during the Time of Troubles?

5.How long was Bryansk the part of Oryol Governorate?

6.Did the Svenskaya fair make the city an important trading centre?

7.Why did Bryansk become an industrial city from the end of the 18th century?

8.Did the city suffer from the German army?

9.When did Bryansk become the centre of the Bryansk region?

10.Are you proud of living in Bryansk?


5.18.Составьте план прочитанного текста и подготовьте его пересказ.

5.19.Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.


Bryansk is an … city with a rich history. Citizents and guests can visit many remarkable places. Among them are:

1000th Anniversary of Bryansk Memorial According to archaeological evidence it is believed that Bryansk dates from 985 meaning that it celebrated its millennium in 1985. The memorial located on Pokrovskaya … comprises several parts. The obelisk formed of three tall arches has the figure of a … holding a hammer and sickle on the top and a statue of a soldier on each arch. In front of the obelisk overlooking the River Desna is a statue of two figures. The man on horseback is Aleksandr Peresvet a … from Bryansk who died fighting in single combat with a … warrior just before the Battle of …

Field in 1380. Next to him is the bard Bayan who lifted the troop's mood before the battle. Also located nearby are some cannons from the Byransk … .

Fyodor Tyutchev Monument The renowned poet and … Fyodor Tyutchev was born in 1803 in the village of Ovstug which is located in what is now the Bryansk Region. This monument to him was erected in 2003 to commemorate the 130th … of the death of the great poet. The statue stands opposite to the grand building of the Aleksey Tolstoy Bryansk Regional … .

Holy Trinity Eparchial Cathedral Bryansk's previous eparchial … was

destroyed by the communists in 1962 and work on its replacement only started in 2007. In 2011 the cathedral's bell tower was completed and named Peresvet after the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo Field from Bryansk. There is also a statue of Aleksandr … on the first tier of the bell tower. Later in 2011 the lower floor of the cathedral was consecrated and services have been held there since the beginning of 2012. Work on the rest of the cathedral continues.


City of Military Glory Monument In 2010 Bryansk was awarded the title of a City of Military … for the heroism of its citizens and … during the Second World War and this monument was unveiled in the same year. The monument is the standard City of Military Glory Monument with a granite obelisk with the Russian double-headed … on the top. The obelisk is surrounded by four plinths with engravings of scenes from the Battle of Kulikovo Field, the Northern War, the Napoleonic War and finally the Second … War.

Barrow of Immortality One of the symbols of Bryansk is the Barrow of Immortality which is located in the Solovi Park. The 12 metre high … (a Russian burial mound) was created in 1968 to commemorate the citizens of Bryansk who died protecting the freedom and independence of the Motherland during the Second World War. On top of the mound is a giant … decorated with a brightly coloured mosaic.

Svensky Uspensky Monastery The Svensky Monastery was founded in 1288 by Prince Roman

Mikhailovich of Bryansk who dedicated it to the Dormition ('Uspenie' in Russian) of the Virgin Mary. According to the legend surrounding the establishment of the monastery, Prince Roman was losing his … and so sent for a copy of the wonderworking Our Lady of Pechersk Icon from the Kievo-Percherskaya Lavra in Kiev so that he could pray to it. As the party was returning with the icon to Bryansk along the River Desna, the … disappeared and later miraculously appeared in a tree on the bank of the River Sven. Prince Roman prayed to the icon and his sight was

returned and so in gratitude he founded a … on the site where the icon appeared. Today the icon is also referred to as the Our Lady of Svensky and now housed in Moscow's Tretyakov.

eagle, Peresvet, ancient, Hill, monastery, Gallery, partisans, woman, Tatar, star, sight, Kulikovo, Arsenal, World, diplomat, kurgan, anniversary, Theatre, cathedral, Glory, icon, monk

5.20. Используя текст и дополнительную информацию, подготовьте презентацию о достопримечательностях Брянска.






The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of smaller ones. Their total area is over 244 000 sq km.

The United Kingdom is made up of four parts: England (the southern and middle part of the island), Wales (a mountainous peninsula in the west), Scotland (the northern part of the island) and Northern Ireland (it occupies one third of the island of Ireland and borders on the Irish Republic in the south).

The British Isles are the home of four nations — English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. Even though foreigners often call all British people «English», and sometimes have difficulty in appreciating the distinctions, the component nations of the United Kingdom are well aware of their own individual characteristics. The Scots, Welsh and Irish regard themselves as largely Celtic peoples, while the English are mainly Anglo-Saxon in origin.

British society as a whole does not have a uniform cultural identity. In 2011 the population of the United Kingdom was more than 63 million inhabitants. This figure gives a population density of 662 persons per square mile (255 per square km). England's population was found to be 53 million. It is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with 383 people resident per square kilometer. The 2011 census put Scotland's population at 5.3 million, Wales at 3.06 million and Northern Ireland at 1.81 million.

The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest is a vast plain. Mountains are not very high.

There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one. Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. Some of the British


greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey, Trent, Tyne, Clyde and Bristol Avon.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm currents of Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round.

The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding. There are many big industrial cities here, such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Cardiff, Glasgow and many others. London, its capital, is situated on the river Thames. It is one of the biggest commercial centres and ports in the world.

Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources; it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.

The UK is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Its population is over 58 million people. About 80 per cent of the population live in town. The main nationalities are: English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants from former British Asian and African colonies.

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen. In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords, the House of Commons.

There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal.



the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland

[ðə jʊˈnaɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm ɒv greɪt ˈbrɪtn ænd ˈnɔːðən ˈaɪələnd] —


Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии


the British Isles[ðə ˈbrɪtɪʃ aɪlz] — Британские острова England [ˈɪŋglənd] — Англия

Wales [weɪlz] — Уэльс

Scotland [ˈskɒtlənd] — Шотландия

Northern Ireland [ˈnɔːðən ˈaɪələnd] — Северная Ирландия

the Irish Republic [ði ˈaɪərɪʃ rɪˈpʌblɪk] — Ирландская Республика Celtic [ˈkɛltɪk] — кельтский


Anglo-Saxon [ˈæŋgləʊˈsæksən] — англо-саксонский

the European continent [ðə ˌjʊərəˈpi(ː)ən ˈkɒntɪnənt] — Европейский континент

the North Sea [ðə nɔːθ siː] — Северное море

the English Channel[ði ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈʧænl] — проливе Ла-Манш

the Atlantic Ocean [ði ətˈlæntɪk ˈəʊʃən] — Атлантический океан the Irish Sea [ði ˈaɪərɪʃ siː] — Ирландское море

the Highlands [ðə ˈhaɪləndz] of Scotland — Северо-Шотландское нагорье или Шотландское высокогорье

the Thames [ðə tɛmz] — Темза the Mersey [ðə ˈmɜːzi] — Мерси the Trent [ðə trɛnt] — Трент the Tyne [ðə taɪn] — Тайн

the Clyde [ðə klaɪd] — Клайд the Avon [ði ˈeɪvən] — Эйвон

Gulf Stream [gʌlf striːm] — Гольфстрим Birmingham [ˈbɜːmɪŋəm] — Бирмингем Manchester [ˈmænʧɪstə] — Манчестер Liverpool [ˈlɪvəˌpuːl] — Ливерпуль Cardiff [ˈkɑːdɪf] — Кардифф

Glasgow [ˈglɑːzgəʊ] — Глазго

Prime Minister [praɪm ˈmɪnɪstə] — премьер-министр the Labour [ðə ˈleɪbə] — Леи бористская партия

the Conservative [ðə kənˈsɜːvətɪv] — Консервативная партия the Liberal [ðə ˈlɪbərəl] — Либеральная партия

6.1.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты.

A. Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, располагаться, омываться, остров (2), состоять из, общая площадь, полуостров, граничить с, Британские острова, побережье, пролив Ла-Манш, поверхность, равнина, долина, горы, течение, мягкий климат, высоко развитая промышленная страна, производитель, экспортёр, основная отрасль промышленности, столица, промышленный центр, природные ископаемые, быть богатым чем-либо, залежи, обнаруживать,


густонаселённая страна, население, национальность, конституционная монархия, глава государства, королева, править, управляться, избираемое правительство, премьер-министр, во главе, палата Парламента, Палата Лордов/Общин, политическая партия.

B. jʊˈnaɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm; ˈnɔːðən

ˈaɪələnd; ˈbrɪtɪʃ aɪlz;

ˈaɪləndz; ˈaɪələnd;

ˈmaʊntɪnəs; pɪˈnɪnsjʊlə; ˈskɒtɪʃ, wɛlʃ;

ˈaɪərɪʃ; ˈfɒrɪnəz; əˈpriːʃɪeɪtɪŋ; dɪsˈtɪŋkʃənz;

ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪks; skɒts; ˈkɛltɪk; ˈæŋgləʊˈsæksən; ˈdɛnsɪti; skweə maɪl; ˈdɛnsli; ətˈlæntɪk ˈəʊʃən; ˈaɪərɪʃ siː; ˈmaʊntɪnz; 'estjuərɪ; tɛmz; ˈmɜːzi; trɛnt; taɪn klaɪd; ˈbrɪstəl ˈeɪvən; gʌlf striːm; ˈtɛkstaɪl; ˈeəkrɑːft; ˈbɜːmɪŋəm; ˈmænʧɪstə; ˈlɪvəˌpuːl; ˈkɑːdɪf; ˈglɑːzgəʊ; dɪˈpɒzɪts.

6.2. Сопоставьте слова и их дефиниции.




a piece of land surrounded by water




a small piece of land surrounded by water




the lower chamber of Parliament whose




members are elected.




a low generally flat region of central




Scotland, around the Forth and Clyde








a narrow passage of water connecting two




seas or two other large areas of water




(in the UK) the higher chamber of




Parliament, composed of peers and bishops




a smaller area consisting of the




mountainous north of Scotland




an ethnic group of people sharing common




descent, history, language, etc.




a broad passage of water joining two larger




areas of water, especially two seas


the Highlands


a long narrow piece of land which sticks out




from a larger piece of land and is almost




completely surrounded by water


the Lowlands


one of the earth's large land masses, that




consists of several countries




a large flat area of land with very few trees




on it




a long, narrow stretch of water that has




been made for boats to travel along or to




bring water to a particular area


the House of Lords


all the inhabitants of a particular town, area




or country


the House of Commons


a low area of land between hills or





mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it

6.3.Согласитесь или исправьте следующие утверждения.

1.The United Kingdom is made up of four parts.

2.There are a lot of long rivers in Great Britain.

3.British climate is severe the whole year round.

4.The UK is a highly developed industrial country.

5.London, its capital, is situated on the river Severn and is one of the biggest commercial centres and ports in the world.

6.Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources.

7.The UK is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

8.Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy.

9.The Head of State is the Queen who rules the country and appoints the Government.

10.There are three main political parties in Great Britain.

6.4.Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.

1.Where is the United Kingdom situated?

2.What islands do the British Isles consist of?

3.What ocean and seas are the British Isles washed by?

4.How many parts does the Island of Great Britain consist of and what are they called?

5.What country does Northern Ireland border on?

6.Are there any high mountains in Great Britain?

7.What sea do most of the rivers flow into?

8.What mineral resources is Great Britain rich in?

9.What is the climate like in Great Britain?

10.What is the population of Great Britain?

11.What city is the capital of the U.K.?

12.What kind of state is Great Britain?

6.5.Поставьте слова в правильном порядке так, чтобы получились предложения.

1.The, Northern, England, of, made, Wales, and, is, Kingdom, up, Scotland, United, Ireland.

2.The, washed, English, Isles, by, the, Channel, North, British, Sea, the, Sea, the, Atlantic, and, the, Ocean, Irish, are.

3.The, mountainous, of, north, is, Isles, the, surface, the, in, British.

4.The, year, mild, of, climate, the, Isles, is, the, round, whole, British.

5.Britain, deposits, of, has, iron, and, gas, coal, Great, oil, ore.




England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain. The capital of England is London but there are other large industrial cities, such as Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and other famous and interesting cities such as York, Chester, Oxford and Cambridge.

Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric places in the world. This ancient circle of stones stands in Southwest England. It measures 80 metres across and made with massive blocks of stone up to four metres high. Why it was built is a mystery.

Not far from Stonehenge stands Salisbury Cathedral. It is a splendid example of an English Gothic Cathedral; inside there is one of four copies of Magna Charta and the oldest clock in England.

Chester is very important town in the north-west of England. In the past it used to be a Roman fort; its name comes from the Latin word castra, meaning

“fortified camp”. In Chester there is a famous museum which contains over 5000 ancient and modern toys.

Oxford is the home of the oldest university of England. The most famous college is Christ Church. It has a great hall which was built during the reign of Henry VIII and its chapel has become the Cathedral of Oxford.

Cambridge is the home of Britain's second oldest university.

York was the capital of Northern England. It is оnе of the best preserved medieval cities of Europe. It was built by the Romans, conquered by the AngloSaxons and ruled by the Vikings.

Birmingham is often called the “City of 1 500 trades” because of the great variety of its industries.







to measure











завоёванный, покорённый


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