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I. Learn the following words

Welfare – благосостояние;

to stem from – происходить, возникать;

stakeholder – владелец доли капитала предприятий;

sustainable – постоянный, устойчивый;

advisory – консультативный;

to attribute – предписывать;

erosion – разрушение;

bargain – торговая сделка, договор о покупке;

tax burden – налоговое бремя;

to slim – сократить;

scarce – недостаточный;

notwithstanding – несмотря на, тем не менее.

II. Answer the following questions

1.What was the Dutch economic performance called by most international newspapers?

2.What did their favourable comments refer to?

3.What does this economic performance stem from?

4.What is the distinction made by the former director of the French planning agency? What two types of capitalism exist nowadays, according to his theory?

5.What are the typical characteristics of the Rhineland model?

6.Which is the primary goal of the stakeholder economy?

7.How does the stakeholder economy differ from the so-called Anglo-Saxon shareholder economy?

8.What kind of responsibility plays a more important part in the Netherlands' economy: individual or that of "social partners"?

9.What agreement made Dutch success possible?

10.What was the role of tax cuts in the Dutch economy?

11. What were the factors that prevented the Rhineland model from being strengthened?

12.What were the achievements of the Dutch economy?

13.How is the recent success of the Dutch economy viewed nowadays?

III. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the box

Anglo-American free markets; continental welfare states; a regulated market economy; centralised wage bargaining; a release of market forces; the reduction of the tax burden; structural reforms

1. Many people think that recent economic reforms in the Netherlands offer a successful halfway house between … and … .

2. It brought … to an end and led to … .

3. The Rhineland model may be seen as … with a comprehensive system of social security.

4. … went against the grain of consensual politics.

5. More … are needed to improve Dutch performance and increase participation in the labour market.

IV. Fill in the blanks with articles if needed

… recommendations imply that … Netherlands should keep moving in the same direction as in … past few years. Through deregulation … functioning of market mechanisms should be further improved and social security trimmed. In particular, the government must get … grip on the mounting number of registered disabled, of which there are many more in the Netherlands than in … Germany or Belgium. Officially, 13% of … working population is now disabled. If … genuine figure, that would make the Netherlands … unhealthiest place in north-west Europe, despite having the highest life expectancy.

In … short, the Dutch economic order will have to move even further towards … Anglo-Saxon model of capitalism. Policies which point in that direction have begun to bear … fruit. And such … policies should not be construed, as many choose to, as a reinforcement of … Rhineland model. Quite … contrary.