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English for managers.doc
2.16 Mб

Правила чтения, словообразование

1.Произнесите и переведите существительные с суффиксaми:

-(s)ion: division, decision;

- (ss)ion: mission.

2. Переведите и произнесите однокоренные слова. Определите часть речи:

-to employ, employed, self- employed, employer, employee, employment, unemployment.

-to operate, operator, operation, operating procedure, operations manager, operating employee.

-to specialize ['spe∫әlaiz], specialized, special [spe∫әl], specialist, specialty [spe∫әlti].

Грамматические упражнения

3. Переведите предложения с ing – формами:

1. I'm good at giving orders.

2. The biggest challenge for me is getting a project started.

3. Managing your own business is not for you.

4. A team member taking big risks is a bad partner.

5. I like to plan what I'm going to do.

6. You know exactly where you and your team are going.

7. You may need to think more carefully before set­ting up your own business.

8. You have some of the essential skills for running business.

9. You will not be able to deal with stress of the job without taking some professional training or finding a partner who can compensate for some of your weaknesses.

10. You had better not be responsible for making decisions and taking risks.

11. If you understand what is happening inside you, you might find a better way of doing what you must do. 12. It requires a deep understanding within leaders to admit (признать) that they’re sometimes lost (растеряны).

13. Management is a developing science.

14. Depending on its size, an organization may employ a different number of specialized managers.

15. To motivate employees a variety of incentives are used, including flexible working hours, paid vocations, cafeterias offering inexpensive meals, etc.

4. Закончите и переведите предложения, преобразуя инфинитив в герундий:

Model: (to coordinate resources) Managers are responsible for coordinating resources.

Менеджеры отвечают за координирование ресурсов.

Managers are responsible for … (to plan activities; to develop mission; to determine strategy; to implement strategy; to coordinate activities; to supervise activities; to control activities; to answer questions; to solve day-to-day problems; to promote employees)

Лексические упражнения

5. Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

1)Переведите слова и выражения:

Organizational struc­ture; a four-story pyramid; mission; strategy; policy; talent;; tactical plans; standard procedure; potential; career; project; qualified; non-qualified; horizontally; finance; marketing; admin­istration; advertising; client; customer; management level; work force; human resources management; risk management; operations management; government regulations; non-business activities; employ­ment practice; production of goods; to guide overall activities; to determine policy; to implement policy; to solve day-to-day problems; to be in charge of; to hire employees; to train employees; to appraise employees; to supervise employees;

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