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English for managers.doc
2.16 Mб

Правила чтения, словообразование

1. Переведите и произнесите глаголы с суффиксом —'ate:

Associate, calculate, communicate, create, estimate, evaluate, generate, integrate, operate, relate, state.

2. Переведите и произнесите однокоренные слова. Определите части речи.

- to budget, budgeter, budgeting, cash budget, budget items, company- wide budget, budgeting accuracy;

- expense, expensive, expenditure;

- to construct, construction;

- to perform, performance, financial performance;

- to implement, implementing, implementation.

Лексические упражнения

3. Переведите, произнесите и разделите слова на две группы: расход / доход.

Income, expenditure, spending, expenses, revenue, costs, profit.

4. Выберите и переведите синонимы:

- determine, require, identify, specify, manage, establish;

- get, reduce, receive, organize, obtain;

- evaluate, seek, estimate, assign, produce, appraise.

5. Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

1) переведите слова и выражения:

to put into action; to monitor; to evaluate; to modify; to make sure; to meet needs; to intend; to project; to estimate; to incur; to combine; to deter­mine; to seek; to receive shares of ownership; to ob­tain money through loans; to fund expansions or mergers; to borrow capital; to sell assets; to find (found, found); to ensure implementing; to point up additional planning ;

available; certain; measurable; possible; various;

performance; financing needs sufficient funding; end state; specific statements; financial statement; income; expenditures over a speci­fied future period; costs; revenues; budget items; interim budgets; a companywide budget; budgeting accuracy; companywide cash budget; overall cash budget; financial planners; additional funding sources; out­side the firm; sale; types of expenses; funding; sales revenue; equity capital; debt capital; a drastic step; a reasonable last resort; comparison purposes; revised planning.

2) Произнесите английские эквиваленты:

получать деньги в виде ссуды; контролировать и оценивать работу;

финансовые потребности; достаточное финансирование;

финансовый отчет; удовлетворять потребности; достичь цели;

доход (2); расходы(3);

составлять бюджет; составление, разработка бюджета;

статья бюджета; точность составления бюджета;

бюджет всей компании; наличный бюджет компании;

промежуточный бюджет; финансисты, составляющие бюджет;

акционерный капитал; заемный капитал;

занимать; продавать активы;

Грамматические упражнения

6. Переведите предложения с герундием.

  1. Management is the process of coordinating resources.

  2. Sales manager is responsible for selling goods.

  3. Everything the manager does involves decision-making.

  4. Managers are in charge of leading people.

  5. I do not mind taking part at the conference.

  6. It is no use helping them.

  7. Choosing proper decision is very important in management.

  8. Managers are responsible for making and carrying out decisions.

  9. Management includes planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling.

  10. Employees often make decisions without asking managers.

  11. Did you enjoy watching the film?

  12. We remember attending his lecture.

  13. We prefer informing clients by e-mail.

  14. We prefer being informed by e-mail.

  15. We prefer having informed clients by e-mail.

  16. We prefer having been informed by e-mail.

  17. She insisted on giving detailed instructions.

  18. His being given instructions helps him to solve the problems.

  19. I remember my having given this instruction.

  20. I remember my having been given this instruction

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