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English for managers.doc
2.16 Mб

7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на время глагола- сказуемого в придаточных предложениях времени и условия.

  1. If someone explains what to do, then I’ll con­tinue from there.

  2. I’ll persuade most people to follow me, when I start something.

  3. I’ll get confused, when unexpected problems arise.

  4. If I decide to do something, nothing will stop me.

5. Once something is moving I'll join it.

8. Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами и их заменителями:

  1. I'll take charge if I have to.

  2. He can both organize and motivate.

  3. Stress is something I can live with.

  4. You must think more carefully before set­ting up your own business.

  5. You will, probably, not be able to deal with stress that is a part of the job.

  6. You should take some professional training or find an associate who can compensate for some of your weaknesses.

Речевые упражнения

9. 1) Зполните пропуски в предложениях, опираясь на память и текст.

2) Несколько раз прочтите вслух полученную аннотацию текста.

3) Воспроизведите аннотацию без опоры.

4) Расширьте аннотацию по памяти, т.е. изложите текст подробнее.

1. The basis of financial management is.

2. It is a plan for … and … the money needed to …an organization’s goals.

3. Planners must make sure that needs are … and funding is … to meet those needs.

4. Developing the financial plan includes … goals and objectives, budgeting the money needed to … the goals and objectives, identifying sources of financing.

5. Establishing measurable and realistic organizational goals and objectives is an important …task.

6. A budget as a financial … projecting income and/or expenditures over a period of time.

7. Usually the budgeting process begins with the … of individual budgets for sales and for each of the various types of expenses: production, human resources, promotion, administra­tion, and so on. 8. Budgeting … is improved when budgets are first constructed for individual departments and for shorter peri­ods of time.

9. These budgets can easily be combined into a companywide … budget.

10. Согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями, используя следующие фразы:

Thats right (верно).

Thats wrong (неверно).

That’s not quite true. According to the text… Это не совсем верно. Согласно тексту…

1) Available sources of financing are short- term or long-term financing.

2) Sales revenue is the first type of funding.

3) The second type is equity capital, which is money ob­tained through loans.

4) Equity capital is used almost exclusively to start a business and to fund expansions or mergers.

5) The third type of funding is debt capital. This is money received from the sale of shares of ownership in the business.

6) The fourth type of funding is the sale of assets that may be a reasonable last resort when neither equity capital nor debt capital can be found.

7) Monitoring and evaluating financial performance are important to ensure implementing financial plans.

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