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Oral structures anomalies in ancient times

The known types of developmental disorders manifested in teeth and bone can be represented in samples from antiquity.

The discovery of the oldest evidence of a human hereditary genetic disorder has been announced by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The authors of an article in the June issue of the Journal of Human Evolution detail the finding of a disease known as amelogenesis imperfecta in the teeth of a fossil found in archaeological excavations in Ethiopia. The fossil is dated as 1.5 million years old and is from a two-year-old Homo erectus child. Homo erectus was a precursor of modern man. According to Dr.Zilberman, this is the first recorded evidence from such an early prehistoric period of a hereditary disorder in which the specific genes responsible have been identified. Undoubtedly, he said, there are other hereditary diseases that have come down to us from prehistoric ancestors and which are yet to be discovered in fossil remains.

Amelogenesis imperfecta is a hereditary disorder that manifests itself in tooth enamel that is abnormal in structure, low in mineral content and hence subject to rapid wear and chipping. The Hebrew University researchers confirmed the clear presence of the disease in the fossil sample through x-ray and scanning electron microscope analyses. The disease appears relatively rarely today (one in 14,000 people in Israel, one in 8,000 in the U.S.). It is much more common in one area of Sweden (one in 700).

Enamel hypoplastic defects were found in the teeth of Pithecanthropus.

Manifestations of disturbances in tooth number include anodontia (absence) and supernumerary teeth (additional). Partial anodontia was noted throughout the various periods and cultures to the present day. In the Neolithic culture, particularly in Europe, there was an increased frequency of absence of third molars at a level which made that state relatively common.

Anthropologists from Medical Research University of Johannesburg, South Africa, reported the data that the maxillary dental arch of a partial cranium of an adult specimen of Australopithecus robustus shows the presence of a supernumerary tooth between the right first and second incisors. The fossil specimen is considered, on the basis of associated fauna, to be approximately 1.7 million year old.

A high occurrence of supernumerary or extra teeth was revealed in the remnants dating back to the Gallo-Roman period and Middle Ages.

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Choose any of the oral structures anomalies to dwell on. Speak on the frequency of its occurrence, predisposing factors, possible complications and prognosis.

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