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Тема 15 степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Задание 1. Определите степень прилагательного/наре­чия. Дайте русские эквиваленты.

1) Coolest, 2) thicker, 3) less, 1 положительная,

4) greatest, 5) worst, 6) strongest, 2 сравнительная,

7) better, 8) slower, 9) green, 3 превосходная

10) smallest, 11) least commonly,

12) best, 13) less difficult, 14) most

wonderful, 15) clever, 16) quickly,

17) more seldom, 18) less

interesting, 19) farther, 20) more


Задание 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Your eyes are darker than Ann's eyes. 2. In summer this room is cooler than all other rooms. 3 In winter it is the best and warmest room in our house and I like it best of all 4. Susan's new dress is even worse than her old one. 5. His hands are less and whiter than mine because I work more 6. In autumn the weather is colder than in spring though it is warmer than in winter. 7 Are your children younger than ours? 8. Who is the youngest child in your family? 9. The English grammar is easier than the Russian one. 10. There is more sugar in my tea than in yours. 11 Our flat is less comfortable than theirs. 12. It is the most important experiment. 13. He runs more quickly than you. 14 Most of my friends live in Moscow. 15. You miss classes more often than your brother and know the material worse. 16. What is the nearest

way to the station? 17. Mike is his best friend, isn't he? 18. What is better — friendship or love? 19. We live farther from the center than you. 20. Russia is tne largest and richest in minerals country.

Задание З. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от данных наречий и прилагатель­ных.

1. Tall, long, easy, hot, big, cold, nice, badly, large, strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, low, busy, well, little, many, far, clever, dirty, clean, much, bad, red, white, warm, black, quick. 2. Necessary, quickly, interesting, comfortable, popular, commonly, clearly, active, wonderful, pleasant, famous, beautiful, difficult, important, slowly, generally, unpleasant, friendly.

Задание 4. Употребите соответствующую степень прила­гательного/наречия.


Now I speak English (well) than last

1. -er


2. — est


This is (beautiful) park in our city.

3. the — est


Your house is (high) than ours.

4. more


The Volga is (large) river in Europe.

5. less


It is (cold) in winter than in autumn.

6. most


This film is (interesting) I've ever seen.

7. the most


New method is used (commonly) than

8. the least

the old one.

9. better


My son plays football (well) of all.

10. worse


Today I feel (badly) than yesterday.

11. best


. His task is (difficult) than mine.

12. the best


. A.C. Doyle is one of (famous) writers in

13. worst

the world.

14. the worst



  1. Who is (good) student in your group?

  2. English is one of the (important) languages today.

  3. (Many) of our relatives live in Russia.

  4. Can you do it (quickly) than we?

  5. February is (short) month of the years.

  6. Is this (far) village in your region?

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень наречия/прилагательного. А.

1. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 2. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 3. Which is (long) day of the year? 4. The Caucasus are (high) mountains in Europe. 5. (Long) day has an end. 6. It is one of (important) questions of our conference. 7. Friendship is (strong) than steel. 8. Who knows him (well) than you? 9. They have (little) interest in this work than we. 10. Health is (good) than wealth. 11. Ann worked (well) of all. 12. He was going home (slowly) than usually. 13. Time is (good) doctor. 14. She is (young) child in this family. 15. What is (near) way to the Drama theatre? 16. Text two is (interesting) than text one. 17. Peter is tall but his brother is (tall). 18. You made (many) mistakes than others. 19. He is (popular) singer in Great Britain. 20. This room is (comfortable) than that one. 21. It's (warm) day of the week.


1. This map is too small. I need a (big) one. 2. He isn't very strong. His brother is (strong). 3. It was a good film. In fact, it was (good) film I've ever seen. 4. Of course, your story is interesting but I prefer (interesting) ones. 5. I wasn't well yesterday but today I feel (well). 6. She was (beautiful) о them. 7. Which of them runs (quickly) — Mike or Sam? 8. My

room is not large. Yours is (large). 9. Who knows him (well) that you? 10. That Sunday was a cold day. Perhaps, it was (cold) day of the year. 11. I agree, your task is difficult but mine is (difficult) of all. 12. He is a popular writer, one of (popular) in the world. 13. There are many long rivers in our land. Which of them is (long) one? 14. This week I have (little) work than usually. 15. Which of the lakes is (deep) - the Ladoga or the Baikal? 16. It was (bad) day in his life. 17. What is (near) way to the railway station?

Задание 6. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. The harder you work, the better are the results.

а) Работайте упорно, будут лучше результаты, в) Чем упорнее вы работаете, тем лучше результаты.

2. This library is as large as ours.

а) Эта библиотека больше нашей.

в) Эта библиотека такая же большая, как и наша.

3. She is not so tall as her sister.

а) Она не такая высокая, как ее сестра, в) Она не выше своей сестры.

4. You know English as well as Russian.

а) Вы знаете английский лучше, чем русский.

в) Вы знаете английский так же хорошо, как

и русский.

5. The nearer autumn is, the colder the days are.а) Чем ближе осень, тем холоднее дни.

в) С приближением осени дни становятся холоднее.

6. The Don is not so long as the Volga.

а) Дон не такой длинный, как Волга, в) Дон не длиннее Волги.

7. I need this book as much as you do.

а) Мне нужна эта книга больше, чем вам. в) Мне нужна эта книга так же, как и вам.



8. Your son has as many friends as you have,а) У вашего сына столько же друзей,сколько и у вас.

в) У вашего сына больше друзей, чем у вас.

9. The more you miss lectures, the worse you know thematerial.

а) Пропуская много лекций, вы хуже будете знать


в) Чем больше вы пропускаете лекций, тем хуже вы

знаете материал.

10. His new book is much better than the old one.

а) Его новая книга гораздо лучше, чем старая, в) Его новая книга так же хороша, как и старая.

11. Summer is as nice as spring.

а) Лето так же прекрасно, как и весна, в) Лето лучше весны.

12. The harder he will work, the better will be the results,а) Если он будет работать усердно, результатыбудут хорошие.

в) Чем усерднее он будет работать, тем лучше бу- дут результаты.

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You are as tall as your brother. 2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black sea. 3. The more you read, the | more you know. 4. This book is not so interesting as you think. 5. The earlier one gets up, the more one can do. 6. His daughter is as nice as her mother. 7. Your room is not so comfortable as mine. 8. My friend knows English as well j as Russian. 9. Ann is not so lazy as her brother. 10. The longer is the night, the shorter is the day. 11. The weather today is as fine as it was yesterday. 12. This problem is much more important than that one. 13. The less people think, the more

they talk. 14. Their house is not so high as ours. 15. Is your dog as clever as mine?

Задание 8. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. Moscow is largest than Rostov. 2. You are not as strong as my father. 3. Ann is better student in our group. 4. This is the most interesting story than that one. 5. The near spring is, the long the days are. 6. New flat was so comfortable as our old one. 7. Text 4 is least difficult than text five. 8. He was one of the more brilliant people in this city. 9. Who knows Peter gooder than you? 10. Russia is larger country in the world. 11. It is one of his better pictures. 12. The many friends you have, the richer you are. 13. Your dog is not as small as mine.

Задание 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Ваша улица длиннее, чем наша? Нет, она такая же (длинная), как и ваша. 2. А.К. Дойль — один из самых популярных писателей в мире. 3. Чем ближе осень, тем холоднее погода. 4. Население США больше населения Великобритании. 5. Твой брат сделал работу быстрее тебя. 6. Австралия — одна из наименее населенных стран в мире. 7. Его работа лучше вашей, но работа Анны — самая лучшая. 8. Я живу от института не так далеко, как мой друг. 9. Это — самая удивительная картина во всей коллекции. 10. В августе столько же дней, сколько и в июле. 11. Нью-Йорк не такой древний город, как Лондон. 12. Чем больше вы пропускаете занятия, тем хуже ваши знания. 13. Он плавает лучше всех.


  1. существительное

  2. глагол

  3. прилагательное

  1. наречие

  2. предлог

  3. числительное

7. местоимение


Задание 1. Укажите, к какой части речи относятся выде­ленные слова.

  1. My mother likes spring flowers.

  2. Spring is the first season of the


  1. May I copy your notes?

  2. Please, make a copy of this


  1. You must work hard.

  2. It was a hard blow for my friend.

  3. And now turn around and look

at this picture.

8. Our teacher told us about the

knights of the Round Table.

9. He didn't work in the garden

yesterday but I did a lot of work there.

  1. At last our ship came to land.

  2. All passengers are going to land at Glasgow.

  3. There are many land agents in our company.

  4. Will you give me a glass of water?

  1. She always water her flowers in the morning.

  2. This water lily is very beautiful.

  3. Let's paper our dining room. 17.


The boys wore paper hats.

  1. Do you often read our local paper?

  2. In winter children like to build a snow man.

  3. When I left Home Computer began to snow.

  4. There is much snow in the streets today.

  5. Our telephone is out of order.

  6. Will you telephone us on Tuesday?

  7. His address is in my telephone book.

  1. I have only one sister.

  2. One must always help people.

Задание 2. Запомните наиболее употребительные суффик­сы и префиксы СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ.