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Тема 4 местоимение

Задание 1. Замените выделенные слова личными место­имениями

1 The teacher helped the students to translate the text.

2. Mother asked Ann to wash the plates. 3. My friend will writea letter to his sister. 4. Peter took two books from the boy. 5. Hisparents will give presents to my children: my son and mydaughter. 6. Mary is going to leave for Moscow with her friends.

7. Our grandmother and grandfather will come to our place onChristmas. 8. Does your friend work in this shop? 9. His cousinslive abroad. 10. My aunt saw her brother and her sister.

Задание 2. Замените слова, стоящие в притяжательной падеже, соответствующими притяжательны­ми местоимениями

1. Look at my friends' photo. 2. It is Helen' book.

3. This boy is Mike and Mary' son. 4. The artist's studio isvery large. 5. These are my grandmother's books. 6. Kate'sparents are teachers by profession. 7. Today is my brother'sbirthday. 8. His sister's name is Susan. 9. This is my and myfriend's desk. 10. Do you like my parents' house?

Задание З. Заполните пропуски соответствующими личны­ми или притяжательными местоимениями. А.

1. I have a brother.2.... name is Peter. 3... is an engineer by profession. 3...brother is 27. 4. ... is married and has...own family. 5. ...is not very large. 6. ...are four. 7. ...wife is 25.

8. ... name is Olga. 9. ...is a doctor. 10. ...have 2 children.11. ...children are little. 12. I like ... very much and ... like ...too. 13. ... say that ... am the best uncle in the world.



1. ... am Mike. 2. ... have a sister. 3. ... is a schoolgirl. 4. ...name is Helen. 5. ...are twins. 6. ...have parents. 7. ...parents are not old. 8. ... are teachers by profession. 9. ... are very fond of... . 10. ... family is very friendly. 11. ...live in a three room flat. 12. ...is in the center of the city. 13. ...rather comfortable. 14. ... rooms are large and light.

Задание 4. Поставьте местоимения в скобках в нужный

падеж и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Let (they) discuss this problem. 2. Let (I) help you. 3. Allow (he) to introduce his son. 4. I would like (you) to meet (they). 5. Let (we) go to the library. 6. Let (they) watch TV in the evening. 7. Let (she) have a rest. 7. Allow (I) to visit you. 8. Do you want (they) to write a report? 9. Let (we) sit down here. 10. Let (she) come in.

Задание 5. Переведите на английский язык. А.

1.Моя книга. 2, Его друзья. 3. Твой дом. 4. Наш сад. 5. Ее сестра. 6. Его центр (о городе). 7. Ваши комнаты. 8. Их родители. 9. Твои братья. 10. Наши родственники. 11. Ее стены (о комнате). 12. Ваше задание. 13. Его сыно­вья. 14. Их машина. 15. Его идея .16. Твой друг. 17. Ее фа­культеты (об академии). 18. Ее сыновья. 19. Мой отец. 20. Ваш родной город. В.

1.Спросите их. 2. Дайте нам. 3.Напишите ему. 4. Скажи им. 5. Представьте ее. 6.Взгляни на него. 7. Рас­скажите о них и их детях. 8. Передайте мне. 9. Не говори­те о них. 10. Поговорите с нами. 11. Позвоните мне. 12. Не думайте о ней и ее сестре. 13. Спой нам. 14. Не

смотрите на нас . 15.Послушайте их. 16. Разрешите мне.

17. Позовите ее. 18. Нарисуйте его. 19. Подождите их.20. Навести нас.


1 .Я вижу ваш дом. 2. Вы видите мой дом. 3. Он берет ее книгу. 4. Она берет его книгу.5. Они дают нам свои книги. 6.Мы даем им наши книги. 7. Прочтите ее письмо. 8. Дайте мне ваш карандаш. 9. Я открываю свою книгу. 10. Они открывают свои книги. 11. Мы берем наши руч­ки. 12. Он берет свою ручку. 13. Она читает свою книгу. 14. Возьмите свой словарь. 15. Они говорят с ним. 16. Я смотрю на твою картину. 17. Ты прочел мою книгу?

18. Вы обсудите наш план. 19. Мы сообщим им о нашемвизите. 20. Он знает о вашем звонке. 21. Они отдали намсвои тетради. 22. Напиши ей о своем успехе.

Задание 6. Употребите соответствующее притяжатель­ное местоимение в независимой форме.

1. Take my notebook and give me (вашу). 2. I like your house. Do you want to see (наш)? 3. This is my mistake, not (ваша). 4. Give me your pen, I cannot find (мою). 5. She says that this bag is (ее). 6. Give them our map, (их) is too small. 7. Don' t take my book, take (его). 8. I have lost my pencil, may I take (твой)? 9. These seats are (наши) and those are (их). 10. It is my photo, not (ее). 11. Is this bicycle (ваш) or (их)? 12. This is my idea, not (ваша ).

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Эта машина моя, а не ваша. 2. Нам нравятся ваши друзья, а вам нравятся наши? 3. Он сказал, что эта книга — его. 4. Не берите мой словарь, возьмите ее. 5. Эта ком­ната — ваша, а та — их. 6. Можно я возьму твою книгу,



я забыл свою? 7. Это работа ваша? 8. Первой была наша команда, а не их. 9. У вас хороший дом, а что вы скажите о моем? 10. Это была их идея, а не наша.

Задание 8. Употребите нужное возвратное местоимение. 1. I'll ask him ... 2. Не wants to do it... 3. She washed ... 4. You will answer his letter... 5. We shall tell her... 6.1 looked at... in the mirror. 7. They have done the task ... 8. She doesn't like to speak about... 9. The story ... is very good, but not the translation. 10. Children, do it ... 11. I need this book ... 12. Stop talking, behave ...

Задание 9. Заполните пропуски соответствующим воз­вратным или усилительным местоимением.

1. Не told me that... 2. My sister enjoyed ... in France. 3. I don't smoke ... 4. They helped...to the cake. 5. Mike and Ann made this box ... 6. The cat washed ... 7. We like the story ... 8. His parents built their house ... 9. Usually I get up at 7 o'clock, wash ... and have my breakfast. 10. She helped ... to the chocolates. 11.1 was greatly impressed by the film ... 12. This knife is very sharp, don't cut ... 13. She was pleased with ... 14. They are not asking for ...

Задание 10. Переведите на русский язык предложения с указательными местоимениями.

1. Read this book, that one is not interesting. 2. We don't like these shoes, show us those ones. 3. Are these pencils yours? Yes, these are mine. 4. Look at this dress. Is it beautiful or not? Do you like such dresses? 5. Don't take these cups, those cups are better. 6. Where are these books? They are on that table. 7. Do you like such films? 8. You may take this book and I shall take that one. 9. Shall I take this or that box? 10. We have never seen such pictures. 11. It is my school.

12. These flowers are beautiful but those are better. 13. Your house is higher than that one. 14. Do you know that man? 15. What is it? 16. It is our native city. 17. Who lives in this little house? 18. I don't like such apples. 19. Such a pity, you are not my friend.

Задание 11. Заполните пропуски соответствующими ука­зательными местоимениями

    1. this

    2. that

    3. such

    4. these

    5. those

    6. it

    7. this one

    8. that one

    9. these ones

    10. those ones

    ...is my book and ... is yours.

  1. ... year I left school.

  2. Best of all I like English and Maths ...are my favourite subjects.

  3. Ask ... students to come here.

  4. Who knows ... man?

  5. Is ... your garden? 7. Look at ... map. And where is ... map?

  1. ...man is rather tall, and what about ..?

  2. Many people like detective stories. As for me, I don't like ... books.

  3. ... houses are higher than ....

  4. Who likes ... pictures?

12. ... is our best stadium.

Задание 12. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

I.Oh часто читает такие книги. 2. Вам нравится это фото? А что вы думаете о том? З.Не смотрите такие филь­мы. 4. Где эти книги? 5. Возьми ту ручку. 6. Это здание выше, чем то. 7. Какую книгу вы возьмете — эту или ту? 8. Тот человек — мой друг. 9. Я никогда не видел таких картин раньше. 10. Это — карта России. 11. Что это? то — ваше? 12. Где учатся твои дети, в этой или той школе?

13. Что ты думаешь о таких людях?



Задание 13. Переведите предложения на русский язык, об­ращая внимание на различные значения нео­пределенного местоимения «one».

1. One cannot learn a foreign language in some days.2. This test is better than the one you wrote yesterday. 3. One should observe the traffic rules. 4. There is a large bookcase

at one window and a sofa at the other one. 5. One neverknows one's future. 6. One mustn't live only for oneself. 7. New houses are better than those ones. 8. One must do one's duty properly.9. In this picture one can see the whole

family. 10. One must always keep one's word. 11. I don't like

such books, I'd rather take that one. 12. If one wants

something to be done well, one should do it oneself.

Задание 14. Найдите в данных ниже предложениях взаим-

ные местоимения, переведите предложения на

русский язык.

1. The twins often see one another. 2. Have you heard

about each other? 3. They warmly greeted one another in the park. 4. How long do you know each other? 5. We bought some presents for each other last week. 6. Two years the friends didn't visit one another. 7. You can help each other in this work. 8. Have they met one another before? 9. The parents always remember about each other. 10. The Earth and the Moon attract each other.

Задание 15. Поупражняйтесь в переводе предложений с вопросительными местоимениями.

1. Which of them is your brother? 2. Who can answer my question? 3. What do you want? 4. Whom are you asking? 5. What books do you like? 6. Whose picture is this? 7. Who can speak English well? 8. Which of you is his son? 9. Whom


does he know better? 10. What shall we do? 11. Whose dogs are those ones? 12. What oceans wash our country?

Задание 16. Переведите предложения с относительными местоимениями.

1. The girl who is sitting in front of us is my classmate.

  1. My father was talking to a man whom I had seen before.

  2. Suddenly we saw a little dog which was tired and hungry.

  3. The book that you are reading now was written by our teacher. 5. At first he didn't understand who was calling him. 6. The new house in which our family lives today belongs to my friend. 7. Who had been here was unknown. 8. The picture that we lost was very beautiful. 9. This is not what we like. 10. There are some writers whose names are known to all. 11. It was the girl who told us the news. 12. I hope to see the old man whom we met in the park some days ago.

Задание 17. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя соответствующие указа­тельные, взаимные, вопросительные или от­носительные местоимения.

1. Кто знает друг друга лучше, чем вы? 2. Человек, который читает газету, наш декан. 3. Какие книги они подарили друг другу? 4. Кто (который) из них ваш учи­тель? 5. Тебе нравятся такие книги? 6. Это не такой мяч, как тот. 7. Они ничего не знают друг о друге. 8. Кто по­может вам? 9. Дети, которые играют во дворе, учатся в той школе. 10. Эти дома более современные, чем те. 11. Мы редко видим друг друга. 12. Кто взял мои книги? 13. Каждый должен знать свои права и свои обязаннос­ти. 14. Здание, в котором находится наша школа, было построено много лет тому назад.


Задание 18. Переведите на русский язык предложения, со­держащие неопределенные местоимения и их производные.

1. Nobody can do this work. 2. He didn't say anything.

3. Will you go anywhere? 4. She answered nothing. 5. This summer we go nowhere. 6. They don't know anybody here. 7. I saw

nothing on the table. 8. We met him everywhere.

9. Do you know any of the girls? 10. She'll read some English

books in summer. 11. Come at any time. 12. Everybody knows

about it. 13. There are some mistakes in your work. 14. Have you

any questions? 15. He didn't see anybody in the park. 16. Someone

invited her to the cinema. 17. Have you heard anything?

Задание 19. Заполните пропуски соответствующими мес-


1. My friend has ... English books at home.

  1. some

  2. any

  3. no

  4. every

  5. somebody

  6. someone

  7. anybody

  8. anyone

  9. nobody

  1. everybody

  2. everyone

  3. something

  4. anything

  5. nothing

  6. everything

  7. somewhere

  8. anywhere

  1. He doesn't know ... about it.

  2. There were ... books on the table.

  1. ... heard ... about him.

  2. Is ... ready to answer this question?

  3. ... likes you.

  4. Is there ... in the box?

  5. Can you see ... in the street?

  6. We are going to invite ... to the cinema.

  1. Did you hear ... interesting news last week?

  2. Is he going ... this summer?

  3. ... came here.

  4. They know... about us.

  5. ... is present today.

  6. We shall read this book ... day.

  7. You can explain... to ...

17. Has he written ... else?


18. You may take ... book you like. I 18. nowhere


Задание 20. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Вы видели кого-нибудь вчера? Нет, я никого не видел. 2. Каждый знает об этом.3.На столе есть что-ни­будь? Да, на столе что-то есть. 4. В нашей группе не­сколько новых студентов. 5. Смотри, кто-то пришел сюда. 6. Все присутствуют сегодня? 7. Никто ничего не знал о ней. 8. Такие дома есть везде. 9. Друзья ничего нигде не могли найти. 10. У тебя есть какие-нибудь английские книги? Да, у меня есть несколько английских книг. 11. Вы видите что-нибудь на том столе? Нет, я ничего не вижу. 12. Ее брат поедет завтра куда-нибудь? Да, он едет куда-то. 13. Мы читаем такие тексты каждый урок. 14. В ва­шей работе несколько/нет никаких ошибок. 15. Я ниче­го не могу сделать для вас. 16. Все прочли эту книгу. 17. Мы нигде не встречали их. 18. Любой спортсмен мо­жет пробежать такую дистанцию. 19. Никто не ответил ему, хотя он писал всем.

  1. many

  2. much

  3. few

  4. little

5. a few

Задание 21. Заполните пропуски соответствующими мес­тоимениями

  1. This week I haven't ... work.

  2. ... like football.

  1. How ... time do you spend on your home task?

  1. Such tasks require ... time and ... paper.

  2. Have you got ... friends? No, I have...

  3. Your partner has ... interest in this work .

  1. ... of our students will take part in the April conference.

  1. You have ... English books in your library,



2. 3.






10. 11.


haven't you? No, just...

9. Please, give me ... water.

  1. Of course, he will be late, because there is ... time.

  2. It was cold and there were very ... children in the park.

  1. ... has been said about his public services.

  2. His sister spends ... money.

  3. ... people were invited but only ... came.

  4. Are there ...rooms in her flat?

  1. He was one of the ... people in the room who was known to ....

Задание 22. Употребите нужное местоимение:

1. Will you use ...of our programs?

  1. ... my brothers are married.

  2. They may choose ... way,

  1. ... of the letters came in time.

  2. Last football match was not interesting, ... team played well.

  3. There were many little houses on ... bank of the river.

  4. You are ... right.

  5. Yesterday I invited ... my friends to the cinema, but... came.

  6. We must... visit him.

  7. Are ... her sons students?

  8. Your teacher gave me two English books and I read ....

  9. ... of them understood me.

  10. When she entered the room ... her sons were watching TV.

6. a little


  1. either

  2. neither

Задание 23. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя соответствующее местоимение за­даний 21 и 22.

1. Вот два словаря, возьми любой. 2. Не трать так много денег. 3. Сколько времени ты писал этот доклад? 4. Не ссорьтесь, вы оба правы. 5. И тот, и другой ^приме­ры верны. 6. Они оба окончили нашу академию два года назад. 7. Немногие знают о его успехе. 8. Мы не сможем использовать ни тот, ни другой метод . 9. Дай мне, пожа­луйста, немного чая. 10. У вашего сына очень мало хоро­ших друзей. 11. Ни тот, ни другой не заметили нас.

  1. В моей библиотеке есть несколько английских книг.

  2. Оба моих брата жили во Франции. 14. Никто из них не ответил на мое письмо. 15. Любой из нас мог помочь ему.

Задание 24. Определите группу местоимений:

  1. личные

  2. притяжа­тельные

  3. возврат­ные

  4. взаимные

  5. неопреде­ленные

  6. вопроси­тельные

My brother is 25.

Не is a doctor.

Is this your book?

We shall see each other tomorrow.

Who can answer his question?

Your friend may take either book.

These dictionaries are ours and

those ones are yours.

Has anybody seen her brother?

Such tasks are not difficult, do them


Whose pencil is this? It's mine.

The children read this book


Nobody knew that man.

Do you like such films?



14. There are no German books in ourlibrary.

15. They often visited one another.

  1. This is the boy whose father is a famous writer.

  2. Both of her sons are good sportsmen

  3. Little was said about my grand­father.

  4. Whom do you know here?

20. Everybody heard how well sheplayed the piano.

  1. We saw nothing on his table.

  2. One always hopes for the best.

  3. We both read the book that our teacher gave us.

  4. Neither of the sportsmen could run this distance.

25. Only a few came to help the old man.2o. Have you seen him anywhere?