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Тема 17



Задание 1. Проанализируйте употребление модальных гла­голов в следующих предложениях. Переведи­те предложения на русский язык.

1. May I leave for a while? 2. Your sister must study better. 3. Don't help him, he can do this work himself. 4. You graduated from the University and ought to know this material. 5. Must I attend these seminars? No, you needn't. 6. She should show her report to the teacher. 7. He asked the children but they wouldn't listen to him. 8. They ought to help him, he is ill. 9. Last summer we would often walk in the park. 10. Nobody could translate this text. 11. Would you tell me the time? 12. Your friend might have informed us about his arrival. 13. Who can give me a book? 14. The girls should be more attentive at the lessons. 15. They needn't go there.

Задание 2. Определите значение модального глагола.

  1. должествование

  2. моральный долг

  3. упрек, недоволь­ство

  4. разрешение

  5. сожаление

  1. Не can run long distances.

  2. You should stop smoking. "

  3. My son wouldn't do his home


  1. May I sit here?

  2. Everybody should have read

this book.

6. I ought to help my friend, he is


7. Our teacher can speak three

foreign languages. ,


  1. You mustn't park your car here.

  2. He is a qualified engineer and ought to know the process well.

10.You may keep this book till Monday.

  1. It may rain.

  2. He needn't buy flowers today.

  3. She would often meet us in the park. 14. You should be more attentive to your son.

  1. Could anybody do this task?

  2. Would you help them?

  3. The Smirnovs may not be at • home now.

  4. Her daughter might have come in time.

  5. They must study well.

  6. Why should I go with you?

  7. She needn't come so early.

  8. He must speak to his son.

23. How should I learn about it?24.Can you answer my question?

  1. May we open the window?

  2. Your friend could have helped you.

  3. She may be out.

  4. May we take these dictionaries?

  5. Could he play chess at school? 30. Would you show us the way to the station?

  1. Children wouldn't stop playing.

  2. He needn't leave.

6. удивление,недоумение

  1. совет, рекомен­дация

  1. действие

по логике ве­щей

9. отсутствиенеобходимости

  1. повтор дей­ствия в про­шлом

  2. нежелание выполнить действие

  3. предположе­ние, вероят­ность

  1. способность, умение

  2. вежливое обра­щение, просьба


Задание 3. Заполните пропуски нужным модальным гла-голом.

  1. сап

  2. could

  3. may

  4. might

  5. must

  1. should

  2. would

  3. ought

  4. needn't

1: ... you play the piano in childhood?

  1. He ... take my dictionary.

  2. His son is ill, he ... consult the doctor.

  3. Why ... I give him my money?

  4. ... this manager speak any foreign


6. He ... to help his parents, they need

his help.

7. The students ... have passed their

exams in time.

  1. ... you tell us the time?

  2. ...I visit them? No, you needn't.

  1. The engineer ... have told them about new plan.

  1. In winter we ... often skate.

  2. You ... not miss these lectures.

  3. We ... not do this work ourselves.

  1. Isn't he a doctor? He ... to save my child.

15. She asked me but I ... wash the


Задание 4. Переведите на русский язык предложения, со-держащие эквиваленты модальных глаголов.

1. Are you able to drive a car? 2. He was allowed to make an experiment. 3. Who is able to do this work? 4. The delegation had to leave for Moscow earlier. 5. The students are to take exams in June. 6. Am I allowed to attend these seminars? 7. My friend was able to translate the text at the lesson. 8. I shall be able to write my course paper by Monday.


  1. Children will be allowed to watch TV in the evening.

  2. According to the curriculum all of you are to take terminals next week. 11. The train is to arrive soon. 12. The weather was bad and we had to stay at home. 13. Young people having no driving licence are not allowed to drive a car. 14. I have to go shopping twice a week. 15. Were you able to send her a telegram? 16. Was your friend to make a report at our conference? 17. The old man had to return to the village.

Задание 5. Замените модальные глаголы соответствую­щими эквивалентами.

1. The stranger couldn't explain anything. 2. Your child must not stay at home alone. 3. Can you solve this problem? 4. You may take any picture. 5. Couldn't you run this distance more quickly? 6. The operators might work in our lab. 7. Who can translate this text? 8. They must attend all lectures. 9. May I go to the cinema tomorrow? 10. We must meet at 9 o'clock. 11. Can Ann' s parents help her? 12. Yesterday we could read his article in the local newspaper.

Задание 6. Выберите адекватный вариант перевода. А.

1. My father couldn't have said it.

а) Мой отец не может говорить такое, в) Мой отец не мог сказать этого, с) Мой отец не сказал этого.

2. Both of you should consult the teacher.

а) Вам обоим следует посоветоваться с учителем, в) Вы оба можете посоветоваться с учителем, с) Вы оба сможете посоветоваться с учителем.

3. Your engineer ought to know the process well.

а) Ваш инженер возможно знает процесс хорошо.


в) Ваш инженер обязан знать процесс хорошо, с) Ваш инженер мог знать процесс хорошо. 4. We had to stay at home.

а) Мы должны остаться дома, в) Мы можем остаться дома, с) Нам пришлось остаться дома. 5. I wouldn't listen to him.

а) Я не хотел его слушать.

в) Я не мог его слушать.

с) Я не буду его слушать.

6. You may stay with us.

а) Ты должен остаться с нами, в) Ты можешь остаться с нами, с) Тебе следует остаться с нами.

7. Who is to do this work?

а) Кто может сделать эту работу? в) Кому нужно сделать эту работу? с) Кто должен сделать эту работу?


1. Вам следует поговорить с ним.

  1. You should speak to him.

  2. You can speak to him.

  3. You may speak to him.

2. Студенты должны сдать экзамены в июне.

  1. The students have to pass exams in June.

  2. The students may pass exams in June.

  3. The students are to pass exams in June.

3. Я (бывало) навещал их по пути домой.

  1. I could visit them on my way home.

  2. I might visit them on my way home.

  3. I would visit them on my way home.


4. Детям пришлось вернуться в свой родной город.

  1. The children had to return to their native city.

  2. The children were to return to their native city.

  3. The children could return to their native city.

5. Могу я почитать ваши записи?

  1. Should I read your notes?

  2. Must I read your notes?

  3. May I read your notes?

6. Ты мог бы помочь нам с экспериментом.

  1. You ought to help us with the experiment.

  2. You could have helped us with the experiment.

c) You can help us with the experiment.

7. Он — квалифицированный специалист и должен знатьэтот процесс.

  1. Не is a skilled specialist and has to know this process.

  2. He is a skilled specialist and may know this process.

  3. He is a skilled specialist and ought to know this process.

8. Письмо, возможно, придет в понедельник.

  1. The letter must come on Monday.

  2. The letter may come on Monday.

c) The letter can come on Monday.

9. Как же мы доберемся до этой фермы?

  1. How may we get to this farm?

  2. How must we get to this farm?

  3. How should we get to this farm?

10. Твоим друзьям не нужно перестраивать дом.

  1. Your friends must not rebuild the house.

  2. Your friends needn't rebuild the house.

  3. Your friends cannot rebuild the house.

Задание 7. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. His son should to help you. 2. They cannot do this exercise yesterday. 3. You ought have told us about his