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Тема 21 неличные формы глагола — причастие I и II

Задание 1. Определите тип причастия - Participle I / Participle II.

1. New models of computers were shown at our exhibition. 2. While translating this article I used a dictionary. 3. The experiments being demonstrated now are of great interest. 4. Her new books published abroad are unknown in our country. 5. Do you know that Ann has obtained the Doctor degree? 6. The book left by somebody on the table was written in English. 7. Yesterday I received a letter written by my sister. 8. The teams were playing football the whole evening. 9. The rising sun was hidden by the clouds. 10. Mother was looking at the girls swimming in the river. 11. Have you seen any pictures painted by my brother? 12. Having lived in this city many years we knew it very well.

Задание 2. Выберите соответствующий вариант перевода причастия.

1. The answer received from Moscow didn't surprise me.

а) получивший, в)полученный

2. Arriving at the main station we went to the post office.

а) приехав, в) приехавший

3. All the questions discussed at our conference were ofgreat interest.

а) обсуждавшие, в) обсуждавшиеся

4. Having collected the necessary materials he wrote alarge report.

а) собирая, в) собрав

5. When walking in the park we met the stranger again.

а) гулявшие, в) гуляя


6. The engineers can get good results using advanced


а) использующие, в) используя

7. Soon you will be given these books.

а) дадут, в) данные

8. The man sitting at that window is our dean.

а) сидя, в) сидящий

9. Tests written by our students were very difficult.

а) пишущие, в) написанные

10. Being asked my friend answered at once.

а) спросив, в) когда спросили

11. All your documents were signed last week.

а) подписавшие, в) подписаны

12. A large house being built in our street will have many


а) построенный, в) строящийся.

Задание 3. Определите функцию причастия. А.

  1. обстоя­тельство

  2. опреде­ление

  3. часть сказуемого

1. Designing new systems you may use


  1. What are they writing now?

  2. The experiments being made in the

lab will be.

4. When asked she answered all myquestions.

  1. Have you already written the test?

  2. Don't use the dictionary while

translating the text.

7. The work done by you is very


8. Having read the book I returned it

to my friend.

9. The winds blowing from the

Atlantic are warm.

  1. Being packed well the goods arrived in good condition.

  2. Are the boys playing football your class-mates?

  3. She left the room singing a song.

  4. The street was full of people carrying flags and flowers.

  5. If invited I shall come.

  6. Our scientists have obtained good results.

  7. The girl invited to the party is a friend of mine.

  8. When frozen water changes into ice.

  9. The broken cup was under the table.

  10. Having been examined by the doctor my sons joined the sports club.

  11. I remembered my old friend while listening to this music.


1. This enterprise is often visited by the foreign specialists. 2. Combining studies with work our students can become highly skilled engineers. 3. Having run a long distance the sportsmen were very tired. 4. At last we reached our native city having been away 2 months. 5. The telegram sent by my mother will be delivered tomorrow. 6. New books written by this young writer were published in English. 7. Having finished the task the operators switched off the machine.



8. Large houses being built in the center of the city will have all modern conveniences. 9. The article translated into some oriental languages was of great interest. 10. The injured man was recovering rather quickly. 11. Going home we spoke about our experiment. 12. Mother was watching her son swimming in the river. 13. Why was your brother so excited? 14. Have you already translated the text? 15. While reading this article we often used your new dictionary. 16. Being acquainted with Ann we knew her very well. 17. The detective didn't hear me being deep in his thoughts. 18. Having said these words my father left the room.

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски соответствующей фор­мой причастия 1 или 2. А.

1. While ... a letter T made some mistakes.

а ) written, b ) writing

2. ... by the teacher the children answered at once.

a ) asking, b ) being asked

3. The girls ... volley-ball are our class-mates.

a ) playing, b ) being played

4. ... the task the worker stopped the machine.

a ) doing, b ) having done

5. When ... I sang songs.

a ) asked, b ) asking

6. ... home he met his friends.

a ) gone, b ) going

7. Why are you so ... in this business?

a ) interesting, b ) interested

8. The letters ... by our partners came on Monday.

a ) posted, b ) posting

9. When ... the line will increase productivity.

a) installed, b) installing

by our plant now are in great

10. New machines......demand.

a) producing, b) being produced.

11. What is this man ... in our lab?

a) doing b) done

12. When our mother came home we had ... the dinner.

a) cooking b) cooked B.

1. (Finishing/having finished) our work we went home. 2. We saw the sun slowly (rising/.risen) in the east. 3. (Being written/writing) in German the text was easy to translate.

  1. (Having been invited/inviting) to his concert I came in time.

  2. I don't know the man (introduced/introducing) by you.

  3. (Having read/reading) the book she returned it to me.

  4. The combines (being produced/producing) by our plant now are highly efficient. 8. (Knowing/known) the material well he will write this test easily. 9. When (asked/asking) she always answered all the questions. 10. He seemed (being interested/interested) in this business.

Задание 5. Определите вид «ING» формы.

  1. герундии





    Our talk was rather interesting.

  2. Swimming is useful.

3. We learn much by reading.


4. The text beginning was difficult

to translate.

5. He left the room without saying I



6. Our Institute building is not very



7. We entered the room discussing

the experiment results.



  1. Participle II

  2. сказуемое

в Past Indef­inite

8. Do you mind my closing the


9. What are you doing here?

  1. Russian is rich in various sayings.

  2. They are building a new house now.

  3. The device readings are wrong.

  4. His working place is always in order.

  5. The working engine is in our lab now.

  6. This story is less interesting than that one.

  7. Are you interested in this business?

  1. Going to work we spoke about our plans.

  2. Many scientists all over the world are working at this problem now.

  3. He thanked me for giving him a chance to visit this exhibition.

  4. Combining three operations we can save much time.

  5. The computer function is data processing.

  1. Ann is being asked now.

  2. The revolving parts are made of stainless steel.

  3. Is this your writing table?

  4. The friends entered the house speaking and laughing.

Задание 6. Определите вид э «ED» формы.

  1. This operation is performed by hand.

  2. Have you already already finished

your work? 3.Who has designed this new machine?

4. Computers processed new data in

some seconds.

  1. Are the necessary data processed?

  2. His article has been recently published

abroad. 7. The processed data were of great interest.

8. We published many interesting books

last year.

9. She addressed the stranger with a


10. 11.

New labs are rather well equipped.

Last week we translated into

Russian your article published in the



The technology developed by our

engineers turned out to be very





Here is the letter addressed to you.

The text translated by my students at

the lesson was rather difficult.

New equipment demonstrated by our

company will be widely employed in

many industries.



Задание 7. Замените глаголы в скобках нужной формой герундия или причастия 1 или 2. Определите их функцию.

1. While (translate) technical texts you may use this dictionary 2. (Be fond of) animals my son would often go to the Zoo. 3. Have you read the books (write) by our teacher? 4. (Swim) is very useful for your health. 5. (Write) the letter I went to the post office. 6. What is the best way of (solve) this problem? 7, On (enter) the room the man introduced himself.

  1. (Take) the Master degree at Oxford my returned to Russia.

  2. New method (use) in our experiment helped us very much.

10. (Leave) school recently my friend decided to enter theUniversity. 11. The main task of our higher school is (train)highly skilled specialists. 12. The boys left the room (discuss)their plans. 13. Do you know about his (play) a guitar? 14.(Beproduced) in 1960 the machine was out-of-date. 15. Theyremember (see) this performance already.

Задание 8. Замените придаточные предложения нужной формой герундия или причастия 1, 2. Переве­дите преобразованные предложения на рус­ский язык.

1. When my father heard the news he hurried to the port. 2. Ann wasn't sure of her success as she was out of practice. 3. Children were allowed to watch TV after they had learned their lessons. 4. Who knows the man that is sitting under the tree. 5. After they had spent two weeks at the seaside the friends returned home. 6. Which of the seas that wash our country is the largest? 7. As he was afraid of the captain the stranger didn't say a word. 8. Would you like to buy the picture which was shown yesterday? 9. Be very careful when you cross the street. 10. The scientists analysed the results after they had finished their experiment. 11. When we

get the telegram from our parents we'll let you know.

  1. I don't like the poems which are written by your friend.

  2. When they met the friends greeted each other warmly.

  3. As they had arrived earlier they had to wait. 15. Who is the girl that was introduced by your father?

Задание 9. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. Little children like read books by the adults. 2. Our house built some years ago. 3. Having finishing our work we went home. 4.Are you go home now? 5. Your letter will be answering on Tuesday. 6. Who has already doing the task? 7. New data processed by the computer yesterday. 8. Have the students attend all the lectures? 9. The Smirnovs move to a new house build for them last year. 10. The Don combines produce by the Rostselmash are export to many countries.

Задание 10. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Покажите, пожалуйста, список студентов, изуча­ющих французский язык. 2. Весь вечер мы сидели в саду, разговаривая о будущем. 3. Переходя дорогу, будьте вни­мательны. 4.Переехав в другой город, Петр начал искать работу. 5. Сестра говорила тихо, боясь разбудить детей.

  1. Проработав в саду целый день, мы очень устали.

  2. Туристы, сидевшие за столом, много шутили и смея-лись 8.Работая с новым текстом, выписывайте незнако­мые слова. 9. Наши коллеги сейчас проводят новый экс­перимент. 10. Прочитав немало редких книг, я узнал мно­го интересного. 11. Какую машину вы испытываете сей­час? 12. Отец читал вечернюю газету, делая какие-то за­метки. 13. Где человек, который принес письмо? 14. Де­тали, изготовленные новым методом, обладают высокой прочностью. 15. Напевая какую-то песню, он чинил сти­ральную машину.


6. Практическая граммат. англ. яз.