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U n I t 13. What are you going to do?

I. A. Translate the following words: athlete [æθli:t], roulette [ru(:)′let], detective [di′tektiv], pyramid [′pirəmid], Budapest [′bju:də′pest], video [′vidiou]

I. B. Study new words

crane [krein] кран

fork [fɔ:k] вилка

get становиться

knife [naif] нож

ticket office касса

add [æd] добавлять

army [α:mi] армия

spoon [spu:n] ложка

telly [′teli] телевизор

tower [′tauə] башня

petrol [′petrəl] бензин

put in [put] вставлять

sweater [′swetə] свитер

tasty [′teisti] вкусный

violin [,vaiə′lin] скрипка

ton [t∧n] тонна

housing [′hauziŋ] жилье, жилищное строительство

be on a tour быть в турне

towel [′tauəl] полотенце

wealth [wel] богатство wife-to-be будущая жена

act [ækt] действовать; дело, акт, постановление Great!Прекрасно! Замечательно! Великолепно!

How are you getting on?Как (идут) Ваши дела?

unemployment[′∧nim′plɔimənt] безработица

average [′ævəridʒ] средний

check (out) [tek] проверять

novel [′nɔvəl] роман, новелла

solar [′soulə] солнечный

academic year [,ækədemik] учебный год

addition [ədiən] добавление, дополнение

ring [riŋ]rang [ræŋ]rung [r∧ŋ] звонить

transform [træns′fɔ:m] трансформировать

get onделать успехи, преуспевать

smile [smail] улыбка, улыбаться

toothbrush [′tu:br∧] зубная щетка

put [put]putput класть, ставитьrepair [ri′pεə] ремонт, ремонтировать

useful [′ju:sful] полезный, пригодный

academic [,ækədemik] учебный, академический, преподаватель

go on business ездить по делу, в деловую поездку (командировку)

I. C. Transform the sentences according to the model

He usually drinks water. (tonight - champagne) - But tonight he is drinking champagne.

1. He usually eats eggs. (steak) 2. He usually drinks beer. (whisky) 3. He usually smokes cigarettes. (cigars) 4. He usually eats at home. (in a restaurant) 5. She usually wears a dress. (trouser suit) 6. She doesn’t always wear perfume. (tonight -wear) 7. She usually reads novels. (a detective story) 8. He usually repairs cranes. (a car – at the moment) 9. She usually watches TV. (tonight – a video)

I. D. How are things changing in the country?

The population / The army / The post / People / The housing problem / Holidays / The climate / The working week / Families /

The unemployment problem

is getting

are getting

better / worse / warmer

taller / bigger / smaller

longer / shorter / colder

slower / faster /

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