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Научно-технический словарь

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Весьма незначительный [см. Лишь незначительный].


Весьма незначительный [см. Лишь незначительный]. Весьма необходимый [см. Остро необходимый].

Весьма ограниченный [см. тж. Сильно ограничен]

Severely (or Very) limited.

Весьма осторожно [см. С большой осторожностью].

Весьма отдалённое будущее [см. В весьма отдалённом будущем].

Весьма перспективный

Poly I:C shows considerable promise as a means for exploiting the interferon mechanism.

Весьма перспективный в области

A method of considerable promise for the production of "superheavy" elements has been devised.

Весьма подвержен

The hot vapour is highly susceptible to excitation and ionization.

Весьма подробно

They discuss at great length the arguments for...

The following sections examine a chemical transformation in close detail.

Весьма полезен

The orbital model has considerable utility in helping us to ...

Весьма пригодный для

This bridge circuit is most useful for the measurement of...

Весьма различны [см. тж. Сильно отличаться по]

The dichroic spectra of the two structures are significantly distinct. The colours of the anhydrous compounds vary widely.

Весьма различные

Vastly (or Drastically, or Markedly) different species ...

Весьма разнообразны

Such membranes are of a great variety.

These sequences are highly (or widely) diversified.

Весьма разнообразные формы

Calcite may exhibit a wide variety of forms.

Весьма родственны друг другу

All the calf histones show close kinship [or are closely related (to each other)](biol.).

Весьма сомнителен

This statement is subject to serious question (or is highly questionable).

Весьма сходный с

The situation closely parallels (or resembles) that in ...

Весьма точный

This definition is highly accurate.

Весьма трудный

The task was a considerable challenge (or extremely complicated).

Весьма тщательно


Весьма тщательно

The specimens are being studied with great thoroughness (or very thoroughly).

Весьма удобен

Conventional optical techniques are a great convenience.

Весьма усложнять эксперимент [см. Большая трудность].

Весьма успешно [см. тж. С большим успехом]

This principle has been applied with much success to the restoration of ...

This type of plant is most advantageously employed on welding work.

Весьма хорошее приближение [см. В весьма хорошем приближении].

Весьма ценно для

Of considerable value to industry is that all the motors can ...

Весьма чувствителен к

Pulse shape is acutely sensitive to deviations from ...

Весьма эффективен

The theory works very well (or is highly efficient).

Весьма ядовит для

Hydrogen sulphide is highly toxic to fishes.

Весьма яркий

The star is highly luminous.

Ветвь I [см. Восходящий].

Ветвь II

The arms (or branches) of a Wheatstone bridge (el.).

Ветер [см. тж. Слабый ветер]

The north-easterly trade winds flow from the northern Hemisphere towards the Equator.

Westerly (Southerly, Easterly, Northerly) wind.


The next milestone in the development of the high-speed digital computer is ...

Веха в истории

This proof constitutes an important milestone in the history of mathematics.

Вешать [см. Подвешен].

Вещественная и мнимая части

Er - real part of the elastic modulus.

Ei - imaginary part of the elastic modulus.

Вещество [см. Материал].

Взад и вперёд

Solute molecules are continually moving back and forth.

Взаимная дополняемость

The complementarity of the base pairs (chem.)...

Взаимная зависимость [см. Взаимосвязь].


Взаимная зависимость [см. Взаимосвязь]. Взаимная связь [см. Взаимосвязь].

Взаимно дополнять друг друга

The screens are said to be complementary when the opaque parts of one correspond to the transparent parts of the other.

Geology and palaeontology complement each other.

Взаимно заменять друг друга

The terms "mixing" and "stirring" are often used interchangeably in ordinary speech.

Взаимно исключать друг друга

The two processes are mutually exclusive.

Взаимно обратные величины

The conductance and resistance are recip-rocaily related.

Взаимно превращаться друг в друга

Ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid are readily interconverted in plant and animal tissue.

Взаимно противоречивы

The two explanations are mutually contradictory.

Взаимно связанные I

Streams perform three interrelated forms of geologic work.

Взаимно связанные II

A system of interconnecting (or interconnected) channels ...

Взаимно связаны

The two phenomena are interrelated.

Взаимно уничтожаться

The opposite charges cancel out.

Equal vectors of opposite direction cancel

(each other).

When a quark and an antiquark collide, they annihilate each other.

Взаимное отталкивание электронов [см. Отталкивание электронов (взаимное)].

Взаимное расположение [см. тж. Относительное положение]

То predict the relative positions (or mutual arrangement) of the two planets...


Interaction between neighbouring elements of antenna array...

Interaction of rotation and electronic motion ...

Interaction of acetyl chloride with sodium acetate ...

Let us consider the interaction of a plane wave of coherent laser light with a Doppler-broadened spectral line.

The interplay of physical processes in atmospheric clouds is very complicated. Random interplay of longer and shorter wavelengths ...

Взаимодействие... с

The interaction of graphite with concentrated nitric acid appears variable.


The particles interact (with each other).

Взаимодействовать с


In this reaction the potassium chloride and the sulphate of potash-magnesia will react to yield potassium sulphate and magnesium chloride.

These factors interplay in an intricate fashion.

Optical signals can interact on a subpico-second time scale.

Взаимодействовать с

The U-centres interact with other defects.

Взаимозависимость [см. Взаимосвязь].


The two types of equipment are interdependent.


Interchangeable parts...

Взаимозаменяемый с

The tooling on the A-9 machine is interchangeable with that of the A-10 machine.

Взаимосвязь [см. тж. Соотношение, Устанавливать взаимосвязь между]

The interplay of physical processes in atmospheric clouds is very complicated.

Bioclimatology emphasizes the interplay between disciplines such as meteorology and physiology.

The interrelation between the location and strength of the start-up source...

Interrelation of successive observations ...

The process engineer brings into focus the interrelationship of chemical and mechanical engineering.

The data show direct relationship between CO content and pH.

Interconnection. Mutual relations.

The figure shows the input-output relationship.

Взаимосвязь между... и

There is a striking correlation between the major oil and gas regions and the principal zones of seismic activity.

Взаимосвязь между объёмом и температурой

The volume-temperature behaviour of ideal gases ...

Взамен [см. Вместо].

Взвешенное состояние [см. Во взвешенномсостоянии].


A filter is a device for separating liquids from suspended solids.

Взвешенный в воздухе

Airborne pollutants...

Взвешенный по скорости

He obtained velocity-weighted average stream potentials.

Взвешивание на весах

Five weighings on an analytical balance showed ...

Взгляд [см. На первый взгляд, С первого взгляда].


According to the new mode of thought (or views, or concepts), knowledge of the electron is best

expressed in terms of...

Взорвать [см. Взрывать].


Взорвать [см. Взрывать]. Взрыв [см. Заглушать взрыв].

Взрыв звезды

A stellar explosion.


Explosive charges of 30 lb will be fired (or set off, or exploded).


The mine (мина) is set off by the noise emitted by its intended target.

Взят из

The terms are borrowed (or taken) from the theory of groups.

Взят у

These data are borrowed from D.

The diffusion data for the system nickel-gold were taken from Reynolds et al.

Взятое вместе [см. Всё это, вместе взятое, является].

Взять на себя

Microcomputers have taken up many new functions.

Взять на себя задачу

A second network would take over the task of distributing information in bulk from central facilities to offices and homes.

Взять предел [см. В пределе, взятом по].

Взять среднее по

An average of the results must be taken over a long enough interval.

Взяться за

To check for taper, grasp the handle and traverse the gauge from one end of the cylinder to the other.

Взятые вместе [см. тж. Вместе взятые]

All these satellites, lumped (or put) together, have one-sixth the volume of the Moon. (Taken) together, these results suggest that...

All these differences combined should account for...

Вибрация [см. Вызывать вибрацию, Для устранения вибрации, Под действием вибрации]. Вид I [см. Внешний вид. Внутренний вид, Общий вид].

Вид II [см. тж. В виде, В существующем виде; В том виде, в каком они встречаются; В том

или ином виде; Выражающийся в виде; Иметь вид; По внешнему виду; Поставлять в собранном виде; Приобретать вид]

The structure of a euctoid steel in the annealed condition (or state) is 100% pearlite. All manner [or kind(s)] of attachments may be mounted on this tractor.

A new type of drill is used.

Вид III [см. тж. Тип]

Such a process involves division of the molecule into two species.

Вид крупным планом

The figure gives a close-up view of the working area.

Вид с воздуха


Вид с воздуха

An aerial view of the factory is given in the heading illustration.

Вид сбоку

Side view.

Вид сбоку и сверху

The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron viewed from the side and from above (or from the top)...

Вид сверху

Top view.

Вид сзади

Back view (or Rear view).

Вид снизу

Figure 2 is an underside (or bottom) view of the track.

Вид спереди

Front (or Head-on) view.

Вида [см. тж. Типа]

It is advisable to use an equation of the form (or type):...

Виден I [см. тж. На ... виден]

These lines do not show on the diagram.

Several of these features are visible (or seen) in Fig. 18.3. Another smoke ring is evident near the galactic centre.

Виден II

The secondary radiation emitted is viewed through a collimator at an angle of 90° to the incident beam.

Виден в микроскоп

Only the larger colloidal panicles can be seen through an ordinary microscope.

Виден из

This effect is seen from [or by considering (or referring to)] the diagram of Fig .7-2.

Видеть [см. тж. Легко видеть, что]

From (A2) we observe (or see) that ...

Видеть... под углом

The solar observer would find himself viewing the planet from a different angle.

Видимость [см. В пределах видимости, При хорошей видимости].

Видимый [см. тж. Без видимой причины]

Such tubes must withstand five quenches without visible damage.

Видимый глазом

The neodymium glass used in high-power lasers is not directly visible to the human eye.

Видимый невооружённым глазом

One very large cell visible to the unaided (or naked) eye could always be found on the surface of the right pleural ganglion.

Naked-eye stars...

Видимый спектр

The visual (or visible) spectrum of the Sun...

Видно [см. тж. Из... видно, что; Как видно из; Явствовать из]


Видно [см. тж. Из... видно, что; Как видно из; Явствовать из]

From this figure we notice that ...

Видный [см. Выдающийся].


Depending on the accuracy desired, various modifications of the simple calorimeter may be required.

This was an adaptation of the iodometric method.

This is a slight modification of the method outlined above.


The chamber cover was modified by the addition of...


By the use of modified pitot tubes ...

Видоизменять [см. тж. Изменять, Менять]

This expression (or design, etc.) must be modified.

The instrument can be modified according to the experimenter's needs.

Видоизменять... так, чтобы он

A drainage system gradually evolves its configuration in such a way as to carry out its work most efficiently.

Видоизменять ... так, чтобы он включал

We modify Eq. (38.34) to incorporate (or include) this function.

Визуальный осмотр

A visual inspection of the engine should be made.

Виновен в этом

One must try to elucidate the cause of hypocalcaemia; among those most likely to be at fault are anticonvulsants and car-benoxolone.

Виновником этого является

There are several drugs which will lead to potassium loss, diuretics being the chief offender (med.).

Винт [см. Вывинчивать, Завинчивать, Освобождать винт, Поджимать винт, Туго поджимать винт].

Висеть в воздухе

The Rotodyne airplane has a rotor for taking off, landing and hovering; propellers for faster cruising.

Висеть на ... с

Fuel tubes are suspended by rods from a top tube sheet.

Вклад [см. тж. Большой вкладв, Вносить вклад в]

The contributions of (or from) the higher terms are small.

Higher coefficients show the contribution of (or from) more complex interactions.


The contribution of (or from) each component to some property of the mixture ...


The thermal energy contributed by a vibra-tional mode...

Включать I [см. тж. Запускать]


Включать I [см. тж. Запускать]

This switch brings into operation (or actuates) the printing mechanism. To open or close the switch the spring is charged by means of...

To throw on the X-rays,...

Turn on the furnace (gas, magnet, etc.).

Each neuron is labelled according to the feature that triggers its activities. When you turn (or flip (col.) - col.) on a light switch,...

Включать II [см. тж. Видоизменять ... так,чтобы он включал]

The set comprises (or contains, or includes) a noise generator and a receiver. The glossary covers 160 items.

Among such substances are (included) water, alcohol, etc.

The manufacture of a fountain pen incorporates most of the finishing steps mentioned in this Chapter.

Equation 8 incorporates the normal losses. These sets incorporate a crystal filter. The equation involves a series of volume terms.

The system involves (or includes) water as the principal solvent. Among these considerations are comparisons of...

This reaction involves a change at the asymmetric centre.

Включать III [см. тж. Подсоединять к]

To incorporate lasers into spectroscopic systems,...

A high-speed computer can be inserted in the feedback path in place of human beings.

Both sections are so designed that more machines can be integrated in the system if required.

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Ask to be put on our mailing list.

Включать двигатель

Before switching on (or turning on, or cutting in, or energizing, or putting power onto) the motor for the first time it is advisable to...

Включать и выключать

The alteration in shape under the influence of metabolites and hormones provides a mechanism for turning these enzymes on and off under different external conditions.

When loads are thrown on and off...

Включать параллельно

Each of the bobbins is put (or placed) in parallel with a neon tube.

Включать ток

Power is turned on, and the shaft starts spinning.

Включать тормоз

This permits a flow of air to set (or apply) the brake.


After that the lever is engaged.

The stand-by transmitter is quickly switched on (or turned on, or brought into use) should a failure occur in the unit.

The gas and water supply are turned on by depressing the push button. The brake is applied automatically.

When the motor turns on, ...


Equipment incorporating (or which includes) wetted-wall tubes is particularly advantageous for this purpose.



Consider a system of equations involving n independent variables.


Whatever the agents of biological stress were, disturbances of food chains included, the ability of...

Various catalysts have been tried, among them (or including) tin ethanediocite.

Включение I [см. тж. Введение]

Such switches are used for turning (or putting) on lights and the heating system.

Включение II

The incorporation of carbon dioxide in(to) organic compounds ...

Inserting an amplifier between ... and ...

Включение и выключение электрической цепи

When the circuit is made and then broken...

Включён I

When the controller was energized ...

The alarm is set off.

The light was switched on.

After this, power can be switched (or turned) on.

The two knife switches were thrown in simultaneously.

The air supply can now be turned on.

The gas is turned on.

During the time the laser is on ...

Включен II

These effects are built into the wave vector equation.

A full-flow filter is now incorporated in the hydraulic system.

Включенный I

Control of the welding current is by a trip-switch connected in the primary circuit of...

The capacitor connected into the second stage of the amplifier ...

A relay included in the lamp circuit...

High-value resistors incorporated in the grid connections ...

Включённый II

The circuit in the "on" condition ...

The chart-drive motor which is on when the switch toggle is in the down position ...

Включённый параллельно

The coils placed in parallel...

The rectified outputs from each half of the paralleled secondaries are filtered.

Включённый последовательно

This arrangement uses a thermostat connected (or placed) in series with the solar cells.

A constant current is passed through the specimen by means of a battery and series resistor.

Two series-connected coils ...

Включительно [см. тж. Вплоть до ..., включительно; До..., включительно]

All the integers from ... to 535 inclusive ...

Включиться в работу

During this phase all manufacturing personnel got into the act, helping to devise less costly ways

of producing the mill.

Вкраплен между

Accessory substances containing ... are interspersed between the respiratory enzymes.

Вкрапленный в


Вкрапленный в

When the geologist finds oolites embedded in rock,...

Вкратце рассматривать

In this section, we briefly review multilevel optical computing.


The housing is moisture proof (or moisture tight, or moisture resistant, or damp proof).

Влажный [см. Поддерживать во влажном состоянии путём смачивания водой].

Влажный воздух

Moist (or Humid) air.

Влажный климат

A moist climate.

Влево [см. Вправо или влево, Направленный влево].

Влечь за собой [см. тж. Связан с]

A decrease in Eg implies an increase in ...

This operation entails (or involves, or results in, or leads to) a waste of current.

Влияние [см. тж. Благоприятное влияние на. Большое влияние, Влиять на, Вредное

влияние (или действие), Действие, Находиться под действием, Не влиять на, Не оказывать влияния на,Не поддаваться (воз) действию, Оказывать действие на, Оказывать главноевлияние на, Отрицательно влиять на, Отрицательное влияние (или действие)на, Плохое влияние (или действие) на, Под действием, Подвергаться воздействию]

The charge-coupling concept in semiconductor electronics may someday have an impact on our lives as dramatic as that of the transistor.

The impact of Avogadro's Law upon the development of chemistry...

The action of temperature on the composition of ...

The effect (or influence) of strain-ageing on the temperature dependence of the yield stress is great.

We shall consider the repercussions of short slugs on the final stage of an extrusion operation.

Влияние внешней среды на

The enzyme is highly sensitive to environmental influences on the ATP molecule.

Влияние... на

Oxygen had a dramatic impact on the traffic of carbon in the chloroplast.

Влияние на состояние здоровья

The health consequences of a reactor accident were studied.

Влияние человеческой деятельности на окружающую среду

The human impact on the environment...

Влиять на [см. тж. Отрицательно влиять на. Отрицательное влияние (или действие) на]

The particle size of the oxidizer affects (or influences) the burning rate of the propel-lant. Background noise has (or exerts) no effect (or influence) on the accuracy of calibration.

Вмерзать в

In that case the magnetic lines of force would be frozen into the highly conducting stellar material.

Вместе [см. тж. А вместе с ним и, В сумме, Взятые вместе, Отдельно или вместе]

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are referred to collectively as catechol amines.