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6. Study the table and remember:


had + Past Participle

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I had lived

You had lost

He had seen

She had started

It had rained

We had bought

They had refused

Had I lived?

Had you lost?

Had he seen?

Had she started?

Had it rained?

Had we bought?

Had they refused?

I hadn’t lived

You hadn’t lost

He hadn’t seen

She hadn’t started

It hadn’t rained

We hadn’t bought

They hadn’t refused

Случаи употребления

1. Действие, которое произошло раньше другого действия или момента в прошлом

He thought that he had seen this man somewhere before.

2. Действие, которое началось до какого – то момента в прошлом и еще продолжалось в тот момент

My father had lived in this town for 5 years when he decided to start his own business.

7. Read these sentences and translate them. Pay attention to the use of the Past Perfect Tense.

1. He had made an appointment with Mr. Black by that time. 2. She’d packed everything by five o’clock yesterday. 3. They’d attended the meeting before they left for home. 4. It had happened before you returned from the trip. 5. He went for a walk after he’d done his homework. 6. He knew that the Whites had gone to London. 7. I hoped Peter hadn’t gone out of town for the weekend. I needed him badly. 8. It had begun to rain when we drove off. 9. I’d read the novel before I saw the film. I gave her the flowers that I had bought for her. 10. They told me Margaret had gone to a birthday party. 11. Mr. Bark said that Ann had left them. 12. When we had finished dinner, Susan took the dishes to the kitchen. 13. Mrs. Priestley came to say us that she had made the coffee. 14. When Margaret had finished her homework, she turned on the radio.

8. Past Perfect / Past Indefinite. Put the verbs into the correct form, the Past Perfect or Past Indefinite:

a) Past Indefinite b) Past Perfect

1. Jane ________ (to wash all) the test – tubes after she ______ (to complete) the experiment.

2. She ________ (to do) the cleaning by 6 o’clock yesterday.

3. After the stewardess ________ (to serve) lunch to the passengers, they ______ (to calm) down.

4. I _______ (not to have) my watch, so I _______ (not to know) the exact time.

5. He ________ (to feel) sick because he _______ (to eat) too much.

6. She ________ (to finish) her report, and was feeling rather tired, so she _______ (to go) to bed.

7. By two o’clock he _______ (to answer) all the letters he ______ (to receive).

8. The bus ________ (to leave) before I ________ (to reach) the bus station.

9. As soon as they _______ (to finish) breakfast, they ______ (to run) out to play.

10. When you _______ (to call) me, I ________ (not yet to do) the sum.

11. I _____ (to come) before it _____ (to begin) to rain.

12. Pedro _____ (to learn) English before he ____ (to come) to England.