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Grammar in practice

9. Put modal verbs may or can:

1. ____ I come in? 2. I ___ not swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be more than two minutes in the water. 3. Libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes ___ get books there. 4. I ___ come and see you tomorrow if I have time. 5. Take your raincoat with you: it ___ rain today. 6. Do you think you ___ do this? 7. ___ we come and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon? 8. What time is it? – It ___ be about six o’clock, but I am not sure. 9. Only a person who knows the language very well ___ answer such a question.

10. Translate the following sentences:

1. You must work hard at your English. 2. You must learn the words. 3. Must we lean the poem today? 4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. 5. You must not talk at the lessons. 6. Everybody must come to school in time. 7. Don’t ring him up: he must be very busy. 8. You must not make notes in the books. 9. I must help my mother today. 10. You must be joking. 11. He never comes to work late. He must have overslept today. 12. You must not argue with boss. 13. She must stop eating much and she must lose weight. 13. You must stop smoking! If you don’t, you are going to have serious problems with your lungs some day.

11. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct:

I don’t can swim.

He musts study well.

They can to go to the cinema.

May I to open the window?

Students will must study hard.

Polly could very well in childhood dance.

Does he can speak English?

12. Insert necessary modal verbs:

1. Drivers ____ stop when they see the red light.

2. Betty asked, “ ____ I open the window?”

3. Polly asked her mother, “ ___ I go for a walk?” Mother said, “Yes, you ___.”

4. Marry is free tonight. She ___ go to the disco.

5. Alec will have an English lesson tomorrow. He ____ study tonight.

6. Students _____ tae examinations at the end of each term.

7. My friend gave me an interesting book. He said, “ You ___ keep it for a week.”

8. We ____ be in time for the lessons.

9. Paul is a good student. He ____ speak English well.

Lesson 14: cargo transportation modal verbs

1. Learn the following terms:

  1. freight traffic перевозка грузов

  2. fuel saving экономия топлива

  3. loading and discharging загрузка и разгрузка

  4. rational routes of delivery рациональные маршруты перевозки

  5. time saving экономия времени

  6. correct stowage правильная укладка

  7. traffic intensity интенсивность движения

  8. perishables скоропортящийся груз

  9. highly inflammable cargo огнеопасный груз

  10. poison goods ядовитый груз

  11. large dimensioned cargo крупногабаритный груз

  12. harmless freight traffic безопасная перевозка грузов

  13. to injure the environment нанести вред окружающей среде

  14. to avoid избегать

  15. demurrage and detention of containers простой контейнеров

  16. to keep all safety regulations соблюдать правила безопасности

  17. keeping quality and quantity сохранение качества и количества

  18. consignee получатель груза

  19. damaged goods поврежденные товары

  20. warehouse cклад

  21. movement движение, перемещение, перевозка

  22. goods/cargo товары, грузы

  23. to perform выполнять

  24. pipeline трубопровод

  25. operation эксплуатация, деятельность,

  26. vehicle транспортное средство

  27. installation установка, оборудование

  28. trucking terminal стоянка для грузовиков

  29. refueling depot место для заправки

  30. truck/lorry грузовик

  31. to deal with иметь дело, заниматься

  32. scheduled services транспортное обслуживание по расписанию

  33. traffic flow транспортный поток, движение

  34. to use large amounts of land использовать большие площади земли

  35. to restrain urban sprawl ограничить беспорядочную застройку города

  36. to cause air pollution вызывать загрязнение воздуха