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3. Translate the following word combinations:

To depend on many factors, first of all, the condition of the track, track- testing cars, to drive slowly, along the lines, to repair the track, track maintenance machines, to keep the track well maintained, to depend on braking system, to stop trains, the early brakes, to be unsatisfactory, to be hand-operated, a very dangerous braking process, to be replaced by automatic air brakes, to stop trains effectively and fast

4. Complete the sentences in accordance with the text:

  1. Safety depends on ……… .

  2. Many track maintenance machines can keep …….. .

  3. Railway safety …….. .

  4. The early brakes were ………. .

  5. The braking process was …….. .

5. Retell the text “Safety”.

6. Remember new words and word combinations:

  1. advertising — реклама

  2. society — общество

  3. to compose — составлять

  4. to enhance transport technology — улучшать, усовершенствовать технологию транспорта

  5. to serve one’s needs — обслужить потребности

  6. to believe — верить, полагать, предполагать

  7. essential — существенный

  8. to ensure — гарантировать

  9. to be results-oriented — быть ориентированными на результат

  10. to have the necessary skills and experience — иметь необходимые навыки и опыт

  11. to give your organization a win — давать организации прибыль, выигрыш

  12. flexible — гибкий

  13. to oversee — прослеживать

  14. transportation of goods — транспортировка товаров

  15. from manufacturing to final destination — от производителя до конечного пункта назначения

  16. to offer — предлагать

  17. worldwide service — услуги по всему миру

  18. еmployee — работник

  19. to ensure — обеспечивать

  20. to run smoothly — протекать гладко

  21. to send where they are needed — направить туда где они требуются

  22. value — стоимость

  23. requirement — требование

  24. to enjoy — радоваться, наслаждаться

  25. long-term relationships — долгосрочное сотрудничество

7. Read and translate advertising texts of transport companies:

Advertising of services of transport companies

  1. Africa Road Transport Network: Visit the Africa Road Transportation Network! Here you will find transport providers across the African continent ready to serve your needs. We believe it is essential to ensure every dollar. We are results-oriented and have the necessary skills and experience to give your organization a win. We are flexible, motivated and ready to offer a wide array of freight services at a fair price.

  2. The European Transport Company: Our transport providers coordinate transportation of goods from manufacturing to final destination. We can offer you worldwide service. We ensure these processes run smoothly and that products are sent where they are needed. Our value is in understanding our clients’ requirements. We enjoy long-term relationships with all of our regular customers.



8. Translate the following word combinations:

Using new methods; constructing new wagons; achieving good results; applying new equipment; constructing new railroads; receiving important information; moving at high speed; leaving a rail station; graduating from the Institute

9. Translate into native language:

1. The boy standing at the window is my brother. 2. We looked t the playing children. 3. Entering the room, he dropped his keys. 3. He was sitting in the arm-chair, thinking of his friends. 4. She came up to us breathing heavily. 5. The hall was full of laughing people. 6. The boy smiled showing his teeth. 7. The singing girl was about fourteen. 8. Mother put eggs into the boiling water.



  1. Add to your vocabulary:

  1. agriculture — сельское хозяйство

  2. to consider — считать

  3. cargo transport characteristics — транспортные характеристики груза

  4. choosing the optimal delivery methods — выбор оптимальных способов доставки

  5. to be influenced — подвергаться воздействию

  6. various external factors — различные внешние факторы

  7. volume — объем

  8. susceptibility to weathering — подверженность погодным условиям

  9. impact on the environment — влияние на окружающую среду

  10. the type of packaging — вид упаковки

  11. dimensions — размеры

  12. to take into account — учитывать

  13. storage — хранение

  14. to divide — подразделять

  15. raw materials — сырье

  16. semi-finished goods полуфабрикаты

  17. manufactured goods (finished products) — готовые изделия

  18. general — обычный

  19. bulk — насыпной

  20. liquid — жидкость

  21. perishable goods — скоропортящийся груз

  22. livestock — домашний скот

  23. dry — сухой

  24. specialized rolling stock — специальный подвижной состав

  25. warehouse — складское помещение

  26. to require special conditions of transportation — требовать особые условия перевозки

  27. grain — зерно

  28. coal — уголь

  29. peat — торф

  30. shale — сланец

  31. ore — руда

  32. to ignite spontaneously — самовозгораться

  33. under the influence of internal chemical and biochemical processes — под влиянием внутренних химических и биохимических процессов

  34. to require asseting ventilation — требовать установку вентиляции

  35. the location of warehouses — расположение складов