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5. Translate the sentences.

1. Diane stopped washing dishes. 2. Dick went on asking about various friends. 3. I don’t mind telling you 4. He was afraid of being poor. 5. Have you finished writing? 6. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very useful. 7. I like skiing, but my sister prefers skating. 8. She likes sitting in the sun. 9. It looks like raining. 10. My watch wants repairing. 11. Thank you for coming. 12. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 13. I had the pleasure of dancing with her the whole evening. 14. He talked without stopping. 15. Some people can walk all day without feeling tired. 16. Living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous air. 17. Iron is found by digging in the earth. 18. There are two ways of getting sugar: one from beet and the other from sugar-cane. 19. Jane Eyre was fond of reading.

6. Transform the sentences using the Gerund instead of the Infinitive.

Model: My father began to work at his plant 20 years ago. – My father began working at this plant 20 years ago.

1. We continue to study English. 2. The children like to play basketball. 3. The boy started to run. 4. His mother intends to spend her holidays at the seaside. 5. They preferred to go there by plane. 6. She tried to open the window but she couldn’t. 7. I have just begun to translate the text.

7. Translate the sentences paing attention to the Gerund:

1. Reading English technical magazines is important for an engineer. 2. It is no use of speaking to her. 3. He remembers adding some water to the mixture. 4. They finished installing the apparatus only on Saturday. 5. The strange man stopped following me. 6. They began making the experiment only in May. 7. He began determining the properties of the new materials. 8. After failing in the examination in January he had to take it again in February. 9. After graduating from the institute he worked in the Far East. 10. At the meeting they discussed ways of improving their work. 11. There are different ways of obtaining the substance. 12. The problem of obtaining power was sold. 13. The organizers of the conference were informed of his refusing to take part in it.

Lessons 17: wagons and carriages gerund

1. Learn words and word combinations:

1) nowadays сегодня

2) to carry перевозить

3) freight груз

4) box-car крытый грузовой вагон

5) common type обычный тип

6) covered car крытый вагон

7) it is intended он предназначен

8) ordinary goods обычные грузы

9) to protect from the weather защитить от погодных условий

10) refrigerator car вагон-рефрижератор, изотермический вагон

11) hauling food products перевозка продуктов питания

12) floor пол

13) roof крыша

14) air-and waterproof герметический и водонепроницаемый

15) to protect goods from the heat сохранить товары от жары

16) tank car железнодорожная цистерна, вагон-цистерна

17) liquid goods жидкий груз, жидкость

18) cylindrical tank цилиндрическая цистерна

19) to fill заполнять

20) top верхняя часть

21) to empty разгружать

22) device прибор

23) bottom нижняя часть

24) coal уголь

25) ore руда

26) gravel гравий

27) sand песок

28) similar goods подобный груз

29) open-top car открытый вагон

30) principal type главный тип

31) gondola car полувагон

32) hopper car вагон-хоппер (с разгрузочными люками в полу)

33) loading загрузка

34) unloading разгрузка

35) durable прочный, долговечный

36) flat car плоский вагон

37) rail рельс

38) beam балка

39) timber лесоматериалы

40) heavy machine тяжелое оборудование

41) to carry containers перевозить контейнеры

42) the container traffic контейнерная перевозка

43) to be in wide use в широком пользовании

44) modes of transport виды транспорта

45) to reduce the cost снизить стоимость

46) to decrease the danger of their breakage снизить риск повреждения

47) warehouse cклад

48) to disturb нарушать, повреждать

49) to convey перевозить, перемещать

50) double-deck car двухъярусный вагон