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Глава 11

11.1 Структура вопросов в Past Simple.

Сначала, по традиции, рассмотрим образование так называемых "общих" вопросов в Past Simple.

Did+подлежащее+инфинитив глагола

Did Ira work in a bank from 1990 to 1995? - Работала ли Ира в банке с 1990 по 1995г?

Did Victor go shopping yesterday? - Ходил ли Виктор вчера по магазинам?

Did we enjoy the party last week? - Понравилась ли нам вечеринка на прошлой неделе?

Did mother do a lot of work last year? - Сделала ли мама много (работы) в прошлом году?

Для постановки вопросов мы также достаточно часто используем вопросительные слова: Who? (кто?) What? (что?) Where? (где?) When? (когда?) How many? (сколько?) и др. В этом случае порядок слов в предложении будет таков:

Вопросительное слово+did+существительное+глагол в инфинитиве

Where did Ira work from 1990 to 1995?

When did Victor go shopping?

How much work did mother do last year?

Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание на то, что и правильные, и неправильные глаголы образуют вопросы и отрицательную форму по одинаковой схеме!

Упражнение 1. ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ буквами выделена информация, которую вы бы хотели уточнить. Сопоставьте вопрос из колонки А с ответами из колонки В.



  1. DID you drive to Los Angeles yesterday?

  1. No, we drove from there.

  1. Did YOU drive to Los Angeles yesterday?

  1. No, we didn’t

  1. Did you DRIVE to Los Angeles yesterday?

  1. No, that was the day before!

  1. Did you drive TO Los Angeles yesterday?

  1. No, but my sister did!

  1. Did you drive to LOS ANGELES yesterday?

  1. No, we drove to San Diego.

  1. Did you drive to Los Angeles YESTERDAY?

  1. No, we took the train.

11.2 Притяжательный падеж существительных.

Для обозначения принадлежности чего-то кому-то в английском языке (и в американском тоже) используется конструкция с предлогом "of" (This is the office of the attorney) или притяжательный падеж, на письме обозначающийся как "-'s" (This is the attorney's office). Притяжательный падеж чаще употребляется в разговорном английском. Например,

Here is the desk of Mr. Young. - Here is Mr. Young's desk.

I know the family of Mrs. Jones. - I know Mrs. Jones's family.

Обратите внимание на изменение в порядке слов в предложении, когда используется притяжательный падеж (форма "-'s"). Сначала упоминается владелец предмета, а затем сам предмет.

Упражнение 1. Употребите данные в скобках выражения в притяжательном падеже.

1. I met ____ when I was at the store. (the daughter of Mrs. Brown)

A) Mrs. Browns' daughter

B) Mrs. Brown's daughter

C) Mrs. Browns's daughter

2. Welcome to our home. You may sleep in ___ tonight. (the bedroom of my son.)

A) my sons' bedroom

B) my sons's bedroom

C) my son's bedroom

3. I met ____ at a party last week. (the sister of Frank)

A) Franks' sister

B) Frank's sister

C) Franks's sister

4. Why are you reading ___? (the newspaper from yesterday)

A) yesterday's newspaper

B) yesterdays' newspaper

C) yesterday's new'spaper

5. The ___ is damaged. (the bicycle belonging to the child)

A) the bicycle's child

B) the child's bicycle

C) the childs' bicycle

6. Sarah is ___. (the name of my wife)

A) my wife's name

B) my wifes' name

C) my name's wife

7. I heard ___ ringing earlier. (the bell of the cow)

A) the cows's bell

B) the cow's bell

C) the bell's cow

8. ___ is about to leave. (the friend of Paul)

A) Pauls' friend

B) Pauls's friend

C) Paul's friend

9. On Thanksgiving, ____ is short! (the life of a turkey)

A) a turkey's life

B) a turkeys' life

C) a turkeys's life

10. Abraham Lincoln was ____ . (the 16th President of America)

A) Americas 16th President

B) Americas's 16th President

C) America's 16th President

Упражнение 2. Есть ли ошибки в этих предложениях? Если да, то исправьте их.

  1. She is the childrens teacher.

  2. I like her sons blue eyes.

  3. There are three computer's over there.

  4. I met Helen's daughter's boyfriend

  5. Don't give me any excuse's.

  6. What is the name of Clintons wife?

  7. What do you think of it's price? Is it too expensive?

  8. It's no use asking me.

  9. Her mother's not very happy.

  10. My mothers mother was born in Scotland.

  11. It's too late to stop now. Tell Van.

  12. The team has lost it's coach.

  13. It's later than you think.

  14. The United States are very powerful.

  15. Its all very complicated.

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