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2. Какой префикс используется для образования антонимов от следующих слов?

unhappy flexible friendly honest reliable sensitive kind pleasant

  1. Каким прилагательным Вы бы описали человека?

  1. She's always here on time. __punctual________________________________________

  2. He never bought me a drink in ten years.______________________________________

  3. She often promises to do things but half the time she forgets.______________________

  4. I don't think he’s done any work since he's been here.____________________________

  5. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers._________________________

  6. He can work in any of the departments - on his own or part of a team._______________

  7. One of her qualities is that she is so aware of what other people think or feel.____________

  8. I know Mike wants to be head of the department and then go on to a bigger company._____

  1. Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом.

  1. At work, James ___________across as serious and a bit boring, but outside of work he’s completely different; he's really good_____________ .

  2. It's important to____________good impression on your first day in a new job.

  3. I'm sure he can find the place; he just needs to use his common ______________ .

  4. Meeting new people doesn't worry her; she's a very self-__________ young woman.

  5. It's hard to know what Sam thinks - he doesn't really_______________his feelings.

  6. Do you think __________impressions are very important? I do.

  7. I always have a laugh with my cousin - he's got a great sense of_______________ .

  8. She is so____________-minded: she cannot accept any ideas different from her own.

5. Какие существительные можно образовать от этих прилагательных?

kind (kindness), optimistic, punctual, lazy, confident, ambitious

Прослушайте диалоги и заполните пропуски пропущенной информацией.

A: Good morning, Paul 1)______________ are you?

B: Very well, thanks. And 2) __________________?

A: I'm fine.

A: Hello. How are things?

B: 3) _____________thanks. How are you?

A: All right.

A: Hi! How are you?

B: 4) ________bad. And you?

A: Okay.

Личное письмо другу

Используя план, напишите личное письмо о своих друзьях.

Present simple

1. Добавьте к глаголам окончания -s or -es.

(finish) it________ (read) she_________ (have) she__________

(think) he_______ (fly) it___________ (dance) he___________

  1. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках.

  1. He plays the piano.

  2. They _____________ in a very big house.(live)

  3. I___________a lot of fruit.(eat)

  4. My sister____________ tennis.(play)

  5. We____________ to the cinema a lot.(go)

  6. Pete_____________eight hours a night.(sleep)

  7. In Britain the banks usually _________at 9.30 in the morning.(open)

  8. The Citу Museum_____________at 5 о’clоck in the evening.(close)

  9. Tina is a teacher. She _____________ mathematics to young children.(teach)

  10. My job is very interesting. I__________________a lot of people.(meet)

  1. Составьте предложения из слов в скобках.

  1. (always/early / Sue/ arrive) Sue always arrives early.

  2. (basketball / I / play / often) ___________________.

  3. (work/ Margaret / hard / usually)________________.

  4. (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) _____________.

  5. (dinner we / have / always / at 7:30) ______________.

  6. (television / Tim / watch / never)_________________.

  7. (like / chocolate / children / usually)______________.

  8. (Julia /parties / enjoy / always)____________________.