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2. Составьте словосочетания, соединив слова из левой и правой колонки.

1) fall

2) do

3) have

4) play

5) go

6) clean

7) feed

8) get up

a) a rest

b) my teeth

c) the dog

d) asleep

e) cards

f) the ironing

g) early

j) to bed

3. Дополните диалог подходящими по смыслу словами из активного словаря.

A: Don’t (1)__________________ to cook a meal this evening.

B: Why not?

A: We could (2) ______________ instead.

B: Yeah. Where?

A: Well I’d like to do to that new Korean restaurant. We could ask Karen and Mike to come.

B: That’s miles away. No, I think I’d rather (3) ___________ and have an (4)_____________ night.

A: But it’s Friday. You can have a (5) ____________ tomorrow if we have a late night.

B: Yes I know but I’m tired. Look, why don’t you ask Karen and Mike to (6)___________ for a meal. I can order some pizzas from the takeaway and we’ll have a nice evening here.

A: Ok, if you want so, let’s (7) ____________ a party.

4. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык. Какие предложения вы используете наиболее часто на родном языке?

1 Did you go out last night?

2 I think I’m going to stay in this evening.

3 I overslept this morning.

4 I couldn’t get to sleep last night.

5 Do you want to call on me this evening?

6 I forgot to do the shopping.

7 What time did you get home?

8 I nearly fell asleep in the lesson today?

5. Прочитайте текст о буднях Ким и заполните пропуски словами, используя следующие словосочетания:

catch the bus, get up, have a shower, have breakfast/lunch, dinner, watch TV, go to bed, do her homework, get dressed, leave home, finish work, read a book, go to work, go dancing

Некоторые словосочетания не подходят к картинкам.

Kim 1) …………… at 7:30 in the morning every weekday. She gets dressed, then she 2)………………. She leaves home at about 8:15 and 3)………………. to school. She arrives at school at about 8:45. School starts at 9 o’clock. She 4) …………… at school at 12:30, then has a few more lessons. School finishes at 3:30 and Kim goes back home. She gets home at 4 o’clock. She 5) ……………….., then, at about 6:30 in the evening, she has dinner. After that, she usually 6) …………….. . At about 8:30, Kim 7) …………………., then she 8) ………………. at about 9 o’clock.

1. Прочтите диалог и подумайте, какие слова пропущены в вопросах?

2. Послушайте диалог и заполните пропуски.

3. Прочитайте и разыграйте диалог.

P: Our special guest in the studio today is our local singer, Annie Franklyn. Welcome to the show, Annie.

A: Thanks. That’s great to be here.

P: Well Annie, 1)_________________________________ your job?

A: Yes, I like it a lot. The only bad thing is that I don’t see my family and friends very often. I’m very busy.

P: Well, tell us about a typical day in your life. 2)__________________________do you get up?

A: I usually get up at noon because I go to bed very late every night. I have lunch at about two.

P: 3) What____________________ then?

A: I go to the club to practice for about two hours, then I go home or sometimes I go shopping. I go back to the club again at about eight o’clock in the evening.

P: 4) _________________________ the show start?

A: At ten o’clock and we don’t usually finish until two o’clock in the morning.

P: 5)_________________________ then?

A: I go back home, read for a while, then go to bed.

P: Annie, I know you don’t have much free time, but 6)__________________ doing I your free time?

A: I love going to the cinema or having dinner with friends. I don’t like going to parties, though.

P: One last question. 7)_____________ satisfied with your life?

A: Oh yes. I love singing and I enjoy my free time.

P: Annie Franklyn. Thank you for joining us.