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2. Напишите, что происходит в данный момент.

1 (I / wash / my hair) I’m not washing my hear.

2 (it / show) It is snowing

3 (I /sit / on a chair)__________________________________________.

4 (I / eat) ___________________________________________________.

5 (it / rain) _________________________________________________.

6 (I / learn / English) _________________________________________.

7 (I / listen / to the radio) _____________________________________.

8 (the sun / shine) ___________________________________________.

9 (I / wear / shoes) ___________________________________________.

10 (I / smoke / a cigarette) _____________________________________.

11 (I / read / a newspaper) _____________________________________.

3. Что делают люди на картинках? Для каждой картинке напишите по предложению, используя данные в скобках слова:

1 She is eating an apple. (eat)

2 He _______________for a bus. (wait)

3 They______________football. (play)

4 _________________on the floor. (lie)

5 _________________breakfast. (have)

6 _________________on the table. (sit)

4. Посмотрите на картинки и задайте вопросы, используя следующие слова: crying eating going laughing looking at reading

6. Задайте вопросы, предварительно прочитав ответы.

(you/write/TV? Are you watching TV?

(the children/play) ________________________?

(what you do?) ___________________________?

(what/Rod/do?) ___________________________?

(it/rain ?) ________________________________?

(that clock/work?) _________________________?

(you/write/a letter?) _______________________?

(why/you/run?) ___________________________?

No, you can turn it off.

No, they’re asleep.

I’m cooking my dinner.

He’s having a bath.

No, not at the moment.

No, it’s broken.

Yes, to my sister.

Because I’m late.

7. Напишите утвердительные или отрицательные краткие ответы. (Yes, I’m / No, it isn’t etc.).

1. Are you watching TV? No, I’m not.

2. Are you wearing shoes? __________

3. Are you wearing a hat? ___________

4. Is it raining? _____________

5. Are you eating something? ___________

6. Are you feeling well? ____________

7. Is the sun shining? ____________

8. Is your mother watching you? ______

Topical vocabulary

  1. gradually - постепенно

  2. powerful - сильный, могущественный

  3. liberation - освобождение

  4. tartar yoke - татарское иго

  5. united - соединенный, объединенный

  6. to remain - оставаться

  7. target - мишень, цель, объект

  8. attack - нападение, атака

  9. to destroy - разрушать

  10. fire - пожар

  11. occupation - оккупация

  12. completely - полностью, целиком

  13. to restore - реставрировать, восстанавливать

  14. ancient - древний

  15. masterpiece - шедевр

  16. architecture - архитектура

  17. tower - башня

  18. legend - легенда

  19. to blind - ослепить

  20. palace - дворец

  21. mansion - особняк

  22. to reconstruct - перестраивать, восстанавливать

  23. unique - уникальный, единственный в своем роде

  24. drama theatre - драматический театр

  25. studio - студия, театр-студия

  26. higher educational institution - высшее учебное заведение

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Samara is one of the largest cities in Russia. It stands on the Great Russian river Volga. Samara is an old historical city which was founded in 1586. In the past it was a small provincial town, but nowadays it is one of the largest industrial and scientific centres with highly developed aerospace, engineering and oil processing industries. Modern Samara has a territory of 330 square kilometers and a population of nearly 2 million people.

The flag of Samara is a rectangle-shaped cloth with three equally-sized horizontal bars and emblem of Samara in the centre with the sign “Samara”. The emblem of Samara is represented with a white female goat standing on the grass of azure field.

Our city is a large educational centre as well. There are many universities, academies and institutes in Samara, for example Samara State University, Airspace University, Medical University, Technical University and many others.

Samara is a great cultural centre which has a lot of places of interest. Museums and art-galleries of Samara offer interesting expositions involving history of our city, its culture and art. The people of Samara are proud of the Alabin Museum of History and Local Lore. It was named after its founder P. Alabin. Here we can follow the life of people of the Samarsky Region, learn a lot of interesting things about its flora and fauna. The museum contains a rich collection of books, documents on history of the land and painting. Another popular museum is the Art Museum which exhibits remarkable paintings by the outstanding Russian artists: Levitan, Serov, Shishkin and others. Here we can also see beautiful pictures by less known artists. The Museum of History of Volga Military District, the Frunze Museum and Stalin’s Bunker also attract a lot of people.

The city has many beautiful parks and squares which are popular rest spots. Revolution Square is one of the oldest in Samara. It is interesting to know that the square was called Alexeyevskaya before the October Revolution and there was the monument to Alexander II in the centre of the square. In 1918 the monument was dismantled and later the monument to Lenin was erected.

Not far from the Strukovsky Park, one of the most popular parks there is Chapaev Square. In the centre of the square there is the monument to Vasily Chapaev, a hero of the Civil War. The Drama Theatre is situated in this square. It always attracts a lot of spectators.

Kuibyshev Square is the place of official meeting, parades and demonstrations. In the square we can see the monument to Kuibyshev, one of the Russian revolutionaries. The Opera and Ballet Theatre is situated in this square. It stages opera and ballets by famous composers.

The Square of Glory, which is not very far from Kuibyshev Square is the place dedicated to the heroic deeds of our people during the World War II. The Monument of Glory standing in the centre of the square symbolizes the worker of the aerospace industry. There is the Eternal Fire not far from the monument.

There are a lot of other places of interest in Samara: the Puppet Theatre, the Theatre for Young Spectators, the Circus, the Central Park, the Gagarin Park, the river embankment and others. Samara’s sights are worth seeing.