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reduction – предсказание

metropolitan - митрополит

heavenly patron – небесный покровитель

confluence – слияние

hermitage – приют отшельника

settlement – поселение

merchant – купец

Great Trade Route – Великий Торговый путь

boundary – граница

to intend – предназначать

to erect – возводить

a release of peasants – отмена крепостного права

conquest – завоевание

shady – тенистый

Salt Department – соляное управление

to grant – дарить

twin-brother – близнец

capacity – вместимость

to cede – уступать

eternal fire – вечный огонь

embankment – набережная

jogger – любитель оздоровительного бега

roller-blader – катающийся на роликовых коньках

open-air – на открытом воздухе

viewing point – смотровая площадка

Present continuous passive

1.Переведите на русский язык:

1. A new underground station is being constructed in our street. 2. The device was being tested when you entered the laboratory. 3. This question is not connected with the problem which is being discussed now. 4. Many various machines are being produced for our industry by this plant. 5. The art exhibition of young artists is being widely commented by the press. 6. The machines produced by this plant are being used in agriculture. 7. Masterpieces from our museum were being exhibited in different cities in June last year. 8. Special attention is being paid to education of our youth. 9. He is being looked for. 10. While the experiment was being carried out, nobody left the laboratory.

2. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в Continuous Passive.

1. This question still (to discuss). 2. The theatre (to build) when we came to this town. 3. My friend (to ask) when the dean entered the classroom. 4. A new grammar rule (to explain) by the teacher now. 5. While the experiment (to make) we were not allowed to enter. 6. Who (to examine) now?

3. Замените глагол-сказуемое в действительном залоге на соответствующую форму Continuous в страдательном залоге. Обратите внимание на место послелога и предлога:

He is looking for you.

You are being looked for (by me).

1. They are sending for the doctor. 2. I was looking for the book but I could not find it. 3. We were listening to the speaker with great interest when the bell interrupted the lecture. 4. All our artists are discussing his new picture.

4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени Indefinite или Continuous Passive:

1. He (to ask) now. 2. We received the telegram when the letter (to type). 3. The article (to translate) into Russian in a few days. 4. A new grammar rule usually (to illustrate) by some examples. 5. She (to laugh) at if she says it. 6. The new project still (to work at). 7. The document still (to look for). 8. Books by this writer always much (to speak about). 9. The meeting won’t be over soon as the report (to follow) by a discussion.

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