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НН, ФК Кожевникова, Алешкевич английский язык.doc
1.03 Mб

I. Find the English equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

  1. высшее учебное заведение

  1. the broad educational opportunities

  1. квалифицированный специалист

  1. the national economy

  1. сельское хозяйство

  1. a right to free education

  1. широкие возможности для образования

  1. to perfect methods of training

  1. народное хозяйство

  1. to receive state scholarship

  1. право на бесплатное обучение

  1. to solve important problems

  1. независимо от имущественного ценза и социального происхождения

  1. special privileges

  1. получать стипендию

  1. a higher educational establishment

  1. особые привилегии

  1. farming (agriculture)

  1. совершенствовать методы обучения

  1. a qualified specialist

  1. решать важные вопросы

  1. irrespective of property status and social origin

  1. непрерывное образование

  1. mutual

  1. основной провайдер

  1. challenging

  1. престижный

  1. major provider

  1. совместный

  1. lifelong education

II. Do multiple choice test

В каком слове нет звука [d]?

a) large

b) again

c) engineer

d) engage

В каком слове нет звука [g]?

a) ground

b) get

c) generation

d) begin

В каком слове нет звука [z]?

a) pose

b) please

c) keys

d) students

В каком слове нет звука [ks]?

a) example

b) text

c) exercise

d) mix

В каком слове нет звука [θ]?

a) breath

b) though

c) think

d) theatre

В каком слове нет звука [w]?

a) which

b) where

c) whole

d) why

В каком слове нет звука [o:]?

a) lord

b) more

c) door

d) always

В каком слове нет звука [k]?

a) cereal

b) cut

c) cry

d) coat

В каком слове есть звук [k]?

a) change

b) chess

c) channel

d) chemistry

В каком слове нет звука [i]?

a) clean

b) meadow

c) meeting

d) leader

Answer key: 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c; 7. d; 8. a; 9. d; 10. b

2.2 Education of Great Britain

Text 1.

The basic features of the British educational system are the same as they are anywhere else in Europe.

In terms of historical background it is necessary to say that the British government attached little importance to education until the end of the nineteenth century. It was one of the last governments in Europe to organize education for everybody. Britain was leading in the world in industry and commerce, so, it was felt, education must somehow be taking care of itself. Today, however, education is one of the most frequent subjects for public debate in the country.

System of education in Great Britain consists of: nursery education; primary school; secondary and higher education. It’s interesting to know that almost all educational establishments are controlled by the Local Education Authority.

The school year is divided into three terms: autumn, spring and summer. They have holidays three times a year: Christmas, Easter and Summer.

Students have different exams for qualification, but the most significant are: Bachelor’s degree and Master’s Degree.

Types of university: there are no important official or legal distinctions between the various types of university in the country. But it is possible to discern a few broad categories: Oxbridge; the old Scottish universities; the old civic (“redbrick”) universities; the campus universities; the newer civic universities.

International education deals with the need to place a great emphasis on understanding other nations and cultures. Our planet is small, and problems sooner or later affect everybody. These problems cannot be ignored. We inhabit a “global village”.

Co-operative education. This term dates back to the nineteenth century, 1844, when the first co-operatives emerged and members of the co-operatives started educating their counterparts. Co-operative education is represented by co-operative educational establishments in Russia and Great Britain. Co-operative College in Manchester is the world leader in co-operative learning.

Table 1