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Guess the meaning of the words and expressions without a dictionary

1. distribution of organisms;

2. to describe oneself as an ecologist;

3. a reef barrier;

4. to look for a way out;

5. to be aimed at;

6. disaster;

7. atomic power stations;

8. to increase.

Choose the statement, which expresses the main idea of the text

1. to define the subject of ecology; 2. to analyze the origin of the word “ecology”; 3. to start solving the global problems of environment.

Complete the sentences

1. Ecology is one of those words which does not have strict academic …. 2. The fate of future generations on our planet resembles …. 3. It is sometimes difficult to argue about …. 4. We must not ignore our future well-being for …. 5. The idea of “home” includes …. 6. Mankind is rapidly driving many species to extinction by …. 7. We can’t halt …. 8. The harm caused by nuclear tests, atom bombs and accidents at the atomic power stations is ….

Match the definitions

1. environment a. any physical, chemical or biological alteration of air, water or land that is harmful to living organisms;

2. environmental science b. the interdisciplinary study of the complex interconnected issues of population, resources and pollution;

3. population c. all the biological and non-biological factors that effect an organism’s life;

4. resource d. a group of organisms of the some species living within a specified region;

5. pollution e. anything used by organisms to meet their needs, including air, water, minerals, plants, fuels, animals

The environmental problems of the Caspian Sea


absorption capacity - коэффициент поглощения

contamination - загрязнение

encouraging – ободряющий, обнадеживающий

illegal fishing – нелегальный лов рыбы

instability – непостоянство, неустойчивость

littoral – прибрежный

offshore deposits – залежи полезных ископаемых в открытом море

outlet – выход

shallow – мелководный, мелкий

to boost – способствовать, усиливать

to generate – производить, быть причиной чего-либо

up-to-date technology – новейшая, современная технология

wetland – заболоченная местность

Read the text and find answers to the questions

1. What has generated a lot of environmental problems of the Caspian Sea?

2. Why is the Sea in danger? What are the main ecological problems of the Caspian Sea?

3. What is the famous feature of the Caspian Sea?

4. What is the main source of the Caspian Sea water pollution?

5. Have any steps been done to protect the Caspian Sea?

The environmental problems of the Caspian Sea

Being very rich in many kinds of natural resources, the Caspian Sea has always been used in the littoral states’ economy. So, the long economic activity has generated numerous environmental threats to the rich and highly productive Caspian ecosystems. In the last decades the damming of the Volga River, the high level of water pollution and the illegal fishing along with other environmental problems have hardly disturbed the functionality of the biological communities.

The development of recently discovered huge offshore oil and gas deposits should also present a major threat to the Caspian ecosystem. Therefore especially now it’s very urgent to address the environmental problems of the Caspian Sea to prevent the possible ecological catastrophe. The Caspian Sea is a unique closed maritime basin with lots of natural features. Being extremely shallow, its northern part is surrounded by large low wetland area while its southern part is situated in the geosynclinal zone. One of the most famous features of the Caspian Sea is the instability of its water level. The sea contains over 120 species of fish, 40 of which are of commercial value. The Caspian region is one of the oldest oil producing regions in the world and since the middle of the 19th century it has been hardly influenced by the economic activity. It’s true that the new oil rush is more sensitive to the environment and involves more up-to-date technologies. However, the short-term economic pressure, combined with the long history of contamination, creates an important negative impact on the Caspian Sea.

The Volga River is the main source of water pollution as it accumulates industrial, agricultural and municipal sewages from the most part of European Russia. The marshes of the delta of the Volga serve as a filter, but sufficient amounts of contaminants still reach the Caspian Sea and cause major imbalances, especially in the shallow north basin which has limited absorption capacity. Systematic water sampling in different parts of the sea shows contamination by phenols, oil products, heavy metals and pesticides. With no outlet to the ocean, pollution has been accumulating in the bottom sediments and is gradually poisoning the ecosystem.

Another important environmental problem of the Caspian Sea is the instability of its water level. Since 1978 it has risen almost 2,5 m. 40000km2 of coastal zone has been flooded. We can’t ignore the economic imperatives. But all the productive activities can and must be developed in an environmentally sensitive and responsible way, in the framework of strict and vigorous environmental legislation, modern standards and pure technologies accepted by all the littoral states. Fortunately by now several initiatives have boosted regional cooperation in protecting the environment, including the establishment of the Caspian Environmental Program. And it’s an encouraging sign towards the greater cooperation in protecting the Caspian Sea.