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8.1.37 Прочитайте диалог, вставьте пропущенные слова так, чтобы получились выражения, близкие по значению пословицам Time is money, Ideas are food.


Spend, half-baked, spare, profitably, food, running out, chewing, wasting, digest, valuable, worth.

Martha: Morning!

Dad: You’re in a good mood today. Any particular reason?

Martha: Yes, there is actually.

Dad: What – in love again?

Martha: No – I’ve decided to become a millionaire.

Dad: You’ve decided to become a millionaire, I see. And how exactly do you

propose to do that?

Martha: Well, if you can … a couple of minutes, I’ll tell you.

Dad: Martha, you know how … my time is.

Martha: Oh, Dad, I promise you it will be … your while.

Dad: OK, but just five minutes or else I’ll be late for work.

Martha: Right. I’ve got this idea for a website.

Dad: Oh come on, you’re … your time if you think you can make money out

of the Internet. All the best ideas have been used up. You should be using

your time more … getting a proper job.

Martha: All right, all right. Look. I promise you it’s not some … idea. It’s

something I’ve been … over for the last few weeks. Please just have a

look at these plans, then tell me what you think.

Dad: Hm, hm, yes, interesting. There’s certainly … for thought here. How

are you going to find the money to do it?

Martha: Ah, well, um, I was rather hoping you might help me. Will you?

Dad: Well, I can’t tell you until I’ve had time to … all this information. But

you’ve certainly got a good idea. It’s very original.

Martha: But we’re … of time. If we don’t do it very soon, somebody else will.

Dad: Yes, you could be right. Look, I’ve got to go now, but as soon as I get

back from work I’ll … the rest of the evening looking at it. Have you

told anybody else your idea?

Martha: No, not yet.

Dad: Well, don’t. I think you’ve really got something here.

8.1.38 Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания:

  1. The love of money is the root of all evil.

  2. There are a lot of things money won’t buy.

  3. Never spend your money before you have it.

  4. A fool and his money are soon parted.

  5. Money spent on the brain, never spent in vain.

8.1.39 Опишите ситуацию или разыграйте диалог с сокурсником, используя поговорки или высказывания из предыдущего упражнения.

Раздел 8.2

8.2.1 Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:

advertiser n


advertisement n

объявление, реклама

to tend to v

иметь тенденцию, склоняться

to resent v


flair n

нюх, чутье, способность

iniquitous adj

крайне несправедливый, чудовищный

to absorb v

впитывать, поглощать

to reduce v

уменьшать, сокращать

profit n

выгода, польза

consumer n


precisely adv

точно, именно

purpose n


equally adv

в равной степени

a great deal of


to derive from v


existence n


to obtain v

получать, приобретать

to pretend v

притворяться, делать вид

to be doubted v

вызвать сомнение

blank adj

пустой, чистый

cheerful adj

радостный, веселый

witty adj


drab adj

темный, мрачный

ration n

порция, доза

calamity n

беда, несчастье, бедствие

contribution n


to subsist v


revenue n

доход, выручка

entirely adv


virtually adv

фактически, в сущности

tremendously adv

очень, крайне

to accomplish v

совершать, выполнить

to announce v


“hatch, match and dispatch”

“рождения, браки, смерти”

item n


“agony” column

газетное объявление о розыске пропавших родных и т.д.