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3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the A.Marshall’s definition of the term ‘economics’?

  1. Is it the only definition of this science?

  2. What does economics study?

  3. What is meant under the term ‘economic activity’?

  4. What are the basic human needs?

  5. Are they successfully satisfied all over the world?

  6. Are there people who suffer hunger in the industrial countries?

  7. Is economics an objective science like physics?

  8. What is the sate of our country’s economy?

  9. Is it in a better shape than it was ten years ago?

4. Translate the following sentences containing the conjunction whether.

  1. I don’t know whether he will come tomorrow.

  2. He is not sure whether he is able to translate this letter without dictionary.

  3. She doubts whether he will attend the meeting.

  4. It matters little whether you are ready or not.

  5. I’m not sure whether he is ready to discuss production targets.

  6. I don’t ask you whether you will attend the discussion.

  7. I doubt whether this problem will be included in the agenda.

  8. Does it matter whether I am a bit late or come in time?

  9. It is not clear whether he will come or not.

  10. John doesn’t know whether she will be given this task.

  11. You won’t know whether he will be appointed as our manager.

  12. It doesn’t matter whether he has enough experience.

  13. He has asked me whether she will be member of our team.

  14. We will never know whether he embezzled our money or not.

  15. It isn’t clear whether he will continue managing our department or not.

5. Translate into English.

  1. Я не знаю, придет ли он на лекцию.

  2. Я не уверен, смогу ли я перевести этот текст без словаря.

  3. Не имеет значения, было ли у вас достаточно времени.

  4. Не ясно, оказывают ли они такие услуги.

  5. Они интересуются, послали ли мы им приглашение.

  6. Сомневаюсь, будет ли он хорошим менеджером.

  7. Я сомневаюсь, сможет ли он руководить нашим отделом.

  8. Мы не знаем, кто будет назначен менеджером.

  9. Не имеет значения, придет ли он на собрание.

  10. Он не уверен, нужно ли будет ему приходить к 10 часам.

6. Translate the following.

1. Whatever is produced will be sold.

  1. Wherever he works he becomes the soul of the team.

  2. Whichever strategy is adopted I won’t help us.

  3. Whoever is appointed as our manager he won/t be able to improve our affairs.

  4. Whatever he proposes is rejected by our manager.

  5. However often he tried, he could not get a job at our company.

  6. However much they admire their boss, he is not a well-educated man.

  7. Whatever happens he won’t lose his job.

7. Be careful in distinguishing these different words.






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