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1 Буквосочетания гласных образуют один слог


    1. Напишите в транскрипции следующие интерна­циональные слова. Сравните их произношение с соот­ветствующими русскими эквивалентами.

system, politics, democracy, secretary, president, con­gress, telegram, process, method, progress, organization, block, discussion, delegation, tourist, group, party, offi­cial, visit, museum, stadium, attack, theatre, ballet, ope­ra, clerk, occupation, engineer, economist, cooperate, in­tensity, export, basis, test.

    1. Прочитайте следующие слова, определив в них ударные слоги.

composition, education, examination, able, ability, pos­sibility, simplicity, monopoly, advantageous, electricity, polytechnic, territory, atmosphere, European, Japanese, memorandum, correspondent, nationalization, administra­tion, constitution, technological, philosophical, revolu­tionary, refrigerator, disapprove, personality, opportu­nity.

    1. Разделите следующие слова на слоги.

polish, university, history, stumble, settle, letter, energy, arrive, development, Russia, advantage, assistant, numerous, announce, important, necessary, attempt, po­tato, existence, departure, monument, passenger, enter, worry, mistake, invite, cold.


6. Прочитайте следующие пары слов. Обратите внимание на изменение ударения в однокоренных сло­вах, принадлежащих к различным частям речи.


culture ['kAlt/э] economy [ir'konorni] history ['histari] policy ['polisi] industry ['indastri] theory ['Giari] revolution ['reva'lu:/(3)n]

nation ['nei/(a)n] cultural ['клИ/эгэ1] economical ['i'.ka'nomikal] historical [his' torikal] political [pa'litikol] industrial [in'dAstrial] theoretical [Gia'retikal] revolutionary ['reva'lu:/(э)пэп] national ['паг/(э)п1]


export [eks'po:t] import [im'po:t] organize ['organaiz]

demonstrate ['demonstreit]

coordinate [kou'o:dineit]

illustrate ['ilastreit] integrate f'intigreit]


export ['ekspo:t] import ['impo:t] organisation [' o:ganai' zei Д э)п] demonstration ['demans'trei/(a)n ] coordination [kou'o:di'nei/(o)n ] illustration ['ilas'trei/(3)n] integration [inti'grei/(a)n]

Упражнения в чтении

1. Прочитайте и запомните:

а) названия дней недели: The Days of the Week

Sunday ['sAndi] Monday ['mAndi] Tuesday ['tju:zdi] Wednesday ['wenzdi]

Thursday ['6a:zdi] Friday ffraidi] Saturday ['satadi]

б) названия месяцев года: The Months of the Year

January ['djaenjuari] July [dju^lai]

February ['februari] August ['o:gast]

March [ma:tf] September [sap'temba]

April f'eipril] October [ok'touba]

May [mei] November [nou'vemba]

June [d3u:n] December [di'semba]

в) названия городов: The Names of the Cities

Moscow ['moskou] Tokyo f'toukiouj

London ['Undan] Warsaw ['wo:so:]

Washington ['wo/ifjtan] Ottawa ['otewa]

New York ['nju:'jo:k] St. Petersburg


      1. Отработайте чтение вопросительных слов. За­помните их значение.

what [wot] - что, какой (-ая, -ое, -ие)

who [hu:] - кто

which [wit/] - который, какой

whose [hu:z] - чей, чьи

whom [hum] - кому

where [wea] - куда, где

when [wen] - когда

why [wai] - почему

how [hau] - как

      1. Прочитайте следующие цифры. Обратите вни­мание, что у числительных от 13 до 19 основное уда­рение падает на второй слог -teen, а у числительных, обозначающих десятки, на первый (суффикс -ty без­ударный ).

'thir' teen — 'thirty 'seven' teen — 'seventy

'four' teen - 'forty 'eigh'teen - 'eighty

'fif' teen - 'fifty 'nine'teen - 'ninety

'six' teen —'sixty

      1. Прочитайте, используя данные модели.

а) 1+4=5 One and four is five. (One plus four equals five).

10 - 3 = 7 Ten minus three is seven.

11+ 3 = 14 15+5 = 20 83+17=100

19-2 = 17 14-2 = 12 100-50 = 50

8-1= 7 6+6=12 77-17 = 60

19 + 1 = 20 13+4 = 17 20+60 = 80

6) - What's the time?

- It's eight o'clock. (It's eight sharp.) It's a quarter past eight. It's half past eight. It's a quarter to nine.

11.00, 11.15, 11.50, 12.05, 12.30, 5.15, 8.20, 9.00, 4.20, 4.40, 6.10, 6.50, 7.15, 10.45.