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Module 3 education in ukraine


BT1. School in Ukraine

ST 1. University History

ST 2. Uman Agrarian University

ST 3. English Universities

I. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані інтернаціональні слова:

school [sku:l]

form [fo :m]

million ['miljən]

student ['stju:dənt]

naturalist ['næ ʧrəlist]

lycee [`li:seι]

II. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні англійські слова. Порівняйте їх з українськими словами, які мають той же корінь.



тренування, підготовка, навчання



урбанізований, міський



генеральний, загальний



публічний, громадський



ареал, район



форма, клас



базовий, основний







III. Прочитайте подані слова та запам'ятайте їх значення.















отримувати, набувати



певний, окремий










IV. Прочитайте та перекладіть базовий текст №1 (BТ 1).


1. Ukraine has a uniform system of education.

2. It embraces all forms and stages of training.

3. The system is the same in all rural and urban areas.

4. The system of public (state) education covers preschool, general secondary, vo­cational secondary, specialized seconda­ry and higher education.

5. Preschool education includes kindergar­tens for children under 6 or 7 years.

6. There are over 23 000 kindergartens where some 2 000 000 children are

taught their mother tongue.

7. The basic link in the chain of public education in Ukraine is "general education (grade) school".

8. There are over 21 000 general comprehensive schools in our country with a pupil body of 6.9 million.

9. Each school is of three stages: namely primary, basic and senior.

10. Primary (or elementary) school consists of a three year course for children from 7 to 10, or a four year course for children from 6 to 10.

11. Compulsory education in Ukraine begins at the age of 7 (6) and minimum school leaving age is 16.

12. The basic stage of school covers 5th ,6th ,7th ,8th and 9th forms.

13. After finishing 9th form pupils can enter technical or vocational schools where they get secondary education as well as a profession of a worker, builder, technician, elementary school teacher, etc.

14. There are also boarding schools in our country where pupils study and live.

15. Special educational establishments are available for pupils who are handicapped by a disability of body or mind.

16. Вesides there are schools with a bias to mathematics, physics, foreign languages, fine arts.

17. At these schools children acquire general secondary education with a deeper knowledge of certain subjects.

18. Pupils can also attend some optional classes, music schools, schools of arts, schools for young scientists, young naturalists, etc.

19. These schools are not fully maintained by the state and in some cases parents pay tuition.

20. Nowadays there are new types of schools in Ukraine: classical schools or gymnasiums (121) and lycees (124).

21. Over 50 private schools have appeared recently.

22. Higher education includes universities, institutes, academies, conservatoires and other establishments.

V. Запам’ятайте фрази і словосполучення:

attend classes

відвідувати заняття

optional classes

курси за вибором

to be available

бути у розпорядженні

pay tuition

платити за навчання


в наші дні

handicapped child


disability of body or mind

фізичні або психічні вади

school with a bias

спеціалізована школа

boarding school


VI. Прочитайте англійські прикметники (А,В) та дієслова (С). Виберіть відповідний український еквівалент.























vocational secondary












набувати, отримувати



VІI. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №1(SТ1).


Uman Pedagogical Institute was established in 1930. The natural science department is the oldest. The general technical department came into existence in 1960. The graduates become teachers of Physics, Labour training and Computer Science. In 1974 the pedagogical department was founded. The students receive excellent training and experience for employment in the primary school. The pre-school department held its first classes in 1980. The Institute's most rapid expansion began in 1990s.The philological department was added in 1992. The majors are the Ukrainian Language, Ukrainian Literature, English, Ukrainian Studies, and Ethnology.

In 1994 the economic department, became available. Firstly the Institute was housed in one building. In 1996 the institute took up residence in its new home next to the "Sofievka" park. Nowadays the University is located in many buildings. The University has all necessary facilities: auditoriums, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Language laboratories and workshops, etc. A new, large gym is available for students. The library contains over 250 000 volumes and receive many periodical and journal titles annually.

Resources in the natural sciences are outstanding. There are strong collections as well in the humanities, social studies, pedagogy that support research in many areas of specialization. Thanks to numerous improvements Uman Pedagogical Institute became a Pedagogical University in 1998.

VІIІ. Знайдіть у тексті еквіваленти наступних слів і виразів:

Природничий факультет; факультет загально-технічних дисциплін; випускники; трудове навчання; інформатика; досвід; найшвидше зростання; профілююча дисципліна, спеціалізація; майстерні; спортивна зала; бути у розпорядженні студентів; бібліотека; томи, книги; щорічно; ресурси для вивчення дисциплін природничого циклу; підтримувати дослідження; гуманітарні науки.

ІX. Перекладіть англійською мовою запропоновані речення.

  1. Уманський педагогічний інститут був заснований в 1930 році.

  2. Університет має всі необхідні можливості (засоби, приміщення), аудиторії, фізичні, хімічні, біологічні, лінгафонні кабінети, майстерні, спортивну залу.

  3. Є хороші ресурси для вивчення дисциплін природничого циклу, а також гуманітарних, соціальних наук, педагогіки, фізики, які забезпечують дослідження з багатьох наук.

  4. Випускники фізико-технічного факультету стають вчителями фізики, праці та інформатики.

X. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст 2, звертаючи увагу на спеціальну лексику уроку.


Uman Agrarian University is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Ukraine. It was founded in 1844 in Odessa as the Main School of Horticulture for training highly qualified specialists in horticulture. At that time it was the only higher educational institution of this specialization in the country. In 1859 the main School moved to Uman where there were conditions for training specialists of this type.

For its long history the University has undergone a number of changes and reorganizations.

In post-war years the University turned into a modern educational establishment with three full-time departments with 8 specializations (agronomy genetics, selection and seed breeding of sugar-beets, horticulture and viticulture vegetable growing, technology of storage and organization of international economic relations, accounting and analysis of farm business, the department оf leaching by correspondence and preparatory courses.

Nowadays the teaching staff amounts up to 300 teachers and scientists, including 2 academicians, 23 professors, Doctors of Science and over 100 Candidates of Science, associate professors.

Today more than three thousand students study at 5 departments and preparatory courses.

There are well-equipped laboratories, auditoriums, 5 specialized scientific laboratories, the experimental training farm "Rodnikivka" with experimental fields, gardens, farms, hothouses, a library, an assembly hall, a gym, nice hostels, a medical center and a sports camp.

The students have practice at the best agricultural enterprises of Ukraine, on the farms of Poland, England and France.

The numerous courses and field practice provide preparation for research in a selected area at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Congresses, conferences and courses are held there.


1. horticulture - садівництво

2. seed breeding - насінництво

3. viticulture - виноградарство

XI. Знайдіть у додатковому тексті №2 (SТ 2) відповіді на наступні запитання.

1 .When was Uman Agrarian University founded?

2. How many departments are there in the Agrarian University?

3. What do you know about the teaching staff of the Agrarian University?

4. What facilities are available for the students?

5.How many students study at the Agrarian University?

6.Where do the students have practice?

7.What provides preparation for research in a selected area?

XII. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №3 (SТ 3).


In England there are 35 universities. Oxford University is the oldest, for its history goes back to the 12th century.

The University of Paris became the model for French Universities and Oxford. The beginning may have been a migration of English students from Paris in about 1167 or 1168. In the 13th century, first mention occurs of university "chests" which, were benefactions designed for the assistance of poor students. Halls or places of residence for students also began to be established. The earliest colleges were| University College, founded in 1249, Balliol College, founded in 1264.

The University of Cambridge came into existence somewhat later than Oxford. Oxford and Cambridge are known for their specific system of education. Both Oxford University and Cambridge University is a federation of self-governed and independent colleges headed by Masters. A college is a place where students trained for different professions live: so students studying literature and those trained for physics may live in one and the same college. Colleges are built on a plan common to all. There is a library, dining-hall and rooms for the students here.

The students of all colleges go to lectures at the University. You study at Oxford or Cambridge for 4 years, 3 terms a year. The academic year lasts from October to September; the long vacation lasts 3 months. After three years of studies a student may be granted a Bachelor's degree and later the degrees of Master and Doctor.

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge have University presses.

In the 19th century the dominance of Oxford and Cambridge was challenged by the rise of the civic universities, such as London, Manchester and Birmingham. They quickly acquired recognition - not only in technological fields, but also in the fine and liberal arts. Universities in Great Britain historically have been independent and self governing. Students are carefully selected by examination performance. The tuition fees are paid out of public funds; in addition, most students receive a tax-financed maintenance grant, inversely related to parental income, to cover living expenses.

In 1971 the Open University was begun. It is a degree-granting institution that provides courses of study for adults, who missed the chance of higher education, and it uses television, radio and local study programmes.


chest - ящик, фонд, self-governed colleges – коледжі з самоуправлінням; to be granted a …. Degree – отримати ступінь ... ; University press – університетське видавництво; dominance was challenged – виключне становище було поставлене під сумнів; to acquire recognition – здобути визнання; fine and liberal arts – гуманітарні науки; to be selected by examination performance – бути відібраним на основі іспитів; tax-financed maintenance grant – виплата на утримання з державного бюджету; to cover expenses – покривати витрати.

XIІI. Знайдіть у додатковому тексті № З (SТ 3) відповіді на наступні питання:

  1. How many Universities are there in England?

  2. What is the oldest university in England?

  3. When did the University of Cambridge come into existence?

  4. What are Oxford and Cambridge universities known for?

  5. The Universities are a federation of self-governed and independent colleges, aren't they?

  6. What facilities are there in a college?

  7. How long do the students study at Oxford and Cambridge?

  8. What degrees are granted to the students?

  9. What fields did the civic ("red brick") universities acquire recognition in?

  10. How are the students selected?

  11. Do the students receive a tax-financed maintenance grant?

  12. Who are Open Universities for?

XIV. Анотуйте англійською та українською мовами основний зміст додаткових текстів. Користуйтесь запропонованим варіантом як ключем.

Supplementary texts N 1 and 2 give a short historical review of the development of two higher education institutions in our native city. They describe the teaching staff, departments, facilities, research areas of the Pedagogical University and the Agrarian University.

Додаткові тексти 1 та 2 містять короткий історичний огляд розвитку 2 вищих освітніх закладів у нашому рідному місті.

У них описано викладацький склад, факультети, обладнання, галузі дослідження педагогічного університету і аграрного університету.

Supplementary text 3 provides information on the oldest English Universities, founded in the 12th century; the civic universities, founded in the 19th and 20th centuries and Open Universities, founded in the post war period.

Додатковий текст 3 містить інформацію про найстаріші англійські університети, засновані в XII столітті, громадські університети, засновані в XIX та XX століттях та відкриті університети, засновані в післявоєнний період.