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Module 7 child development— yesterday and today


BT1. Historical accounts of children

ST 1. The best of times and the worst of times for today's children

ST 2. Family issues and parenting

I. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані інтернаціональні слова:

conception [kən`sep∫n] концепція





[,indi`vidju: əl]

індивідуальність, особистість




II. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні англійські слова. Порівняйте їх з українськими словами, які мають той же корінь.


[,indi`vidju: əl]

індивідуальність, особистість



античний, старовинний, давній



унікальний, єдиний

III. Прочитайте подані слова та запам'ятайте їх значення.






неоднаковий, нерівнозначний, нерівномірний






зв’язок, узи






сприймати, усвідомлювати




IV. Прочитайте та перекладіть базовий текст №1 (BТ 1).


  1. In contemporary society, the development and well-being of children capture pub­lic attention, the interest of scientists, and the concern of policymakers.

  2. Through history, though, interest in the development of children has been uneven.

  3. Childhood has become such a distinct period that it is hard to imagine that it was not always that way.

  4. However, in medieval times, laws generally did not distin­guish between childhood and adult offenses.

  5. After analyz­ing samples of art along with available publications, historian Philippe Aries concluded that European societies did not give any special status to children prior to 1600.

  6. Were children actually treated as miniature adults with no special status in medieval Europe?

  7. In medieval times, children often worked and their emotional bond with parents may not have been as strong as it is for many chil­dren today.

  8. But we know that, in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, rich conceptions of children's devel­opment were held.

  9. Through history, philosophers have written about the nature of children and how they should be reared. Three such philosophical views are:

  • original sin;

  • tabula rasa;

  • and innate goodness.

  1. In the original sin view, especially during the Middle Ages, children were perceived as basically bad, being born into the world as evil beings.

  2. The goal of childrearing was to provide salvation, to remove sin from the child's life.

  3. Toward the end of the seventeenth century, the tabula rasa view was proposed by English philosopher John Locke.

  4. He argued that children are not innately bad but instead are like a "blank tablet," a tabula rasa.

  5. Locke believed that childhood experiences are important in determining adult characteristics.

  6. He advised parents to spend time with their children and to help them become members of society.

16. In the eighteenth cen­tury, the innate goodness view was presented by Swiss-born philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who stressed that children are inherently good.

17. Because children are basically good, said Rousseau, they should be permitted to grow naturally, with little parental monitoring or constraint.

18. In the past century and a half, our view of children has changed dramatically.

19. We now think of childhood as a unique period of life that lays an important foundation for the adult years and is highly differentiated from them.

V. Запам’ятайте фрази і словосполучення:

to capture pub­lic attention

привернути увагу громадськості, людей

to analyze samples

аналізувати зразки

to rear children

вирощувати, виховувати дітей

original sin

первородний гріх

blank tablet,a tabula rasa

чиста дошка

to determinе adult characteristics

визначати дорослі характеристики

innate goodness

природжене добро

parental monitoring

батьківський нагляд

VI. Знайдіть відповіді на запитання у тексті:

  1. Has interest in the development of children been even through history?

  2. What did historian Philippe Aries conclude?

  3. Where were rich conceptions of children's devel­opment held in old times?

  4. What are the three philosophical views on children’s rearing?

  5. In what way were children perceived in the original sin view?

  6. Who proposed the tabula rasa view?

  7. What did John Locke advise parents?

  8. What did the innate goodness view stress?

  9. What do we now think of childhood?

VII. Розробіть план лекції на тему: „Історичний аспект дитинства”. Приготуйтеся до викладення основних положень.

VІII. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №1(SТ1).



It is both the best of times and the worst of times for today's children. Their world possesses powers and perspec­tives inconceivable fifty years ago: computers, longer life expectancies, the ability to reach out to the entire planet through television, satellites, air travel. So much knowledge, though, can be chaotic, even danger­ous. School curricula have been adapted to teach students new top­ics—AIDS, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse. Children want to trust, but the world has become an untrust­worthy place. The fatal temptations of the adult world some­times descend upon children so early that their ideals disappear. Crack cocaine is a far more addictive and deadly substance than marijuana, the drug of an earlier generation. Strange depictions of violence and sex come flashing out of the television set and lodge in the minds of children. The messages are powerful and contra­dictory.

Every stable society transmits values from one generation to the next. That is civilization's work. In today's world, the transmission of val­ues is not easy. A motif of absence influences the lives of many children. It may be an absence of authority and limits or an absence of emotional com­mitment.

ІX. Знайдіть у тексті еквіваленти наступних слів і виразів:

Найкращі і найгірші з часів; перспективи, які не можна було навіть уявити 50 років тому; самогубство; зловживання алкоголем і наркотиками; місце, не гідне довіри; фатальні спокуси дорослого світу; смертельна речовина, до якої більше звикання; линути з екранів телевізорів; передавати цінності; передача цінностей.

X. Перекладіть англійською мовою запропоновані речення.

  1. Сьогодні діти мають змогу досягнути всієї планети через телебачення, супутники, авіа подорожі.

  2. Шкільні програми інформують дітей про СНІД, самогубство, зловживання алкоголем і наркотиками.

  3. В сучасному світі дитячі ідеали часто зникають.

  4. В сучасному світі передача цінностей – непростий процес.

XI. Робота у парах. Складіть діалог. Уявіть, що один із вас доводить, що зараз найкращі часи для виховання дітей, а інший - навпаки.

ХІІ. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст 2, звертаючи увагу на спеціальну лексику уроку.


We hear a great deal from experts and popular writers about pressures on contemporary families. The number of families in which both parents work is increasing; at the same time, the number of one-parent families has risen over the past two decades as a result of a climbing divorce rate. With more children being raised by single parents or by parents who are both working, the time parents have to spend with their children is being squeezed and the quality of child care is of concern to many. Are working parents better using the decreased time with their children? Do day-care arrange­ments provide high-quality alternatives for parents? How troubled should we be about the increasing number of the children who are at home alone after school, waiting for their parents to return from work? Answers to these questions can be formed by several different kinds of information obtained by experts in child development. This information comes from studies of the way working parents use the time with their children and the nature of their parenting approaches and behaviors, studies of the way various day-care arrangements influence children's social and intellectual growth in relation to home-care arrangements, and exami­nation of the consequences of a child being without adult supervision for hours every day after school.

Famous playwright George Bernard Shaw once com­mented that although parenting is a very important pro­fession, no test of fitness for it is ever taken. If a test were imposed, some parents would turn out to be more fit than others. Most parents want their children to grow into socially mature individuals, but they often are not sure about what to do as parents to help their children reach this goal.

Most of you taking this course will be a parent some­day; some of you already are. I hope that each of you will take seriously the importance of rearing your children because they are the future of our society.


Часто чути; тиск на сучасну сім’ю; кількість ... збільшується; неповна сім’я (лише з матір’ю (батьком); двадцять років; зростаюча кількість розлучень; скорочений (урізаний) час; природа підходів та поведінки батьків; організація догляду за дітьми впродовж дня; тест на відповідність чомусь; соціально зріла особистість; досягнути мети.

XIІІ. Скажіть, чи є твердження правдивими. Якщо ні, спростуйте твердження та аргументуйте свою точку зору.

  1. The number of families in which both parents work is decreasing.

  2. The number of one-parent families has risen over the past two decades as a result of a climbing divorce rate.

  3. More and more children are raised by single parents or by parents who are both working.

  4. Day-care arrange­ments provide high-quality alternatives for parents.

  5. Parenting is a very important pro­fession.

  6. Test of fitness for parenting is usually taken before marriage.

XІV. Робота в парах. Складіть діалог. Уявіть, що один із вас психолог, а інший молодий батько(мати). Отримайте консультацію щодо особливостей виховання дитини.

XIV. Анотуйте англійською та українською мовами основний зміст додаткових текстів. Користуйтесь запропонованим варіантом як ключем.

Supplementary text 1 is about …

It provides information on ….

Supplementary text 2 deals with …

It sets the problem of …..