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1.Укажите каким членом предложения (подлежащим или определением) является указательное местоимение, и переведите предложения:

This is a clock. This clock is round.

These are drawings. These drawings are important.

That is an important property of the body. Those properties of the body are important.

2. а) Вместо выделенных слов поставьте личное местоимение в именительном или объектном падеже; б) предложения переведите.

Образец: The square is large . It is large.

This book is for Mr.Black. This book is for him.

  1. Mr. Blake says: “Geometry is an important subject for technical students”.

  2. A surface has two dimensions: length and breadth.

  3. These lines are short.

  4. The length of the line is ½ (one half) of a metre.

  5. The young man is a student of a technical college.

  6. This ruler was for Mrs. Hutt.

  7. These drawings were for Mr.Black.

3. Замените личные местоимения, данные в скобках, соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями. Предложения переведите.

Образец: (We) table is in front of the window.

Our table is in front of the window.

  1. I have some notebooks and pencils in (I) brief-case.

  2. (She) family was in London.

  3. Those are (we) instruments.

  4. (He) examples were always interesting.

  5. These are (they) friends.

  6. Is this (you) child? Yes, it is (we) child.

  7. This is a square. All (it) angles are right.

  8. That is a line, (it) length is 1.5 metres.

  9. This table is large, (it) surface is equal to 4.5 square metres.

4. а) Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык.

б) Предложения переведите.

  1. This element has (несколько) important properties.

  2. There is (что-то) in the tube.

  3. There is (нет) difference between these two figures.

  4. (Кто-нибудь) works in the laboratory (каждое) morning.

  5. My friends always go (куда-нибудь) in summer.

  6. (Все, каждый) makes experiments in the laboratories.

  7. He says (ничего) about his tests.

  8. Do you give your books to (всем)?

  9. (Ни один) student uses these instruments.

10. The teacher’s assistant measures (всё) with a great degree of accuracy.

11. She never says (ничего) about her studies.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы и значения местоимений.

1. Make yourself at home.

2. Have you got any money about you?

3. I don’t want to stay at home. Let’s go somewhere tonight.

4. Is there anybody in the room? – No, there is nobody there.

  1. Have you anything interesting to read? – Yes, come to my place.

I’ve got some interesting books. You may take any of them.

  1. It’s very dark here. I cannot see anybody.

  2. Will you give me some water, please?

  3. There is little fresh air in this room.

  4. If you ever have any problems, let me know.

10.Everyone will tell you the way to the market.

6.Заполните пропуски местоимениями:

Some, any, no, every или производными от них.

  1. You must ask … to help you in this work.

  2. If I have … free time, I shall go … tonight.

  3. Have you heard … about our plan?

  4. Did … see this film yesterday?

  5. Did you say … ? – No, I said … .

  6. I know … about it and he doesn’t know … about it either. … knows about it.

  1. Вставьте вместо точек нужное по смыслу местоимение.

  1. I have lost … pen, may I take … ?

  2. If you’ve left … dictionary at home, you may take … .

  3. These pencils are … , take … if you want.

  4. Help … , please.

  5. … often meet … here.

  6. He always makes dinner … .

  7. We have very many relatives in … native town.

  8. They can do it … .

  9. … of you knows his address?

10.There is … butter on the table, but there isn’t … milk.