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Еремеев В Е Чертеж антропокосмоса.doc
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  1. Щуцкий Ю. К. Китайская классическая "Книга перемен", с. 196.

  2. Чжоу и иньдэ, с. 40.

  3. Там же.

  4. Там же, с 43.

  5. Древнекитайская философия. Т. 1, с. 254-263.

  6. Там же, с. 278, 281.

  7. Там же, с. 261.

  8. Чжоу Ляньси цзи. Ч. 2, с. 103.

  9. Там же, с. 97.


  1. Ouspensky P. D. In search of the Miraculous, p. 323, fig. 58.

  2. Ibid, p. 175, 193-195.

  3. Ibid, p. 324.

  4. Казанджян Т. Т. Очерки по истории химии в Армении. Ереван, 1955, с. 78.

  5. Шукуров Р. Азиз ад-дин Насафи и его трактат "Зубдат ал-хакаик", с. 40.

  6. Там же, с. 41-42.

  7. Там же, с. 64, 45.

  8. Ouspensky P. D. In search of the Miraculous, p. 71-73.

  9. Шукуров Р. Азиз ад-дин Насафи и его трактат "Зубдат ал-хакаик", с. 44.

  10. Там же, с. 47.

  11. См.: Герцман Е. В. Византийское музыкознание. Л., 1988, с. 85.

  12. Там же.

  13. См.: Герцман Е. В. Античное музыкальное мышление. Л., 1986, с. 55.

  14. Фрагменты ранних греческих философов, с. 230.

  15. Марков М. А. О природе материи. М., 1976, с. 131.

  16. Там же, с. 141.

  17. Там же, с. 139, 143, 145, 146.


In his book “A Diagram of the Anthropocosmos” Vladimir Eremeev argues that ancient natural philosophy as far as it bounds together the knowledge about nature and man along with its philosophical interpretation contained this idea and the main principles of a synthetic science. Ancient philosophers who probed deeply into the problems of life left us a rich legacy. Many of their conclusions have retained their validity at the modern level of cognition.

The book is written in the form of commentaries on Zhou Dunyi's philosophical treatise “An Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate” (11th century). One of the best expositions of the synthetic philosophical system this treaty is well suited to the author's intentions. It comprised the ideas of Confucianism, the propositions found in the ancient canonical book Zhou yi (Cyclic Changes), and the views of Taoism and Buddhism. This work determined the development of neo-Confucianism for many years to come. In his book Eremeev goes into details of all these teachings in an effort to reveal the universal principles common to them all. He also discusses Vedanta, Samkhya, Yoga, Kabbalah, the Tarot cards, ancient theories of music, traditional Oriental medicine and contemporary psychology, physics, cosmology, cybernetics, etc. Special attention is given to the teaching on enneagram (a universal esoteric ninefold symbol) by G.I. Gurdjieff, a mystic philosopher of the first half of the 20th century.

Zhou Dunyi based his treatise on the Diagram of the Great Ultimate, an outline of the Universe, probably of the Taoist origin. The book also contains ancient and contemporary diagrams. Taken together, they represent a super-diagram - an outline of the Universe.

Since knowledge in the ancient world was, to a certain extent, little differentiated, its comparison with modern sciences should proceed along several lines at one and the same time. The most interesting results can be obtained in the areas where different sciences do overlap. Numerous examples cited in the book testify that the ancient ideas of the world can be fitted into the contemporary systems of knowledge. There are even cases when they are complementary to our knowledge. The author suggests an original and integral system based on a vast body of ancient Oriental and modern philosophic ideas systematized to demonstrate the basic unity of man and the world at all levels of the being.

For ancient man the Universe was a living organism with which he was breathing in unison. It was a sphere of moral and spiritual improvement. Its level is determined by the harmony or disharmony with the Cosmos. Today, science is aspiring to substantiate human existence in the Universe. The anthropic principle which proclaims man's existence limits the Universe's possible structure is becoming increasingly popular in modern cosmology. An old idea of the identity of man and the Universe, or the micro- and macrocosmos seems to be revived. As distinct from the present time, cosmology of antiquity regarded the Universe at the levels and in the aspects that could be directly observed by man. At the same time it was not limited by everyday experience - as human potential was being realized the limits were extended. It seems that in Antiquity contemplation of cosmos in a certain mental-sensual space rather than its instrumental studies was ancient man's “methodology”. It produced amazing results. Different approaches notwithstanding, a comparison of the modern and ancient cosmological constructs may prove fruitful. For example, the author has revealed a connection between man's psychophysical functional system and some of the forms of matter that take shape at certain cosmogenic stages. To achieve this he used a generalized model of these constructs. He has also identified an algorithm with the help of which the scale of these forms was created and analyzed its inner structure. Eremeev discusses the impact of the microwave cosmic radiation on man's life activity. The results obtained may lead to a new scientific trend - anthropocosmology.

Ancient Chinese medicine regarded man as an inalienable element of nature that submits to its complex rhythms. It divided the human organism into several functional levels with their own specifics determined by the time and degree of activitiness and certain natural factors. The author has employed structural analysis of the theory of ancient Chinese medicine to discover a large number of ties between these levels. Proved experimentally they can be taken into account by acupuncture to boost its healing effect.

The author has elaborated an information model of man's emotional sphere comparing the Ancient Chinese teaching about “five emotions” (wu qing) and P. Simonov's information theory of emotions. The Ancient Chinese ideas about the key emotional set, as he argues, were better developed than the ideas of contemporary psychologists. As the former allows one to verify the ties between psychical functions and the brain's structures.

In the book there is a proof for a thought that an Ancient Indian music scale used in religious practices imitates some of the mathematical patterns of man's chromosome set. This gives a fresh approach to the acoustics of antiquity and prompts new methods of therapy with music. Practically all ancient peoples had ideas of their own about music's cosmic associations. It was a general belief that the cosmos was constantly vibrating in tune with the sounds on Earth. Therefore, music scales reflected the harmony of the Universe and its parts. In Ancient India music was composed according to the psychophysical specificities of its perception by man. In India music was not only expected to bring about aesthetic and psychical emotions but also to harmonize the entire human being by striking certain chords buried deep in the human psyche.

In Ancient China musical scales also reflected the structure of the Cosmos and man. The author has shown that the Chinese harmonic and tonal system followed the genetic code patterns. The same can be said about “Cyclic Changes” used to tell fortunes. The author believes that today the experience of ancients can be applied to the contemporary forecasting systems.

It is his deep conviction that mankind has reached the point where a revolution in its mode of thought should occur and man-cosmos relationships completely changed. This will probably revive the knowledge of the ancient people, a small amount of which has been discussed in this book.