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Ex. 19. Translate the following sentences into English:

You may use the following phrases: He/She suffers from ... . He/She has ... . He/She is ill with ... .

1. Цей чоловік хворіє на пневмонію. Він скаржиться на сильний біль у грудях, кашель і загальну слабкість. 2. У цієї жінки міокардит. У неї болі в ділянці серця. Вона скаржиться на загальну слабкість і задишку. 3. Ці пацієнти страждають на виразку шлунку. Вони відчувають біль у шлунку, загальну слабкість. У них буває нудота або блювання. 4. У цього чоловіка часто буває нудота і він відчуває біль у шлунку після їжі. 5. У хірургічному відділенні можна бачити хворих, які мають різні хірургічні хвороби. 6. Цей хворий страждає на грижу. 7. Цей чоловік має виразку дванадцятипалої кишки, а той страждає на апендицит.

Ex. 20. Speak on the regional hospital.

Ex. 21. Use this structure to respond to the following questions:




What was the patient’s temperature on admission to the hospital?

It was 39C.

On admission to the hospital the patient’s temperature was 39C.

1. What colour was the patient’s skin? (pallid) 2. What was the patient’s respiration rate? (25 per minute) 3.What was the patient’s pulse rate? (140 per minute) 4. What was the patient’s diagnosis? (pericarditis) 5. What was the patient's arterial pressure? (140/90)

Ex. 22. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:

Recently admitted ['rI:sntlI] щойно доставлений; muscular ['mAskjulq] м’язовий; physical findings фізикальні дані; rheumatic [ru:'mxtIk] ревматичний; impression враження; follicular tonsillitis [fq'lIkjulq] фолікулярний тонзиліт; history of case (case report) історія хвороби; limb [lIm] кінцівка.

Ex. 23. Read the following dialogue:

Medical Student: Where are the recently admitted patients, if you please?

Nurse: You probably mean the son of our nurse and a little girl, don’t you?

M.S.: Yes, you are right.

N.: Our nurse’s boy is in the third ward and the girl is in the seventh.

M.S.: What’s the matter with them?

N.: We admitted the boy to the hospital last night because of severe pains.

M.S.: What does he complain of?

N.: He complains of muscular pains in his back and limbs and he has a high temperature.

M.S.: And what else does he complain of?

N.: He complains of a bad headache.

M.S.: And what are the physical findings?

N.: Nothing significant. He has no symptoms in the lungs.

M.S.: What is the impression of the attending doctor?

N.: The doctor says that he cannot explain the whole clinical picture without laboratory and X-ray findings, but he thinks that the boy has rheumatic pains.

M.S.: Any previous rheumatic findings?

N.: No.

M.S.: I have one more question about the pains. Are they severe?

N.: Yes.

M.S.: And what troubles the girl?

N.: She is ill with follicular tonsillitis. The temperature of the girl is almost normal now. It is a mild case.

M.S.: Where are the patients’ histories of the cases?

N.: They are on the table of the attending doctor.

Ex. 24. Answer the following questions:

1. Who are the recently admitted patients? 2. What is the matter with the boy? 3. What does he complain of? 4, Are the pains severe? 5. What else does he complain of? 6. What are the physical findings? 7. What is the impression of the attending doctor? 8. What is the matter with the girl? 9. Is she dangerous ill? 10. Is follicular tonsillitis an infectious disease? 11. What is the temperature of the girl?

Ex. 25. Insert the missing prepositions (in, on, at, for, of):

1. The comfortable ward is _ four patients. 2. The case report _ patient Vilkova is _ the table _ the ward doctor. 3. The history _ the case _ patient Popova is _ the table _ the right window.

Ex. 26. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Хворий, котрий щойно поступив до лікарні, скаржиться на головний біль та сильні м’язові болі. 2. Лікар-куратор говорить, що у дівчинки ревматичні болі. 3. Чи фолікулярний тонзиліт небезпечний для життя?

Ex. 27. Compose short dialogue using the following word-combinations:

to admit a patient; what’s the matter with; to complain of; else; physical findings; history of the case.

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