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OTVET_po_grammatike (2).docx
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2) Spatial.

To non-spatial adverbs belong:

1) viewpoint adverbs (e.g. Looked at politically, it was not an easy problem);

2) focusing adverbs (e.g. He is doing it purely and simply for your benefit);

3) intensifying adverbs (e.g. It's simply a question of hard work);

4) process adverbs (e.g. They treated him badly);

5) subjective adverbs (e.g. Bitterly, he buried his children);

6) adverbs of cause and consequence (e.g. We have a growing population and therefore we need more food).

To spatial adverbs belong:

1)place adverbs (e.g. They are not there; He threw his manuscript aside);

2) time adverbs (e.g. He arrived last night; He washes his car every Sunday).

Similar to adjectives, adverbs can be gradable and non-gradable. Gradable adverbs are adverbs which are capable of expressing the intensivity of the process, e.g. loudly - more loudly -the most loudly. The number of non-gradables is much greater among adverbs than among adjectives.

The adv. is a PS characterized by the following features:

  1. the lex.-gram. mean. of “qualitative, quantative or circumstantial characteristics of actions, states or qualities:

  2. the category of the degree of comparison

  3. typical stem-build. affixes, as in quick-ly, side-ways, clock-wise, a-shore…

  4. its unilateral (односторон.) combinability with verbs, adj., adv-s, less regularly with adlinks (asleep,alive) and nouns.

The function of adverbial complement (дополнение), sometimes other functions