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Англійська мова Заоч. ФК-2 курс Токун І.І. 2011...doc
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2.3. Методичні рекомендації до роботи над темою 14

Мета роботи над темою 14: удосконалювати навички різних видів інформативного читання (ознайомлювального, вивчаючого, переглядового, пошукового); одержати в процесі читання фахової літератури значущу інформацію; засвоїти ключову лексику та основні поняття, що містяться у фахових текстах; удосконалювати вміння анотувати прочитане.

У 3 семестрі студент має опрацювати тексти, в яких розглядаються питання форм бізнесу, звітування у бізнесі, кар’єри фінансиста, і виконати завдання до них.

Перевірка опрацювання теми 14 здійснюється в усній формі на першому практичному занятті семестру. Критерії оцінювання – від 1 до 7 балів1.

6-7 балів: студент зрозумів тему, основні факти та важливі деталі трьох текстів; виконав усі завдання до них.

4-5 балів: студент зрозумів тему, основні факти та важливі деталі двох текстів; виконав усі завдання до них.

2-3 бали: студент зрозумів тему, основні факти та важливі деталі одного тексту; виконав усі завдання до нього.

1 бал: студент зрозумів тему, основні факти та важливі деталі одного тексту; виконав не менше половини завдань до нього.

Роботу над програмним матеріалом слід проводити регулярно і систематично, розподіливши матеріал упродовж усього семестру. Якщо ви слідуватимете даним рекомендаціям, успіх вам забезпечено!

План роботи над темою 14

  1. Види читання.

  2. Робота над текстом 1.

  3. Робота над текстом 2.

  4. Робота над текстом 3.

Методичні рекомендації до роботи над темою 14

  1. Види читання

Одне з основних завдань навчання іншомовного читання полягає в умінні читати й розуміти текст без його перекладу рідною мовою. Саме систематична самостійна робота над фаховою літературою є базою вироблення таких навичок, які звужують відстань між перекладом і розумінням тексту без його перекладу, і загалом зводять нанівець необхідність перекладу.

Приступаючи до читання фахової літератури іноземною мовою, слід знати, що в залежності від мети, розрізняють переглядове, ознайомлювальне, вивчаюче та пошукове читання.

Переглядове читання

Метою переглядового читання є отримання загального уявлення про тему й коло питань, що розглядаються у тексті. Таке читання має місце під час первинного ознайомлення зі змістом публікації, спрямованого на визначення, чи є у ній інформація, яка цікавить читача, і на цій основі вирішити – читати її чи ні.

Цим видом читання ми користуємося тоді, якщо нам необхідно переглянути книгу, журнал, статтю тощо.

Швидкість переглядового читання має бути не нижче 500 слів за хвилину.

Ознайомлювальне читання

Цей вид читання ми використовуємо, якщо нам потрібно швидко прочитати текст для загального ознайомлення зі змістом. Під час ознайомлювального читання предметом уваги читача стає увесь твір (книга, стаття, оповідання тощо). На відмінність від переглядового читання, ознайомлювальне читання дає відповідь на запитання не тільки про що цей текст, але й що саме говориться у ньому з того чи іншого питання. Це читання “для себе”, без попередньої спеціальної настанови на подальше використання або відтворення одержаної інформації.

Ознайомлювальне читання часто використовується під час роботи зі спеціальною літературою.

Швидкість ознайомлювального читання становить близько 180 слів за хвилину.

Вивчаюче читання

Вивчаюче читання передбачає максимально повне і точне розуміння усієї інформації, що міститься у тексті, та критичне її осмислення. Іншими словами, вивчаюче читання означає розуміння усіх фактів і деталей, установлення взаємозв'язків між подіями, порівняння інформації тощо.

Вивчаюче читання ми використовуємо тоді, якщо нам необхідно зрозуміти текст до дрібних подробиць. Часто отриману інформацію згодом нам доведеться відтворювати або використовувати у тій чи іншій формі. Під час вивчаючого читання ми знаємо, що зміст треба осмислити й запам'ятати на тривалий час. Так ми читаємо все, що нам дуже потрібно для нашої подальшої діяльності - важливі інструкції, розділи підручника, матеріали для контрольних робіт та іспитів тощо.

Швидкість вивчаючого читання складає 50 – 60 слів за хвилину.

Пошукове читання

Пошукове читання орієнтоване на читання газет і літератури зі спеціальності. Його мета – швидке знаходження у тексті певних даних (фактів, характеристик, цифрових показників тощо).

Роботу над новим матеріалом (текстом) рекомендується починати з загального ознайомлення з його змістом, тобто ознайомлювального читання. Перевірка розуміння здійснюється виконанням відповідного завдання (як правило, це перше завдання до кожного тексту).

Для більш точного і глибокого розуміння інформації, що міститься в тексті, необхідно опрацювати нові слова і словосполучення, які зазвичай містяться у другому завданні до тексту.

Після цього може мати місце вивчаюче або пошукове читання. Перевірка розуміння інформації здійснюється шляхом виконання завдань на визначення правильних та неправильних тверджень, відповідей на запитання тощо.

На завершальній стадії студент має відтворити одержану інформацію у стислій формі (наприклад, у вигляді анотації).

2. Робота над текстом «Тypes and forms of business organizations».

2.1. Read text 1 and be ready to say:

a) what a business entity is;

b) what the main types and forms of business organizations are.



A business organization is frequently referred to as a business entity. A business entity is any business organization that exists as an economic unit. Business entities can be grouped according to the type of business activity they perform.

1. Service companies perform services for a fee. This group includes companies such as accounting firms, law firms, repair shops, and many others.

2. Merchandising companies purchase goods that are ready for sale and sell them to customers. They include such companies as auto dealerships, clothing stores, and supermarkets.

3. Manufacturing companies buy materials, convert them into products, and then sell the products to the companies or to the final customer. Examples are steel mills, auto manufacturers, and so on.

The business entity concept applies to all forms of businesses - single proprietorship, a partnership, and a corporation.

A single (sole) proprietorship is a business owned by an individual and often managed by that same individual. Single proprietors include physicians, lawyers, electricians, and other people who are in «business for themselves». In a single proprietorship, the owner is responsible for all debts of the business. Operating as a proprietorship is the easiest way to get started in a business activity. Other than the possibility of needing a local license, there are not any prerequisites to beginning operations.

A partnership is a business owned by two or more persons associated as partners. Partnerships are created by an agreement. Included in the agreement are such terms as the initial investment of each partner, the duties of each partner, the means of dividing profits or losses between the partners each year, and the settlement to be made upon the death or withdrawal of a partner. Accountants, attorneys, and other professionals frequently operate their firms as partnerships.

A corporation is a business owned by a few persons or by thousands of persons. The owners of the corporation are called shareholders or stockholders. They buy shares of stock. If the corporation fails, the owners lose only the amount they paid for their stock. The personal assets of the owner are protected from the creditors of the corporation. The stockholders do not directly manage the corporation; they elect a board of directors to represent their interests. The board of directors select the president and vice president, who manage the corporation for the stockholders.

2.2. Find in the text English equivalents of these words and phrases.

1. економічна одиниця

2. господарська одиниця

3. групувати, класифікувати

4. компанія з обслуговування

5. плата, гонорар

6. ремонтна майстерня

7. торгова компанія

8. посередництво

9. фірма-виробник

10. перетворювати, обертати на щось

11. кінцевий споживач

12. прокатний стан

13. стосуватися

14. лікар

15. передумова

16. вилучення

17. адвокат

18. збанкрутувати

19. особиста власність

20. вибирати

2.3. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

a) Business companies differ from each other according to the lines of their economic activities.

  1. An organization that is owned, and usually managed, by one person is called a sole proprietorship.

  2. When a few people become co-owners of a business, the organization is called a partnership.

  3. Operating as a partnership requires no prerequisites to starting operations.

e) The shareholders are immediately involved into the management of a corporation.

2.4. Use the key words and retell the text according to the рlan.

1. What is a business entity? (a business organization; to exist; an economic unit; to group; the type of business activity; to perform; service company; services for a fee; merchandising company; to purchase goods; to be ready for sale; manufacturing companies; to convert materials into products; final customer).

2. Three main forms of business organizations:

  • a sole proprietorship (to be owned by; an individual; a single proprietor; to be in business for themselves; to be responsible for debts; to get started in a business activity; local license);

  • a partnership (to associate as; to be created by an agreement; initial investment; duties of each partner; the means of dividing profits or losses between the partners);

  • a corporation (an owner; shareholders or stockholders; to buy shares of stock; the amount paid for their stock; protected from the creditors; to represent one’s interests; to elect the president; to manage the corporation).

3. Робота над текстом «Careers in finance».

3.1. Read text 2 and make a list of key words.



Careers in finance vary as widely as the scope of finance itself. Some of these career paths require extensive, highly specialized knowledge and advanced degrees. Others begin with entry level positions open to enthusiastic, hard-working individuals regardless of their undergraduate majors.

The scope of finance has increased so much over the past decade that the field is generally subdivided into three parts. Financial markets and institutions, financial management, and investments are commonly considered to be separate disciplines. The study of financial markets and institutions focuses on those public and private institutions engaged in granting loans, accepting deposits, facilitating securities transfers, raising corporate funds, and regulating both the economy (domestic and global) and its financial institutions.

Financial management is concerned with how firms acquire and allocate funds. It examines how firms obtain short-term and long-term funds and how these funds are spent to acquire selected assets. Decisions regarding dividend policies, merger and acquisitions activities, and leasing, all fall within the realm of the capital budget. Financial management also emphasizes the cash budget and management of its components.

Investment analysis focuses on how individuals or portfolio managers select appropriate financial and real assets. It examines the markets within which fund raising and security trading take place. It explores the methodologies used by investors, providing insights into criteria for analyzing companies and industries, as well as generating norms of behavior. The study of the markets for stocks and bonds, stock and index options, warrants, and commodities and financial futures are all part of the investments area.

Careers in Institutions and Markets

Entry level positions in financial institutions and markets can include everything from bank teller to credit trainee. A person with a strong finance background would probably begin as an administrative assistant to a loan officer, or as a junior financial analyst in either the credit department or the research department of a depository institution. Positions such as customer service representative or mortgage servicing specialist in an insurance company or a mortgage banking company, respectively, are generally staffed by people with limited finance backgrounds. More experienced individuals would be eligible for loan officer, branch manager, or senior analyst positions.

Careers in Financial Management

Entry level positions for those with associate degrees and limited experience in finance include data processing clerks, investor relations specialists, and accounts payable staff positions. Finance majors find entry level positions as junior accountants in cost or financial accounting departments, budget analysts, or financial planners. Promotion opportunities generally lead to managerial positions such as cash manager, credit manager, or financial accounting manger. Senior financial management positions include CFO, corporate comptroller, and treasurer.

Careers in Investment

Generally it is the investment area that attracts people to finance. They see an appealing opportunity to control multimillion dollar investment portfolios, оr to be part of an investment banking institution engaged in mergers and acquisitions. Most brokerage houses, however, provide entry level positions as registered representatives (for those who quality by passing specific NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers) examinations), or as investment or industry analysts. Clerical and assistant positions are always available with the major brokerage houses for those with limited experience, but excellent self-motivational skills. Senior employment opportunities include portfolio manager, senior investment analyst and investment counselor.

3.2. Answer the questions.

  1. The scope of finance is generally subdivided into three parts. What are they?

  2. What does the study of financial markets and institutions focus on?

  3. What is financial management concerned with?

  4. What does investment analysis examine?

  5. What are the parts of the investment area?

  6. What can entry level positions in financial institutions include?

  7. Where would a person with a strong finance background begin?

  8. What can you say about entry level positions and promotion opportunities in Financial Management?

  9. What are the appealing opportunities in the investment area?

3.3. Look at the terms in the left - hand column and find the correct definitions in the right hand column:

  1. finance

  2. financial market

  3. securities

  4. loan

  5. deposit

  6. warrant

  7. financial management

  8. investment analysis

  9. depository

  10. brokerage

a) an amount of money that you pay into a bank account

b) documents showing that you own shares in a company

c) the process of selecting appropriate financial and real assetd) a place where something is stored

e) money that is used to pay for something such as a large project

f) the process of controlling and managing finance

g) the activities of organizing business deals for other people

h) institution that brings buyers and sellers of financial assets together

i) the amount of money that a person borrows, especially from a bank

j) a document that gives someone official permission to do something

3.4.Write a summary of text 2.

4. Робота над текстом «Types of account».

4.1. Read text 3. While reading make your own list of business terms.



Assets. Assets are rights to use resources that are expected to result in future economic benefit for the accounting entity.

Cash. The Cash account shows the cash effects of a business’ transactions. Cash means money and any medium of exchange that a bank accepts at face value. Cash includes currency, coins, money orders, certificates of deposit, and checks. The Cash account includes these items whether they are kept on hand, in a safe, in a cash register, or in a bank.

Notes Receivable. A business may sell its goods or services in exchange for a promissory note, which is a written pledge that the customer will pay the business a fixed amount of money by a certain date. The Notes Receivable account is a record of the promissory notes that the business expects to collect in cash.

Accounts Receivable. A business may sell its goods or services in exchange for an oral or implied promise for future cash receipt. Such sales are made on credit (on account). The Accounts Receivable account includes these amounts.

Prepaid Expenses. A business often pays certain expenses in advance. Pre-paid Expenses are assets because they will be of future benefit to the business. The ledger holds a separate asset account for each prepaid item. Prepaid Rent and Prepaid Insurance are prepaid expenses that occur often in business. Office Supplies are also accounted for as prepaid expenses.

Land. The Land account is a record of the land that a business owns.

Building. A business' buildings - office, warehouse, garage and the like -appear in the Building account.

Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures. A business has a separate asset account for each type of equipment - Office Equipment and Store Equipment, for example. The Furniture and Fixtures account shows the cost of this asset.

Liabilities. Recall that a liability is a debt. A business generally has fewer liability accounts than asset accounts because a business' liabilities can be summarized under relatively few categories.

Notes Payable. This account is the opposite of the Notes Receivable account. Notes Payable records the amounts that the business must pay because it signed a promissory note to purchase goods or services.

Accounts Payable. This account is the opposite of the Accounts Receivable account. The oral or implied promise to pay off debts arising from credit purchases of goods appears in the Accounts Payable account. Such a purchase is said to be made on account. Other liability categories and accounts are added as needed. Taxes Payable, Wages Payable, and Salary Payable are accounts that appear in many ledgers.

Some other accounts may be as follows:

Owner's Equity. The claim that the owner has on the assets of the business is called owner's equity. In a proprietorship or a partnership, owner's equity is often split into separate accounts for the owner's capital balance and the owner's withdrawals.

Capital. This account shows the owner's claim to the assets of the business. After total liabilities are subtracted from total assets, the remainder is the owner's capital. The balance of the capital account equals the owner's investments in the business plus its net income and minus net losses and owner withdrawals. In addition to the capital account, the following accounts also appear in the owner's equity section of the ledger.

Withdrawals. When the owner withdraws cash or other assets from the business for personal use, its assets and its owner's equity both decrease. The amounts taken out of the business appear in a separate account entitled Withdrawals, or Drawing. If withdrawals were recorded directly in the capital account, the amount of owner withdrawals would be merged with owner investments. To separate these two amounts for decision making, businesses use a separate account for Withdrawals. This account shows a decrease in owner's equity.

Revenues. The increase in owner's equity from delivering goods or services to customers or clients is called revenue. The ledger contains as many revenue accounts as needed. If the business loans money to an outsider, it will also need an Interest Revenue account. If the business rents a building to a tenant, it will need a Rent Revenue account. Increases in revenue accounts are increases in owner's equity.

Expenses. The cost of operating a business is called expense. Expenses have the opposite effect of revenues, so they decrease owner's equity. A business needs a separate account for each category of its expenses, such as Salary Expense, Rent Expense, Advertising Expense, and Utilities Expense. Expense accounts are decrease in owner’s equity.

4.2. Check your list of business terms. Can you find the terms with the following meaning in it?

  1. капітал

  2. статутний капітал

  3. залишок

  4. чистий доход

  5. зняття з рахунку

  6. збитки

  7. витрати

  8. активи

  9. пасиви

  10. готівка

  11. чек

  12. номінальна вартість

  13. депозити

  14. позика

  15. платіжне доручення

  16. рахунок дебіторів

  17. вексель на отримання

  18. боргове зобов’язання

  19. в кредит

  20. передоплата

  21. рахунки до сплати

  22. бухгалтерська книга

    1. Read the text again. Here are some answers about the main types of account. Write the questions.


The cash effects of a business' transactions.

b) _____________________________________________

Because they will be of future benefit to the business.


A business' liabilities can be summarized under relatively few categories.

d) ________________________________________________

To pay off debts arising from credit purchases of goods.


Equals the owner's investments in the business plus its net income and minus net losses and owner withdrawals.

f) _______________________________

Assets and owner's equity both decrease.


If the business loans money to an outsider.


The business will need a Rent Revenue account.


Salary Expense, Rent Expense, Advertising Expense and Utilities Expense.

    1. Write a summary of text 3.

3. Методичні рекомендації до ПРАКТИЧНих Занять

Практичне заняття №1