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Розділ II - Практика

Text № 1

Завдання: Проведіть перекладацький аналіз тексту на лексичному, граматичному й стилістичному рівнях й перекладіть його на російську/українську мову.

FAO… Let There Be Bread

  1. A new excitement has been added to the queer race that Man has run against himself down through ages, testing whether he can produce food fast enough to feed his fast-growing family.

  2. In the past the race has never been a contest.

  3. Never, in all the yesterdays since he clambered out of the primeval ooze, has Man the Provider caught up with Man the Procreator: there has been famine somewhere in the world in nearly every year of recorded history.

  4. Even today after twenty centuries of Christian Enlightment, half man’s family goes hungry and vast numbers of them are actually starving to death.

  5. Nevertheless, the race has suddenly grown closer, close enough to be charged with suspense.

  6. For the Provider has latterly been getting expert coaching from the sidelines and, despite the fact that the Procreator, running strong and easy, is adding to his family at the unprecedented rate of nearly fifty million a year, the gap is steadily closing.

  7. The coach responsible for this remarkable turn of events is the Food and Agriculture Organization, more familiarly known as FAO, a specialized Agency of the United Nations.

  8. And for its achievements in this crucial contest it richly deserves two cheers.

  9. Not least of all because when it comes to the categorical imperatives of eating, every quack can be an expert and, in consequence, FAO operates in an area where lunacy often passes for logic.

  10. As its name suggests, FAO worries even more about the eater than about the farmer.

  11. The emphasis is natural enough, for farmers (and fishermen and producers of food generally) comprise only about three-fifths of the world’s gainfully employed; but we all eat and, to hear FAO tell it, most of us eat wrong.

  12. It was, indeed, out of concern for the well-being of eaters the world over that FAO was born.

  13. First there was the calorie, invented in the 1890’s by an America agricultural chemist named Wilbur Atwater.

  14. Then came the vitamin, discovered in 1911 by a Polish-born American biochemist named Casimir Funk.

  15. Calorie and vitamin together ushered in the wondrous era of nutrition, which, wigged and bearded as a science, got us all to thinking of our diet.

  16. To the agricultural economists, however, nutrition was more than a science of diet; it was a signpost pointing the way to an economy of abundance.

  17. Thanks to nutrition, they considered, farmers could be spurred to greater production of selected crops, international trade would flourish, and all the world would eat better.

  18. Throughout the 1930’s they urged a ‘’marriage of health and agriculture’’; when the war came, with it urgent demand for bumper crops, they had their ideas already formulated.

Комиссаров В.Н., Коралова А.Л.

Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский:

Учеб. пособие для ин-тов и фак-тов иностр. яз.

Translation hints:

  1. Зверніть увагу на всю ідею тексту в цілому. Особливо на першу частину – у ній простежується аналогія зі спортом, подумайте можливо лі відобразити її у перекладі.

  2. У тексті присутні назва організації й імена вчених, по можливості, треба знайти їхні еквіваленти в російській мові.

  3. Let there be bread – це алюзія на фразу з Біблії - And the Lord said: Let there be light. And there was light. Подумайте як використати це в перекладі.

  4. З'ясуйте скільки способів перекладу FAO існує. Використайте в перекладі самий частотний.

  5. A new excitement has been added… – Для перекладу виділеного словосполучення слід використати таку лексичну трансформацію як значеннєвий розвиток.

  6. …added to the queer race… – Подивіться словникову статтю виділеного слова. Проаналізуйте його на лексичному рівні.

  7. In the past the race has never been a contest – При перекладі виділених слів можуть виникнути труднощі з передачею змісту, тому що два слова, фактично, є синонімами. Наступне речення в тексті можливо допоможе з перекладом.

  8. Зверніть увагу на порівняння Man the Provider Man the Procreator. Поміркуйте як передати й зберегти цю ідею в російському тексті.

  9. Categorical imperatives – Термін введений Еммануїлом Кантом і позначає ''насущну/нагальну потребу''. Необхідно знайти російський еквівалент.

  10. …every quack can be an expert and… – Подумайте, як краще передати тут дієслово to be, підшукайте більш конкретне значення замість стандартного ''може бути''.

  11. …in an area where lunacy often passes for logic – Зверніть увагу на переклад виділених слів, їхні первинні словникові значення можуть бути не зовсім ідіоматичними в російському тексті.

  12. …most of us eat wrong – Мова йде не про поведінку за столом або про користування столовими приборами.

  13. It was, indeed, out of concern for the well-being… – Прийменник out of не тільки позначає ідею відсутності (e.g. out of money, out of mind, out of sight). У сполученні з назвами почуттів і емоцій (e.g. love, hatred, concern) цей прийменник має інший варіант перекладу, спробуйте підібрати потрібний варіант.

  14. It was, indeed, out of concern for the well-being… – Зверніть увагу на переклад емфази.

  15. …even more about the eater than about… – Визначте, до якого стилістичного рівня належить виділене слово. Головна задача перекладача передати значення на тому ж рівні, що й у мові оригіналу.

  16. …was the calorie, invented in the 1890's… – Зверніть увагу на слова ''calorie'' і ''invented'' і подумайте, якими саме словами передати їх у російській мові.

  17. …ushered in the wondrous era of nutrition… – Проаналізуйте виділене словосполучення на стилістичному рівні. Можливо в перекладі слід додати ще одну нову лексичну одиницю для логічного розвитку в мові перекладу.

  18. wigged and bearded as a science… – Подумайте чи можна знайти ідіоматичний еквівалент у російській мові.

  19. diet – Подивіться словникову статтю на це слово й підберіть необхідний варіант перекладу. Чи завжди відповідним варіантом є іменник ''дієта'' ?

  20. economy of abundance – Існує постійний термін у російській мові.

  21. …''mаrrіagе of health and аgrісulturе''… – Вирішіть, якою саме словниковою відповідністю або синонімічною конструкцією краще передати слово ''marriage''.

Text 2

Завдання: Проведіть перекладацький аналіз тексту на лексичному, граматичному й стилістичному рівнях й перекладіть його на російську/українську мову.

Russians are a mystical, religious, superstitious people at heart. I recall a poet seriously counselling me once never to go back to my apartment for something I had forgotten because it was bad luck to return and to have to leave a second time. A well-educated lady instructed our family on having all members of the household sit for a moment of silence before anyone departed on a journey; evidently a holdover from religious practice, for when she rose, she said, ‘’Go with God.’’ Others were careful not to mention the precise destination of trips so as not to attract the attention of the evil eye.

We knew other Russians who, like Orientals, put their faith in the zodiac names of the years. Still others, including intellectuals, swore that leap year is unlucky and attributed all calamities to that cause. The coming of anything so precious as a child invokes all manner of precautions. It is bad luck to pick a name in advance, bad luck to buy a present ahead of time, even worse to discuss the likely date. Russians also regard it as a bad sign, perhaps more out of conformity than superstition, if a child is left-handed. The moment they catch it starting to eat or draw with the left hand, they ‘’correct’’ it into right handedness.

Russians do not knock on wood so much as we but they spit figuratively over their left shoulders for the same purpose. Thirteen persons is bad luck at a table though Russian engineers do dare to put 13th floors in the buildings.

What intrigued me was that Monday is so widely regarded as inauspicious for launching a new undertaking. Not until some friendly Soviet journalist put me wise did I understand why trips for foreign correspondents so often began late Sunday rather than Monday morning.

Any cat, not just a black cat, is a bad omen crossing one’s path. But when you get a new home, Russians said, a cat should be the first creature to enter. If a bird flies in a window, it is a very bad portent of impending tragedy, possibly death or jail.

The roots of many of these superstitions seem to lie in the countryside, like the Russian fondness for proverbs or their belief in folk remedies. City people as well as peasants often prefer medicinal herbs and grasses or mustard plaster over modern drugs for simple ailments. An American friend was advised to apply a copper coin to reduce swelling. We saw Russians wearing garlic cloves around their necks to fight off a cold.

So strong are the inhibitions against shaking hands across the threshold, for fear that it foreshadows a quarrel, that I came home to America hesitating to reach my hand through an open door.

H. Smith ‘’The Russians’’

Translation hints:

  1. В цьому тексті відображено погляд іноземця на російських людей. Подумайте чи є можливість відтворити це в перекладі.

  2. I recall a poet seriously counselling me… – Зверніть увагу на конотативне значення виділеного слова. З’ясуйте чи можна зберегти це значення й у перекладі або втрату можна компенсувати іншими способами.

  3. …put their faith in the zodiac names of the years. – Поміркуйте як це краще передати в перекладі, щоб не виникло плутанини.

  4. Still others, including intellectuals, swore that… – Словникова відповідність виділеного слова навряд чи буде гарним перекладом. Зверніть увагу на конотативне значення. Подумайте, яку лексичну одиницю слід додати для компенсації значення.

  5. …Russian engineers do dare to put 13th floors… – Це емфаза, яку слід передати і в перекладі.

  6. …for launching a new undertaking – Тут теж слід компенсувати втрату образності конотативного значення.

  7. …journalist put me wise did I understand… – Поміркуйте над перекладом емфази.

  8. …like the Russian fondness for proverbs… – Можливо при перекладі виділеного слова слід використати конкретизацію.

  9. …often prefer medicinal herbs and grasses… – Зверніть увагу, що при перекладі виділених слів можна використати одну з перекладацьких трансформацій.

  10. So strong are the inhibitions against shaking… – Речення із зворотним порядком слів. Подумайте як краще всього передати його в перекладі.

Text 3

Завдання: Проведіть перекладацький аналіз тексту на лексичному, граматичному й стилістичному рівнях й перекладіть його на російську/українську мову.

Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker

"No big deal. Death always comes with the territory. I'll see you in Disneyland." Richard Ramirez uttered these chilling words as he was led away after being given 19 separate death sentences. A devotee of fast food and heavy metal, Ramirez was a very modern incarnation of a fear as old as mankind - the Devil's disciple.

Untold horror...

The depraved crimes he committed on the streets of California terrified the public for 14 months in the mid-eighties. Los Angeles journalists dubbed him 'The Night Stalker', a sinister nickname which added to the feeling of terror which gripped the city and its suburbs during the long hot summer of 1985. His dramatic capture, following a chase through the streets of LA, became one of the most memorable in the city's criminal history and was only eclipsed a decade later by the arrest of OJ Simpson. His callous and erratic behaviour during his trial added to his grisly glamour and he continued to mesmerise people for years afterwards. In 1996, while on Death Row, he married a woman who somehow remains convinced he is innocent.

Criminal beginnings...

Ramirez was born in February 1960, he was the youngest of seven children. Ricky, as he liked to be known, was a sad and solitary child who would play truant and spend hours in the town's video arcades, glue sniffing or smoking marijuana. At a young age he began shoplifting, picking pockets and burgling homes to raise money for his drug habits and his school reports were woeful. He was sent to a home for juvenile delinquents in 1977, the same year that his criminal record began. Ramirez came to the police's attention several more times before finally being given probation in 1982 for possession of marijuana. Fed up with El Paso, he quit and moved to San Francisco and later to Los Angeles. He developed an interest in guns and knives, got hooked on cocaine and took an unhealthy interest in Satanism. At this time, Ricky Ramirez was not a pleasant sight. He slept rough, wore dirty black t-shirts and jeans and had bad teeth and bad skin. He lived on a diet of junk food, cola and cakes.

The appliance of science

Not long after his release in the spring of 1984 he embarked on the road to becoming a serial killer. The police came under intense pressure to catch the maniac who was spreading terror throughout the Greater Los Angeles area. The vital clue came from a sharp-eyed teenager in Mission Viejo, James Romero III. He wrote down the registration number of a Toyota station wagon after he became suspicious when it drove past his house three times. A few hours later Renata Gunther saw the Night Stalker drive away in the same car.

Police put out an all points bulletin (APB) on the Toyota and two days later it was found in a car park in the Rampart suburb of LA. Revolutionary technology was used in an attempt to obtain the Night Stalker's fingerprints. A saucer of superglue was placed inside the car, which was then locked up with the windows tightly shut. The theory was that the fumes from the superglue would spread throughout the car and reacted with moisture to show up any latent prints. These would then be enhanced by a laser beam which was to be focused on the car's interior. Forensic scientists held their breath as the glue did its work. They unlocked the car and found a single print. A copy was sent off to a new California state computer in Sacramento where it came up with an almost instant match: 25-year-old Richard 'Ricky' Ramirez, who had been convicted in 1983 of car theft. Detectives from the Night Stalker taskforce brought up his mugshot from police records and knew instantly that the tall, scruffy and skinny Hispanic in the picture was their man. The mugshot was splashed across the front of the Los Angeles newspapers.


When Ramirez stepped off a Greyhound bus in LA on Saturday 31st August after arriving from Phoenix (where he had been buying cocaine), he soon realised that his luck had run out. Ramirez knew the game was up. He turned on his heels and ran for two miles. Police cars descended on the area amid reports that the Night Stalker had been spotted. He ran but was soon cornered, beaten to the ground and then pinned there until police arrived and took him into custody. A mob had to be held back as people surrounded the police station and shouted: "Hang him!" Ramirez is said to have told police, "I did it, you know. You guys got me, the Stalker." It seemed like an open and shut case, but when it came to trial (after repeated delays caused by Ramirez firing his lawyers) he claimed he was innocent and a victim of mistaken identity.


At a later hearing his attorney Mr Clark tried to claim Ramirez may have been possessed by the Devil. But the jury did not buy it and he was given 19 death sentences. He told the judge, "You don't understand me. You are not capable of it. I am beyond your experience. I am beyond good and evil." Ramirez remains on Death Row but continues to appeal against his conviction and sentence. Many would say that Ramirez would be eminently suitable for the gas chamber.

Extracts from http://katymuffin.tripod.com/id5.html

Translation hints:

  1. Мова йде про достатньо відомого серійного вбивцю, тому, перш ніж приступати до перекладу, варто пошукати додаткові матеріали, як на англійській, так і на російській мовах, які можуть допомогти з перекладом тексту.

  2. У тексті багато імен власних, які по можливості необхідно знайти в різних джерелах. Ще одна трудність перекладу цього тексту підзаголовки. Пам'ятайте, що їх треба переводити лаконічно і помітно. Вони повинні привертати увагу читача.

  3. Death always comes with the territory – Ідіома, яку необхідно передати і на російську мову без втрати сенсу.

  4. A devotee of fast food and heavy metal… – Подумайте, якими саме способами слід перекласти виділені лексичні одиниці.

  5. His dramatic capture… – Прикметник dramatic - це помилковий друг перекладача

  6. …added to his grisly glamour and he continued... – Це приклад оксюморона, тобто сполучення двох антонімичних понять. Слід спробувати передати цей стилістичний прийом у перекладі.

  7. …got hooked on cocaine… – Проаналізуйте виділене слово на стилістичному рівні й знайдіть відповідне йому в мові перекладу.

  8. He turned on his heels – Буквальний переклад тут звучатиме не дуже добре, спробуйте підібрати синонімічний еквівалент.

  9. But the jury did not buy it – Розмовний вираз, подумайте як саме краще передати його на російську мову, враховуючи стилістику жанру.

Text 4

Завдання: Проведіть перекладацький аналіз тексту на лексичному, граматичному й стилістичному рівнях й перекладіть його на російську/українську мову.


Could the famous Black Sea port sparkle again?

It was once Europe's Hong Kong, an opening to the world for a huge hinterland – this one the Russian empire, not China – whose surging trade made it preposterously rich. No European city seized the possibilities of the early 19th century more swiftly or more confidently than Odessa, Ukraine's great Black Sea port.

Its fame passed into fiction. When Honore de Balzac depicted the death of his tragic hero, Pere Goriot, in a poor Parisian boarding house in 1819, he made Goriot's last wish that of going to Odessa and remaking his fortune there in the wheat or the flour trade.

The year of Goriot's imagined death was also the year in which Russia declared Odessa to be a free port, 25 years after the city's founding. Already it could boast more than 35,000 residents, a cathedral, a girls' finishing school, a commercial court, an opera house and a theatre troupe led by the daughter of Marie-Antoinette's hairdresser.

The curse of progress

The timing of Goriot's wished-for new life would have been perfect. The golden age of Odessa was just beginning. But half a century later it would end, even as the legend of the city's wealth was still spreading. Its prosperity had rested narrowly on the export of Russian grain to western Europe, and in barely ten years, from the mid-1860s to the mid-1870s, much of that trade was lost. Cheaper and better American wheat flooded European markets after the American civil war ended in 1865. Between 1867 and 1873 Russia's share of Britain's grain imports fell by half, while that of America tripled.

The coming of the Russian railways in the 1870s only made things worse for Odessa. It allowed other Black Sea ports to compete more effectively for the remaining trade. Odessa's main brewery went bust and its banks crashed. By the mid-1870s those who still came to make their fortunes could find themselves sleeping in barrels on the streets.

Primorsky («Seaside») Boulevard, the corniche that runs above the port of Odessa, still speaks of the golden age. It is shaded by acacia trees first imported from Vienna by the Duke de Richelieu, Odessa's governor from 1803 to 1814, who distributed them free to the residents in the hope that their cultivation would cut down the dust in the streets. The boulevard is open on its southern side to the Black Sea. An extravagant mixture of 19th-century architectural pastiche lines the northern side, ranging from stuccoed Grecian to Moorish Venetian. The Corinthian-columned former stock exchange at the western end, designed in 1829 by a Sardinian architect called Franz Boffo, now houses the city council. The neo-classical palace at the eastern end, sadly derelict, was built for Odessa's fourth governor Mikhail Vorontsov, whose father had been Russian ambassador to England, whose sister married the Earl of Pembroke, and whose wife was said to have had an affair with Pushkin.

Extracts from The Economist (US), December 18, 2004

Translation hints:

  1. Зверніть увагу на заголовок і підзаголовок тексту. Подумайте, як передати слова faded і sparkle. Необхідно зберегти метафоричність і експресивність заголовка.

  2. Текст ізобілує іменами власними і географічні назвами, необхідно знайти їх еквіваленти.

  3. It was once Europeans Hong Kongmade it preposterously rich – При перекладі цього речення зверніть увагу на те, що в ньому присутня вставна конструкція. Спробуйте уникнути дослівного перекладу і подумайте, до яких трансформацій тут можна удатися.

  4. Its fame passed into fiction – Слово fiction полісемантично й тому може спричинити проблеми при перекладі. Наступне речення в тексті може допомогти з перекладом.

  5. When Honore de Balzac...or the flour trade – Не рекомендується переводити це речення дослівно, подумайте, хто буде агентом дії в перекладі.

  6. ...would have been perfect... – Зверніть увагу на часовий аспект і відобразить його адекватно в перекладі

  7. …the corniche that runs above the port… – Буквальний переклад цієї метафори буде невірним. Подумайте як найкраще перекласти виділене слово.

  8. It is shaded by acacia trees. – Напевно трудність викличе переклад виділеного слова. Поміркуйте, до якої лексичної трансформації можна удатися.

  9. …architectural pastiche lines… – Необхідно знайти варіативну відповідність для виділеного слова.

  10. У тексті зустрічаються архітектурні терміни: stuccoed Grecian, Moorish Venetian, Corinthian-columned. Пригадайте, які способи перекладу термінів існують, скористайтеся спеціалізованими словниками.

  11. Останні два речення в тексті складні, отже їх краще розбити на декілька простих для поліпшення сприйняття тексту.

Text № 5

Завдання: Проведіть перекладацький аналіз тексту на лексичному, граматичному й стилістичному рівнях й перекладіть його на російську/українську мову.


This exclusive licensing and distribution agreement is entered into as of April 23, 2007 by and between NetsunWind ("NSW"), a Ukrainian incorporated company, and M&R World ("OneWorld") , a Florida incorporated company, each a Party to this Agreement.


A. WHEREAS, NSW is a developer and publisher of interactive personal computer games.

B. WHEREAS, OneWorld desires to receive a license, to market, distribute and sell Downloadable versions of certain NSW's interactive personal computer games.

C. WHEREAS this Agreement limits OneWorld's activities to only the Spanish and Portuguese versions of NSW's interactive personal computer games, and only within the territories of the USA, Mexico, Central and South America, Spain & Portugal.

D. WHEREAS, OneWorld will pay NSW a royalty for the sale of each game that OneWorld sells either directly or indirectly within the territories referenced in Recital C.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows.

1. Term.

  1. Duration. The initial term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years and shall commence on the date the last party signs this Agreement.

  2. Renewal. Neither Party shall be under obligation to renew or extend the operation of this Agreement or to enter into any new agreement with the other Party following the expiration of the initial Term, nor shall either Party be under any obligation of any kind or have any liability whatsoever to the other Party by reason of any failure or refusal to renew or extend the operation of this Agreement or to enter into any new agreement with the other Party.

2. Grant of Distribution Rights.

Basic License & Distribution Right. NSW hereby grants to OneWorld, and OneWorld hereby accepts and agrees to exercise, the exclusive license and right to distribute the Games within the Territories for the duration of the Term in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3. Translation.

OneWorld agrees to provide NSW with reasonably accurate translated texts and/or voiceovers necessary to create Spanish and Portuguese versions of the respective Games. OneWorld shall bear full responsibility for any and all costs associated with this translation endeavor.

4. Royalty, Notification of Sale, and Payment.

Quarterly Royalty Payment. OneWorld agrees to pay NSW the Royalty generated during the period of the most recently ended calendar quarter, no later than fifteen (15) days following the end of said calendar quarter. Payment shall be made in US Dollars by check or electronic wire transfer to its agent.

Translation hints:

  1. Дивиться матеріали по перекладу юридичного тексту в розділі ‘’Теорія’’.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]