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Test 1

I. Вставьте предлог.

  1. “Today, we shall focus ______ the problems of multinationals”, the television presenter said.

a) to b) in c) with d) on

  1. We did not agree ______ their proposal.

a) to b) in c) for d) at

  1. Some governments object _____ multinationals dominating key industrial sectors.

a) on b) from c) to d) for

  1. He is responsible ____ several local firms going bankrupt.

a) at b) for c) to d) with

  1. The Recruitment and Selection Manager is accountable ____ me.

a) for b) on c) to d) at

II. Выберите слово или фразу, более всего подходящую по смыслу к подчеркнутому слову или фразе.

  1. It seems that the increasing production to greater volume for a national launch has been much more difficult than expected.

  1. scaling up b) enriching c) exaggerating d) improving

  1. It is a useful way for the network supervisor to monitor usage on the network and sometimes to find and identify problems that occur.

  1. to look for b) to find out c) to search d) to track down

  1. I hope to win a big order from one of the supermarket chains.

  1. to sort out b) to turn over c) to pick up d) to succeed in

  1. I think we’re going to have to agree to September – probably the last weekend.

a) to meet b) to settle for c) to arrange d) to reach for

  1. So I see no alternative: we’ve got to dismiss some of our people for a time.

a) to reduce b) to take off c) to lay off d) to put aside

III. Найдите слово, которое является лишним в горизонтальном ряду.

11. a) corporation b)company c) subsidiary d) associate e) group

12. a) end user b) customer c) distributor d) consumer e) purchaser

13. a) components b) profits c) money d) capital e) funds

14. a) obtain b) sell c) purchase d) pay for e) take over

15. a) remuneration b) allowance c) payroll d) salary e) fund

IV. Образуйте подходящую по смыслу форму слова от данной в скобках.

16. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accounts of business is called an _____ . (account)

17. I’ll trust you to behave ____ (responsibility) while I’m out.

18. The use of computers in business is an important new __________. (develop)

19. You must _____ (vacancy) the hotel room by Friday.

20. The rent is £10 _____ (include) of heating.

V. Вставьте в предложение подходящее по смыслу слово.

21. The management has worked out a … to improve our market share.

a) strategy b) policy c) target d) planning

22. Many of the … in the Personnel Department are part-time workers.

a) man b) employers c) personal d) staff

23. One of the company’s main … is to increase sales by 10% per year.

a) designs b) causes c) objects d) objectives

24. We have several proposals for increasing sales. We must … the merits of each of them.

a) cost b) value c) evaluate d) figure out

25. Has the change in exchange rates had any … on the cost of your raw materials?

a) result b) effect c) depend d) affect

  1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски правильной грамматической формой. Basil Heathcott-Jones

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