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I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму (инфинитив, герундий, причастие).

Jack suggested (1) ______ (let) one flat and (2) ______ (keep) the other for myself. But Tom advised me (3) _____ (sell) the whole house.

He resented (4) _____ (be) asked (5) _____ (wait). He expected the minister (6) _____ (see) him at once.

The inspector asked (7) _____ (see) my ticket and when I wasn’t able (8) ____ (find) it he made me (9) _____ (buy) another. He probably suspected you of (10) ____ (try) (11) ____ (travel) without one.

He admitted that it was possible that the car happened (12) _____ (be passing) and that the three men persuaded the driver (13) ____ (give) them a lift.

I’m delighted (14) ____ (hear) that you can come on Sunday. We are all looking forward to (15) ____ (see) you.

I’m not sure if I have met Mr Martino, but I remember (16) ____ (hear) his name.

Could you take this file to Ms Pole ? I meant to let her have it this morning, but I forgot (17) ____ (give) it to her.

If the faxmachine doesn’t work, try (18) ____ (turn) everything off.

II. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя причастные обороты.

19. Так как на презентации было много народа, мы не смогли найти наших двух представителей.

20. Будучи в Париже на выставке, я встретился с нашими партнерами по бизнесу.

21. Вот проект, о котором так много говорят.

III. Выберите правильный союз:

22. We’ll be able to start this project in two months unless / as long as the board think it is a good idea.

23. I won’t call you so that / providing I have a problem I can’t deal with.

24. I’ve left the answering machine on in case / even though anyone calls.

IV. Для каждого словосочетания (25-40) подберите соответствующее значение (a-p).

25. back up

  1. рассмотреть вопрос

26. put one's foot down

  1. стать популярным, модным

27. put oneself out

  1. очень стараться, прилагать большие усилия

28. be on the point of

  1. поддержать, оказать поддержку

29. carry out

  1. выяснить, разобраться

30. hold out

  1. проводить, осуществлять

31. spell out

  1. решительно, категорически

32. setback

  1. восстанавливать против, противопоставлять

33. point-blank

  1. действовать решительно

34. pick up

  1. настаивать

35. catch on

  1. откладывать, сохранять

36. cut out for

  1. собираться, намереваться сделать что-либо

37. take up

  1. улучшаться, восстанавливаться, подниматься

38. set aside

  1. подходить, соответствовать

39 set against

  1. растолковывать, разъяснять

40. have out

  1. задержка, регресс

V. Выберите правильный ответ:

41. Photocopying is a ______ of copyright or patent protection.

a) breach b) contradiction c) fraud d) bribe

42. The forecast which predicts how much money will be gained by a business is called the ______ forecast.

a) profit b) gross c) net d) loss

43. Previously the company concentrated on just one business activity, but now they are planning to ______ into new areas.

a) vary b) differ c) diversify d) differentiate

44. Managers ______ by giving responsibility to people working in their department.

a) range b) audit c) shortlist d) delegate

45. Some disadvantages of sole proprietorships include unlimited financial liability, limitations of financing, management deficiencies, and lack of ______.

a) liquidity b) continuity c) maturity d) specialty

46. The company will reimburse you for any expenses you ______ on your business trip to Europe.

a) create b) lose c) make d) incur

47. Part of Anne's job as an event coordinator is to ______ with local unions.

a) liase b) practise c) hold d) advertise

48. To my mind, the ______ used in our advertising campaign must be changed. It doesn't produce any impact. It's too dull.

a) moto b) slogan c) brand name d) sign

49. My mother thinks that the most beneficial way of spending money is _____.

a) a pawn broker b) a stock-jobber c) a defaulter d) a jumble sale

50. The price of coffee ______ according to the season.

a) leveled b) ceased c) fluctuated d) accelerated


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