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III. Выберите правильный вариант, обращая внимание на подчеркнутое слово:

12. The trouble is that organizational culture is ______ to assess especially from only a brief job interview.

a) hard b) useful c) worth d) no use

13. After introducing a new general manager our staff didn’t ______ being treated like slaves.

a) decide b) force c) forget d) anticipate

14. The chairman knows they never ______ him leave the board.

a) regret b) like c) let d) imagine

15. Because of a gas leakage in the central part of the city the police ______ everybody to stay clear of the area.

a) suggest b) advise c) allow d) make

16. He is a new-comer in this business and he seems ______ setting up a company.

a) has trouble

b) have trouble

c) be having trouble

d) to be having trouble

IV. Выберите наиболее подходящий перевод следующих предложений (причастные и инфинитивные обороты):

17. Inflation followed by rising of prices brought decrease of people’s living standard.

а) Инфляция, последовавшая за повышением цен…

b) Инфляция, за которой последовало повышение цен…

c) После того, как были повышены цены, произошла инфляция…

18. When addressing his constituents, the Member of Parliament was believed to point out a few home truths, which he knew would cause resentment.

a) При обращении к избирателям член парламента будет указывать на несколько…

b) Обращаясь к избирателям, член парламента указал…

c) Считалось, что во время обращения к избирателям член парламента укажет на несколько…

19. To put it more exactly, this is where independent directors ought to play a major part.

a) Точнее говоря, это именно там, где…

b) Другими словами, это именно там, где…

c) Следует сказать, что это именно то, что…

20. A new marketing campaign was the first to promise hassle-free and faster fuel buying for customers.

a) Новая маркетинговая кампания в первый раз обещает…

b) Новая маркетинговая кампания была первой, которая обещала…

c) Новая маркетинговая кампания впервые обещала…

21. The situation being favourable, we decided to buy the stocks of this company.

a) Будь ситуация благоприятной, мы бы купили…

b) Так как ситуация была благоприятной, мы решили…

c) Ситуация сейчас благоприятная, и мы решили…

22. As already mentioned, financial software was the next wave to catch.

a) Как следует упомянуть…

b) Как будет упомянуто…

c) Как уже упоминалось…

V. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов (a, b, c), который наиболее точно передает идею исходного предложения.

23. In the event of failing your driving test, would you take it again?

a) If you fail your driving test, will you take it again?

b) Provided that you fail your driving test, will you take it again?

c) Supposing that you failed your driving test, will you be able to take it again?

24. It was his behavior that prevented us from having a nice party.

a) We would have had a nice party if he hadn’t behaved so badly.

b) But for his bad behavior, we wouldn’t have had a nice party.

c) If he behaved badly, we wouldn’t have a nice party.

25. If I hadn’t missed the early train, I wouldn’t have been late.

a) I missed the early train otherwise I wouldn’t have been late.

b) If only I had missed the early train, I wouldn’t have been late.

c) Unless I missed the early train, I wouldn’t be late.

VI. Внимательно прочитайте текст. К каждому абзацу (26-33) подберите наиболее подходящий заголовок (a-I). Один заголовок лишний.

26. At the start, everything will be new and you will probably be nervous about answering the telephone and dealing with customers. You will become more assured as you develop knowledge and experience - set about gaining that knowledge about your company as soon as possible.

27. Good timekeeping and regular attendance are vital qualities for every office worker. If there is no one available to answer the telephone or type up invoices, the system will soon grind to a halt. If you are genuinely ill, phone your employer as early as possible so they can arrange for someone to cover for you. If you think you are going to be off sick for more than one day, let them know.

28. Assess a situation and try to assist in any way you can. First impressions of a company are often gained from someone answering the telephone or sitting at a reception desk. If that person is you, then your company's reputation can hinge on how you deal with customers.

29. Even if you know a customer is wrong, never be rude in return. If necessary, refer them to a senior staff member or to your employer to deal with.

30. You should be able to work on your own and find solutions for simple problems which happen throughout the day. If you have finished your current task, don't sit and gaze around an untidy office. The time you have spare could be used in clearing up or sorting through old files. Management decisions should still be passed through your employer. If a salesman has arrived with brochures for new office equipment, it is not up to you to order yourself a new office chair - this is a decision you leave to your employer.

31. It is important not to gossip about your employer or the people you work with. If someone shares a confidence with you, don't spread it around the rest of the office. People will soon learn whether they can trust you or not.

32. If you deal with petty cash, make sure the cash tin is not left around for anyone to help themselves. Regularly double-check that the amount in the tin ties in with the amount in your petty cash book. Don't 'borrow' from the petty cash. This is a bad habit and one you should not get into.

33. Be aware of potential dangers and follow safe practices strictly. Avoid having trailing leads from typewriters or kettles, which people could trip over. Check fire extinguishers regularly. Ensure fire exits are not blocked by boxes or filing cabinets.

A. Be tactful

B. Don’t spend long on simple tasks

C. Keep money secure

D. Have confidence – know your business

E. Be aware of health and safety rules at work

F. Be reliable

G. Use your initiative and common sense

H. Be helpful

I. Respect confidentiality

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