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Text 15

each extremely details proposed based commitments long for with in as persuasive few deal make instead

A well-known US candy company was interested in selling its product overseas. The company found a possible partner ____ 1 ____ in Tokyo, Japan. The Tokyo company seemed to be perfect for the deal. After many phone calls between the two parties, a decision was made to meet in Tokyo. The US company chose one of the company businessmen, Mike Waller, to represent it in Tokyo. He was the company’s most ____ 2 ____ negotiator.

Before Waller left the United States, he and the company’s lawyer worked together to write a detailed contract for the ____ 3 ____. The contract was fifty pages ____ 4 ____. The deal would be advantageous for both companies. It promised big profits.

Waller left ____ 5 ____ Japan with the contract. He was pleased ____ 6 ____ his careful preparation. He thought his future partners would be satisfied with his work and would be ready to bargain about the ____ 7 ____ in the contract. He had studied their company interests and was sure they would want to change a ____ 8 ____ conditions in the contract. He planned to agree to those changes ____ 9 ____ concessions. He was certain the meetings would result ____ 10 ____ good negotiations and a quick final agreement.

On the day of the meeting in Tokyo, Waller entered the boardroom with copies of the contract for the Japanese businessmen at the meeting. He handed them ____ 11 ____ a copy and began discussing the details. The representatives of the Tokyo company did not open their contracts. They didn’t discuss the contract at all but ____ 12 ____ spoke about general business issues. They spoke about the ____ 13 ____ cooperation between the two companies but they didn’t ____ 14 ____ any promises.

Waller then went back to the United States. He felt ____ 15 ____ surprised and disappointed. The Japanese businessmen had never asked him one question about the contract. No agreements or ____ 16 ____ had been made. He wasn’t even sure if there would be another round of negotiations.

Text 16

enough had less know transferred whatever party off qualities style accepted relationship including socializing

An American manager by the name Bill Morris worked for an American multinational firm. One year he was ____ 1 ____ to France. When he began working in the French office, he wanted to get to ____ 2____ his employees and show them that he was friendly and interested in a good work ____ 3 ____. He decided to throw a ____ 4 ____for the whole office. He thought it would be a good way to get acquainted with everyone in a ____5____ formal environment. He invited everyone in his office, ____ 6 ____ secretaries and executives, for a big party in his elegant apartment. Everyone ____ 7 ____ the invitation. He was pleased that no one ____ 8 ____ declined his invitation.

At his apartment Morris served a buffet of snack foods and drinks. The employees could help themselves to ____ 9 ____ they liked. The manager liked this casual ____ 10 ____ of parties. As an informal and relaxed host of the party he could show them that he was an open person and easy to talk to. Morris feels these are important ____ 11 ____ of a manager and boss.

The party, however, was not a success. The employees were very uncomfortable as guests. They felt they didn’t know Morris well ____ 12 ____ to be in his home. They thought he was showing ____ 13 ____ his money by inviting them to his elegant apartment. They also were not comfortable with one another because they were not used to ____ 14 ____ together.

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