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III. Заполните пропуски правильной грамматической формой.

  1. Tom is not suitable for the job. He’s too old. _________, he is unskilled.

a) Besides b) In addition to c) As well as d) And

  1. Plans for the housing development are still _________ discussion.

a) in b) under c) for d) on

  1. ________ problem for ________ today’s students is how to survive financially.

a) - , the b) The, - c) The, a d) A, -

  1. For the past few days I have been working in Jack’s office, as my own office ________.

a) is being redecorated b) is redecorating

c) was redecorated d) redecorated

  1. John _________ last week.

  1. a) had broken into his flat b) had his flat broken into

  2. c) had got his flat broken into d) had someone break into his flat

  1. The local council _________ a lot of new roads at present.

a) built b) have built c) have been building d) are building

  1. Don’t worry! All we have to do is wait here until someone _________ us.

a) finds b) will find c) found d) would find

  1. Joanna asked me _________ the photographs she had sent.

a) did I receive b) if I received c) had I received d) if I had received

  1. He advised me _________ to the manager as he was in a very bad mood.

a) don’t go b) not go c) not to go d) didn’t go

  1. You _________ return the car to the place where you hired it. You can return it to another Hertz garage.

a) don’t have to b) mustn’t c) can’t d) ought not

  1. You _________ him the money. He never pays his debts.

a) mustn’t have given b) can’t have given

c) shouldn’t have given d) didn’t have to give

  1. Thank you for your help. If you _________ me, I _________ the examination.

a) wouldn’t help … didn’t pass b) didn’t help … won’t pass

c) hadn’t helped … wouldn’t have passed d) didn’t help me … would pass

  1. _________ needed before the trial can continue.

a) Some evidence is b) Some evidence are

c) Many evidence is d) Many evidences are

  1. John F. Kennedy, not expected to win the American presidential election of 1960, in fact _________ by a small majority.

a) has won b) had to win c) did win d) should have won

  1. Brian has been working _________ since he was promoted.

a) much harder b) as harder c) just as hardly d) more hardly

IV. Образуйте подходящую по смыслу форму слова от данной в скобках.

  1. If we want a holiday this year we’ll have to (economy) _____. We’re spending too much.

  2. The national Lottery has come in for a lot of (critic) _____ since its introduction in 1995.

  3. I am (rely) _________ informed that he’ll be promoted soon.

  4. He’s going to change the system completely with his fresh (innovation) ______ ideas.

  5. Jane’s (appoint) ________ as a director caused no surprise.

  6. When you develop a product, you hope people will buy it. You hope the product will be (market) ________.

  7. Managers who like power find it difficult to (delegation) _______ responsibility.

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