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VII. Выберите правильный ответ

34. Many of the ______ in the Personnel Department are part-time workers.

a) staff b) staffs c) employers d) personal

35. Has the change in the exchange rates had any ______ on the cost of your raw materials?

a) result b) affect c) effect d) value

36. It is important that we get the ______ of our sales campaign right. We mustn’t have it early or too late.

a) item b) point c) timing d) time

37. Our latest policy is to introduce more luxury products. This means that we will phase out less ______ brands.

a) underpaid b) overdue c) overworked d) downmarket

38. Consumer surveys show that the Teaclub brand no longer ______ a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm. We should diversify it as quickly as possible.

a) conveys b) limits c) restricts d) holds

39. Foreign passengers are offered to enter the prize ______ to receive accommodation at luxurious hotels.

a) draw b) party c) ball d) meeting

40. A market in which there are few suppliers producing goods that a lot of people want to buy is a ______.

a) up market

b) foreign market

c) light market

d) sellers market

41. The company had hoped that new software designs would be a success but in fact they never really ______.

a) caught on b) end up c) go by d) stand down

42. Other business magazines were updating their presentation style to ______ to young computer-literate readers.

a) catch b) appeal c) approach d) lead

VIII. В каждом предложении найдите одно слово с ошибкой в правописании. Напишите это слово правильно.

43. In the 1990s both companies started to amend their hierarchical structures to exploite the perceived strengths of the other.

44. The coordination technologies of the industrial era – the train and the telegraph, the car and the telephone, the mainframe computer and the fax machine – made transactions within the company not only possible but advantageus.

45. A little chip company called Intel Corp. had launch the first microprocessors not long before, and a few entrepreneers saw a future in small personal computers made from them.

46. On this day, many young employees were carrying advance copies of “Bloomberg by Bloomberg”, a clear demonstration of what one outsider discribed as the “cultish” devotion employees seem to have for this tycoon.

VIII. Образуйте словосочетания, подобрав к каждому слову из колонки а одно подходящее слово из колонки b



47. TV

a) line

48. welfare

b) stretching

49. bottom

c) working

50. inward-looking

d) making

51. remote

e) slot

52. brand

f) benefits

53. bilateral

g) agreement

54. decision

h) employee


              1. Michael Lannon, Graham Tullis, Tonya Trappe, Insights Into Business, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, 1996.

              2. Graham Tullis, Tonya Trappe, New Insights Into Business, Longman, 2001.

              3. Nick Brieger, Jeremy Comfort, Developing Business Contacts, Prentice Hall, 1993.

              4. P.L.Sandler, C.L.Stott, Manage With English, Oxford University Press, 1993.

              5. Leo Jones, Richard Alexander, New International Business English, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

              6. Nick Brieger, Jeremy Comfort, Advanced Business Contacts, Prentice Hall International, 1994.

              7. Gerald Lees, Tony Thorne, English On Business, “ Титул”, 1997.

              8. J.Chilver, English for Business. A Functional Approach, Continuum, 1992.

              9. Frances Boyd, Making Business Decisions, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.

              10. Erica Hall, Bill Mascull, David Riley, Market Leader. Intermediate, Longman, 2000.

              11. David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Market Leader. Upper-Intermediate, Longman, 2002.

              12. David Cotton, Keys To Management, Longman, 1996.

              13. Dave Willis, Collins Cobuild Student’s Grammar, HarperCollinsPublishers, 1991.

              14. Sue Robbins, Collins Cobuild Vocabulary In Practice, HarperCollinsPublishers, 2004.

              15. Аннет Кейпл, Лорна Хислин, Словообразование. Справочник по английскому языку. АСТ. Астрель, Москва, 2003.

              16. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’dell, English Vocabulary In Use, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

              17. N.Kenny, L.Luque-Mortimer, FCE Practice Tests Plus, Longman, 2002.

              18. Sue O’Connell, FCE Practice Tests With Guidance, Longman, 1996.

              19. Dianna L.Fried-Booth, FCE Practice Tests Plus 2, Longman, 2002.

              20. Sue O’Connell, CAE Practice Tests With Guidance, Longman, 2000.

              21. Ray Norris, Ready For FCE. Workbook, MacMillan Heinemann, 2001.

              22. W.S.Fowler, First Certificate, Use Of English, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1997.

              23. Virginia Evans, James Milton, Practice Exams Papers 3, Express Publishing, 2001.

              24. J.C.Templer, Practice Tests for FCE, Heinemann ELT, 1996.

              25. Richard Side, Guy Wellman, Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency, Longman, 2000.

              26. Virginia Evans, Round-Up 6, Longman 2002.

              27. M.Kathleen Mahnke, Carolyn B.Duffy, TOEFL Preparation Course, MacMillan Heinemann, 1996.

              28. Paul Emmerson, Business Grammar Builder, MacMillan, 2002.

              29. Джозеф Девлин. Словарь синонимов и антонимов английского языка. Центрполиграф. Москва, 2002.


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