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5.2. Читання

Прочитайте текст про двох студентів. Що вони роблять однаково, а що по-різному?

Jack lives in a hostel. He gets up at eight o’clock in the morning. He goes to classes at nine o’clock. His classes usually last till 2 a.m. In the afternoon he studies in the library. He does his homework in the evening. He sometimes goes to the cinema on Saturdays. He has many friends and visits them on Sundays. Usually they play football – regardless of the weather – and sometimes they go cycling in the country.

Pete does not live in the hostel, he lives with his parents. He does not go to the Institute on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He goes to the laboratory and works there till six o’clock on these days. He has a lot of friends. They seldom go to the cinema but they like concerts. Pete usually does his homework from 7 till 9 o’clock p.m. Pete doesn’t go in for any sports. He thinks it takes too much time, and he wants to devote himself to science.

5.3. Письмові завдання

Вправа 2. Заповніть пропуски у тексті словами і словосполученнями:

11 p.m., a glass of orange juice and a sandwich, on his homework, at 8.30 a.m., local bus, first-year student, suburb near Chicago, team-mates, one day, finishes with, in the canteen, 7.30 a.m.

Dan Lions lives in a __(1). He is a __(2). Every morning he gets up at __(3). He has __(4) for breakfast and leaves the house __(5). He goes to his Technical School by bus. He doesn’t take a packed lunch from home and prefers to eat __(6). After classes he usually plays basketball with his __(7). Dan is a promising basketball player and he dreams that __(8) he will be invited to play for “Chicago Bulls”. After his training he takes a __(9) home and has dinner at about 7 o’clock. Dan doesn’t spend much time __(10) and it is usually ready by 9 o’clock. His usual evening __(11) watching TV or playing his favourite computer games. He goes to bed at __(12).

5.4. Граматика. Займенники

5.4.1. Особові, присвійні, зворотні та підсилювальні займенники



Зворотні та підсилювальні

(-ся, себе, сам)

Називний відмінок (хто?)

Об’єктний відмінок

(кого? кому?)

І форма (чий? чия?)

ІІ форма


І (я)

me (мене, мені)

my (мій)

mine (мій)


You (ти)

you (тебе, тобі)

your (твій)

yours (твій)


He (він)

him (його, йому)

his (його)

his (його)


She (вона)

her (її, їй)

her (її)

hers (її)


It (воно)

it (його, йому)

its (його)

its (його)


We (ми)

us (нас, нам)

our (наш)

ours (наш)


You (ви)

you (вас, вам)

your (ваш)

yours (ваш)


They (вони)

them (їх, їм)

their (їх)

theirs (їх)


Приклади: I work in an office. My office is in the centre of the city. This office is mine. Call me to my office. I will come to your office myself.

Зворотні займенники вживаються також як підсилювальні слова і відповідають українському сам. У цьому значенні зворотний займенник стоїть у кінці речення або безпосередньо після підсилювального слова:

I have seen it myself. – Я бачив це сам.

Вправа 3. Замініть виділені іменники займенниками у називному та об’єктному відмінках.

1. The girls are playing tennis. 2. I saw the girls in the park. 3. Put the books on the shelf. 4. The books are on the shelf. 5. We have seen the film. 6. The film is very interesting. 7. My sister went to the post-office. 8. I am waiting for my sister. 9. We listened to the professor with great attention. 10. The teacher is explaining a new grammar rule to the students.

Вправа 4. Заповніть пропуски особовими займенниками у необхідному відмінку.

1. On my way home I met Peter and told ___ about the trip. 2. I need this book badly. I can’t prepare my report without ___. 3. I don’t know the way to the railway station. Couldn’t you show it to___? 4. We are going to spend the summer in the country. Will you join ___? 5. Wait for us at the bus stop. ___ will be back in no time. 6. If you give me your home address, ___ will write to ___. 7. I know this woman. ___ works at the factory with my mother. 8. If I see Helen, I’ll ask ___ to ring ___ up tomorrow. 9. I like this radio set very much. Where did you buy ___? 10. You are to be here at 7. We’ll be waiting for ___.

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