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2.2. Письмові завдання

Вправа 3. Прочитайте текст та заповніть пропуски, де необхідно.

My _(1)_ is Lorenza Fiore. I’m 18 _(2)_ old and I’m from Lausanne _(3)_ Switzerland. I have _(4)_ two brothers and _(5)_ sister. I’m _(6)_ youngest. One of my brothers _(7)_ married. He and _(8)_ wife live in France.

My father is _(9)_ scientist. _(10)_ works at the Polytechnic Institute _(11)_ Lausanne. My mother is a doctor. _(12)_ works in a hospital. My _(13)_ comes from Ireland. She met my father when _(14)_ were students together in Trieste. They got married and went _(15)_ live in Switzerland. My father _(16)_ born in Venice, and _(17)_ grandparents are also from Italy. That’s why I’ve got _(18)_ Italian name.

I like riding horses, swimming, listening _(19)_ symphonic music and singing.

I learn English _(20)_ special courses. Now I want _(21)_ go to university to _(22)_ physics. I want to be a scientist as my father. Most of all I’d _(23)_ to travel to other countries. That’s why _(24)_ want to learn English.

2.3. Граматика. Артиклі

Вживання артиклів




Неозначений a (an)

  • Вперше йде мова про предмет.

  • В значенні числівника one.

This is a book.

Take an apple.



  • Йде мова про вже відомий предмет.

I bought a book yesterday. The book is interesting.

  • Є пояснення до предмета.

Take the book which is on the table.

  • Коли ясно з контексту, який предмет мається на увазі.

Open the window, please.

  • Перед географічними назвами (деяких країн, океанів, морів, рік, гірських масивів).

the USA, the Pacific Ocean, the Carpathians


  • Перед власними іменами.

Kharkiv, England, Smith

  • Перед речовинними іменниками.

snow, milk

  • Перед назвами днів, місяців, пори року.

in October, in winter, on Friday

  • Якщо перед іменниками стоїть займенник чи числівник.

this student, some books, five pens, three lessons

Вправа 4. Заповніть пропуски артиклями, якщо це необхідно.

1. He is ___ doctor. 2. ___ text-book is on ___ table. 3. Here is ___ book you wanted to read. 4. ___ Kyiv is ___ capital of ___ Ukraine. 5. This is ___ nice city. 6. All ___ students of our group attended ___ meeting. 7. I don’t know his ___ brother. 8. This ___ article is interesting. 9. Please, give me ___ black pencil. 10. We will go to ___ theatre tonight. 11. ___ Dnieper is ___ longest river in ___ Ukraine. 12. There is ___ new monument in ___ square. 13. There is ___ snow on ___ top of your car. 14. ___ water consists of ___ two molecules of ___ hydrogen and ___ one molecule of ___ oxygen. 15. In ___ September I entered ___ University.


Вправа 5. Заповніть кроссворд та у виділеному стовпчику прочитайте ключове слово:









1) the opposite to thin or slim; 2) your brother’s wife; 3) your sister’s daughter; 4) your mother’s brother; 5) your aunt’s children; 6) the opposite to fair; 7) the opposite to short; 8) your parents, brother, sisters, etc. are your ___.

Запам’ятайте, як читати скорочення!

etc. – and so on (тощо)

i.e. – that is (тобто)

e.g. – for example (наприклад)

Вправа 6. Вставте артиклі a, the або займенник some, де необхідно.

1. There are three rooms and ___ kitchen in our new flat. 2. My new dress is made of ___ silk. 3. If you want to write something on ___ blackboard, you must have ___ piece of ___ chalk. 4. Are there any students in ___ classroom? 5. I have ___ new English book. ___ book is very interesting. 6. There is ___ garden in ___ front of our university. ___ garden is not large, but it is very nice. 7. ___May is ___ fifth month of the year. 8. ___ Saturday is ___ sixth day of the week. 9. There is ___ coffee in the cup. ___ coffee is black. 10. My brother found out ___ interesting facts about ___ history of ___ our city.

Вправа 7. Напишіть розповідь про свою родину (1012 речень).

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