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13.4. Граматика. Повторення часових форм дієслова: групи Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous

Вправа 3. Заповніть пропуски одним з варіантів.

1. Mr. Black always ___ on a drawing board.

a) is drawing b) have drawn c) draws

2. These young men ___ at an English technical college in 2002–2004.

a) studied b) studies c) will study

3. I ___ the device when you come.

a) will been test b) have tested c) will be testing

4. Teachers sometimes ___ tables and diagrams before a lecture.

a) hangs b) hang c) hanging

5. The students ___ to the institute by tram tomorrow.

a) go b) will go c) have gone

6. You ___ for your girl-friend now.

a) are waiting b) is waiting c) waits

7. I ___ for 2 hours when she drops in tomorrow.

a) translated b) will translate c) will have been translating

8. My daughter ___ French for 5 years.

a) have been learning b) has been learning c) learns

9. The scientist ___ a very interesting experiment when we entered the lab.

a) was making b) is making c) were making

10. She ___ to a friend of mine at the moment.

a) talked b) talks c) is talking

11. Researchers of this laboratory ___ new equipment for TV communication via outer space.

a) have developed b) has developed c) developing

12. The scientist ___ his research by the beginning of the conference.

a) have completed b) had completed c) will complete

13. They ___ their translation of the texts before you return.

a) finish b) will have finished c) will finish

14. He ___ a letter for an hour when I came.

a) wrote b) was writing c) had been writing

15. My father ___ from a business trip.

a) has just returned b) have just returned c) just returns

Вправа 4. Визначте часову групу. Запишіть речення у Past та Future.

1. The job gives her satisfaction. 2. Students are making an experiment in the laboratory. 3. We have already finished our experiments. 4. He has been working at this problem for two years.

13.5. Домашнє завдання

Вправа 5. Поставте дієслова в дужках у потрібну часову форму.

1. They already (to apply) new methods in their research. 2. Our country (to develop) into a powerful state and (to make) great progress in all fields of industry, technology and science. 3. By the end of the 19th century scientists (to make) the first attempts to obtain synthetic materials. 4. The workers (to build) this new house by the beginning of the next year. 5. These shops (to produce) some new chemical apparatus now. 6. The water in the tube (to boil) at the moment. 7. The laboratory assistant (to write) down all the data during the whole experiment yesterday. 8. They (to mount) the machine-tools from 2 to 7 o’clock tomorrow.

Вправа 6. Перекладіть речення. Зверніть увагу на вживання різних часових форм.

– Чим ти займаєшся? – Перекладаю текст.

– Ти часто перекладаєш тексти? – Так.

– Як часто ти робиш переклади? – Я звичайно перекладаю один текст на день.

– Як давно ти робиш переклади з іноземної мови? – Я перекладаю тексти з того часу, як почав учити англійську.

– Ти сьогодні переклав які-небудь тексти? – Так, я сьогодні переклав один текст і завтра збираюсь перекласти ще один.

– Коли ти завтра будеш робити переклад? – Завтра я буду перекладати текст з другої до третьої години.

Вправа 7. Складіть листа з розповіддю про свою країну, використовуючи активні слова та вирази (710 речень).

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